>Guest Book
3/14/2025William Quisenberry
Hey you guys Im still kicking, lived in Charity VA. Electric Shop june 69- june 70. Im 78 now.
1/25/2025Robert Parks
A very happy new year to you all. My Father, Robert Higgins was with the 121st in country from 4/63-6/63. I enjoyed reading the history. Thank You.
12/24/2024Tom Materene
Merry Christmas to all of you
11/28/2024Barry White
Happy Thanksgiving to all Vikings and Tigers
11/11/2024Don Cummings
In country May 1968 - May 1970. This video says it all. "We Just Did What We Were Told" Words and music by Don Forbes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knK_6MqLAeU
11/3/2024Charvis Morse
Member from Mar 69 to Mar70. 121st was my 2nd Didn't Quackenbush work in the prop shop, besides being a gunner? Served from 1964 to retirement in 1993.
10/14/2024robert mcdonald
no email fix it or take it all out
10/3/2024Michael Joynt
Don, I was taking with Ron Johnson today and just found about John, very sad news. I talked with John from time to time, we talked quite awhile about John Kennedy also. The last we spoke was around the holidays and he had his Doc visits and told them don’t schedule around his reunion time. Our Prayers go out to him and 121st AHC. Take Care
6/26/2024Alexander Moore
121st 64-65
6/24/2024Wayne Zander
Just found out that Daniel Eismann passed away June 4th of natural causes. Dan was a crewchief for the Vikings from June 68 to January 70.
5/7/2024Membership Chairman
Good Morning Charlie. I note your address and will make that note for our files. I had no contact information for you up to this point. My records show that you were never a LIFE member, or a member at all. You can remedy that by filling out the membership application and following the instructions for filing. VHPA records indicate you were a member of the 121st in 65-66, not 55-56. In any event, WELCOME HOME.
5/6/2024Charlie Gilford....Soc Trang Tiger 1955-56
I am looking for whomever would be in charge of changing my mailing address for SocTrang information. My new address is : 221 Lake Margaret Circle Mount Dora FL 32757
Also, for membership info. I notice my name is missing from the LIFETIME Member list on the web-site. Can someone look at that for me, correcting that for me please? Thanks....Charlie
5/5/2024Mel Perricone
It's nice to see you guts keeping in touch
4/18/2024Web Boss
Gents, the 2024 reunion information pages and registration form are now available on this web site.
4/9/2024Web Boss
The PX continues to close. The Tiger patches and lapel pins are now sold out and will not be reordered.
4/9/2024Web Boss
Gentlemen, the latest Tiger Gazette is posted and contains information about the next reunion.
3/4/2024Dale Cremisio
I’m trying to help. Sam locate some of his friends from the 1/21 and get a unit patch for his 98th birthday. Please call me. 813-520-3174 My name is Dale Cremisio. I am Sam’s friend. Thank you..
3/4/2024Sam Kitchen
Hi hi guys, I’m trying to get in contact with the association with somebody. Please call number 9104850998
3/2/2024Dan Neeley
Guardian 6, 1969
2/29/2024Douglas Womack
I emailed your historians .pdf files with the DA General Orders for all of the unit awards conferred on the 121st: PUC with Oak Leaf Cluster, Valorous Unit Award, and four RVN Gallantry Cross Unit Citations with Palm. I don't know if they were received, because I haven't seen a reply yet. Perhaps someone in your organization can have them check their inboxes or spam folders.
2/13/2024Ian Robinson
@ Roy Behler Viking22
Dear Roy, I must have been your successor.
Ian Robinson 1969-70 [T-24,V-22], 1970-71 [V-22, and later Falcon 88 w/ 335th Avn Co. of the 13th CAB]
2/10/2024Gary Cook
I was part of a 4 man US Air Force assigned to Soc Trang in support of the 1st Air Commando Group - T-28 pilots. I was there during 1962-63. If anyone interested in tent city photos taken during that time, please let me know and I will find a way to incorporate them into this forum
1/29/2024Don Jackson
John Schmied passed from this world to be with our Lord last Friday, January 26th. John was one of the four people who founded the 121 AVN Association in 1966. He used his considerable administrative skills to work with John Kennedy to write the Associations organizational documents and has served as our secretary ever since. We knew he was losing his battle with cancer, but his loss is still a shock to me. John was the first friend that I made when I came to Soc Trang in September '66. We worked on Don Banta's maintenance crew together, and as I had been trained on Mohawks and not Hueys John lead me around and taught me what I needed to know to maintain them. After work we hung out together and he told me about St. Louis while I told him about the Kentucky hills. We lost track of each other when he went home in '67, but regained contact in 2003 thanks to the internet and have kept up with each other ever since. John was an important part of the formative phase of my life. The last time we talked he promised to wait for me at Fiddler's Green, round up our friends from those early days, and we will have one heck of a party when I get there. Until them, I have lost a friend and the 121 AVN Association has lost a great asset. Don Jackson
1/21/2024Gilberto & Ester Mendoza
Happy New Year, I think it is still appropriate since it is still January.
I am looking for information of an event that occurred sometime between during 1966. There was a mortar attack during the night. One of the casualties was the "Yellow Rose". The Rose was assigned to the 121st. The intent was to write stories of the Rose's mission in Viet-Nam. Unfortunately, it had a short history at the 121st. If anyone remembers the date of the attack, I'd be mighty grateful.
I can be reached at the following addresses:
mendoza.gilberto@att.net 512-554-4625
Thanks, Gilberto Mendoza CW4 (Retired)
12/24/2023Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year
Wishing all of you the Best for Christmas and the New Year 2023/2024 Thinking of our Combat Assualt Missions with everybody shooting at everybody while listning to AFN Saigon playing Christmas Music. What a crazy world! Shaky...BlueTiger 67-68
11/14/2023Roy Behler Viking22
11/13/2023John cristelli
Served 68-69 crew chief B/T
9/23/2023Fantastic collection of photos, names & units.
Submitted by Mike Shakocius Blue Tiger 67/68
9/23/2023Fantastic collection of photos, names & units.
Yes fellow Tigers. If you don't have any of John's books yet go ahead and get one. I'am sure you will be impressed. One book won't be your last. Let your family and grandkids see what Grandpa did in the war over 50 years ago! (How time flys!)
9/16/2023John Brennan
My email: johnmailman2@yahoo.com
9/16/2023John Brennan
Tigers and Vikings: You're find 42 photographs of your unit's helicopter NOSE ART in John Brennan's four (4) photo books between Stackpole Books and Fonthill Graphics. Congratulations.
8/23/2023Pete Godfrey
email: dieterpmg@me.com
8/23/2023Pete Godfrey
Looking for Mike Dewey I was the crew chief on UH-1D Beer Bulits and Blood
5/8/2023Lloyd "snake36Bravo" Goldston III
Mike, the two surviving panels down at Pima are of a Viking gunship nose art and Tiger 22
Thanks for answering and giving some insight. So it was a Vietnamese local artist that did them all. Damn he was good. Wish someone knew his name or the shop name.
I am hoping someone will remember the name or have pictures of the artist who painted all the nose art for the 12st AHC. He was very good and did a great deal of work for the unit. You can reach me at studioimirage@gmail.com
Thanks and welcome home!
5/5/2023Tarry McGovern
4/18/2023John Schmied
FUND RAISER A historic event is taking shape along the Potomac River just outside of Washington, DC. A magnificent state-of-the-art facility has been built as a national landmark to honor America’s Soldiers, preserve the history of America’s oldest military branch, and educate all Americans about the Army’s role in our nation’s development. The National Museum of the U.S. Army will serve as the capstone of the Army Museum System and provide the only comprehensive portrayal of Army history and traditions. The Museum will celebrate the selfless service and sacrifice of over 30 million men and women who have worn the Army uniform since 1775. Unit Tributes will line the Path of Remembrance leading up to the Museum. The 12”x 18” plaques will honor individual Army units of any size and period of time. The plaques are engraved in polished Mesabi Black granite. The total cost of the commemorative plaque is $5,000.00. Please donate what you can towards this goal. The beauty of the project is that all funds are tax deductible. The 121st Aviation Association is asking for your help to donate a Unit Tribute plaque for the Tigers, to be placed at the National Museum of the U.S. Army at Fort Belvoir, VA. We want to be counted as a plaque unit to leave something for future Americans and Army members. Dedication, duty, honor, integrity, comradery are some of the attributes learned in the Army that Army unit members relate to easily. We do not want to forget we are the…
“The World Renowned Soc Trang Tigers”
Payments can be rendered via a personal check to: “National Army Museum Fund” Attn: Leah Beckett, 1775 Liberty Drive, Ste 400, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 and write “121st Aviation” on the memo line so our unit receives credit towards the goal or via a secured credit card donation on this website or calling Leah Beckett’s Office number (571) 384-3016. All monies given this way belong to the museum. In a web browser type ARMYHISTORY.CAUSEVOX.COM/121ST-AVIATION and push enter. This will take you to the donate page. Click Donate and enter your donation amount. Draft of the proposed Unit Tribute plaque follows: 121st ASSAULT HELICOPTER COMPANY
3/20/2023Milo Tuma
Served in the 257th Signal Detachment, Avionics, Dec. 1964 to Dec. 1965. Did radio repair and took care of the homing beacon at the back of the base. Flew missions to landing zones to pick up ARVNs with the Vikings and slicks with my box of avionics to make field repairs, if needed. Also flew as door gunner on an as needed basis. Mainly on 555 slick ship. Have dozens of pictures to share. Also would like Jim Loman to contact me. He has some pictures I have, in his gallery. He also has pictures of our Sgt. Hooker and his pets which indicates we were serving there about the same time. My email address is: luvcars40@gmail.com
3/8/2023Michael McIlvaine
Known as Bingo jmmcilvaine89@gmail.com
3/8/2023Michael McIlvaine
I was a tiger and then a viking roommate was fox they called me bingo he wore a chicken plate front and back and the round went between them sad day the time I remember the most funny was when we were on deck and a round came up from the bottom of the ship and shrapnel het me on the inner thy I stood up and pulled my pants down to check the jewels and are wing man said tell bingo to quit mooning them and shoot them
3/2/2023Richard Jones
I was wounded while flying on Sept. 13 1967. I spent 2 months in hospital in Japan. I have not thought about it much since. I guess I am becoming nostalgic as I get older. I was a crew chief and would like to hear from anyone who was a viking at that time.
3/1/2023Walter Wagner
Served in the 121st from June 1963 to June 1964. Was responsible for maintenance and care and cleaning of the three l-19's. Have enjoyed browsing thru the website
2/1/2023Gene Veloni
Tommie Edney The same Edney that flew with Padge? As I recall there was a whole crew shift at that time.I recall when Surprise got hit. Was on tower 1 that night and could see the fire from there, about 2 clicks out. I flew on the ship with Creig Matthews, and Linus was the pilot. We use to hang together quite a bit. Hope life is treating you well. Good hearing from you
1/28/2023Web Boss
Gents, check out the "Breaking News" about the 2023 reunion on the "Home" page of the web site.
1/21/2023Mike Shakocius
I was in the unit only for a couple of months at the time but I remember that Jerry went out on R&R but got stuck in Saigon as TET 68 just started. Poor guy, Tet was bad enough, but being stuck in the wrong place ie not at home, made it even harder!
1/18/2023bud dodd
I flew with Jerry Daly on many missions from 1965 to 1966 -was THE best Pilot i ever flew with -- i also plan to attend the funeral - I was crew chief for Viking 645( tail Number ) So sorry to hear of his passing
1/17/2023Andrea Elliott
I am the daughter of Fred Kemp. Jerry Daly passed this past weekend. My mom, Norma Kemp and I will be at the funeral Mass. Here is obituary https://www.fairfaxmemorialfuneralhome.com/obituaries/Father-Jerome--Richard-Daly-?obId=27046097
1/17/2023Mark Tardi
I am the son of Daniel J. Tardi (deceased 2011), who according to his DD-214 served in the Army during the Vietnam War from 1966-1969. It also notes his last posting as the 121st AVN Airmobile unit. While my sisters and I knew that our dad served in Vietnam, he only spoke about his war experiences to us once in 3 decades. I would be grateful to anybody who served with my dad and would feel comfortable sharing a few thoughts to contact me at mark.tardi@gmail.com
12/27/2022william Quisenberry
Ian Robinson, I was there when you flew Surprise, I was the electrician and was on guard duty when it went down 04/70. The maint officer got me off of guard duty and we flew out there to see if we could recover anything that we needed ( batteries ect) they had already picked up the bodies and wounded.I knew coffman and de-silva
12/26/2022william Quisenberry
I knew s/p Coffman. I was on guard duty when Tiger Surprise went down. I was watching it flying around the perimeter when I saw a bright flash and it went down.Capt Perrez got me off of guard duty and we flew to the crash site to help. The recovery ships were already there picking up body parts and the wounded.My best friend Sp De Silva was killed. He had just started flying with Surprise when he died-was going home in a couple of weeks.
12/19/2022John E Atkinson
Hello, my dad worked on the Huey fro64-65, his is John O Atkinson. Was wondering if anyone remembered him.
12/3/2022George Ferguson
Would like to contact Oscar Martinez - Vikings
11/20/2022george d korth
i was with the tigers 67/may 68 door gunner
10/24/2022Tommie Edney
I flew on tiger surprise 70 and7l. I stepped off of surprise a month before it was shot down. I was light man and then on To the 50 cal.
10/17/2022David Wilson
Ian Robinson, I remember when you came aboard with the Vikings. A real pleasure to hear about you again.
10/17/2022David Wilson
I believe Ricky Thomas returned to Soc Trang for his second tour Mid 1970?
10/5/2022Stephen Schneider
My dad was at Soc Trang 66-67. 80th Trans Det. Harry Alan Schneider. Worked in the shop for few months. From what he wrote in his diary, it seemed like all he did was replace booms. Then was transferred to the fire department on base. Glad I found this site. Maybe there should be a Sons of 121 AVN Assoc.
8/15/2022Bob Ennis Viking 21
Looking for my co-pilot and Crew who were shot down with me on the 24th of June 1969. I don't remember the names as I spent the next 7 months in traction and another 4 months in a body cast. I do remember that Tiger 6 came down to rescue us and get us when another fire team arrived to cover him to get us to the Can Tho hospital.
6/9/2022Lauren Olsen
Does anyone remember WO Sherwood David Kreis (121ST AHC, 13TH AVN BN, 164TH AVN GROUP, 1ST AVIATION BDE)? He usually just went by David. His tour in Vietnam began July 1st, 1968 and he died September 29th, 1968. They listed his death as "Non-hostile, died of illness or injury" in Phuoc Tuy Province, South Vietnam. However, one veteran reached out to me and my family after hearing from a another veteran (who was there the night David died) about what REALLY happened. If you remember David and the night he died could you please reach out to me at laurenwollscheid@yahoo.com
Also, if you do remember David and have good memories of him during his short time in Vietnam, my family and I would love to hear them.
Finally, I want to thank ALL of you and all of your brothers and sisters for your sacrifice and service. I am the wife of a Marine Corps veteran and I work at Hines VAMC in Hines, Illinois. I have seen what war can do to an individual and please know there are so many of us that are here for you. Welcome Home!
5/29/2022Web Boss
All gave some. Some gave all. Freedom is not free.
4/3/2022Jeff neal
3/28/2022Charvis Morse
Charlie Martinez, you and I served as CC and gunner with the Vikings. Remember when avionics in Vinh Long accidentally fired off all 7 rockets when they forgot to disconnect their APU (3/4T Truck) when they drove back to the hanger to get a part. You and I were behind the conex next to the pond.
3/9/2022Peter Fralick
I was company clerk Feb-Nov 1968.
1/5/2022David A. Sabin
I was an Avionics radio repairman in Soc Trang from June, 1967 to July, 1968. I ran across a list that was in my storage box, of others who worked in both the Avionics shop as well as on the line.
I am wondering if anyone has had any information and/or communication with anyone who was in Avionics at or around 1976-1968.
12/13/2021Moana Tregaskis
I’m thrilled to announce a new edition of Vietnam Diary by my husband, Richard Tregaskis with a new introduction and rare archives through JMFdeA Press. It was the first book I assisted my husband and is so special for me. I think often of those times we spent in Vietnam and wish much aloha to you all!
11/24/2021Bob Greene
Happy Thanksgiving to all Tigers.
11/18/2021Joe Goetz
jgoetz50@yahoo.com CC, Tiger 26 1970
11/18/2021Joe Goetz
CC, Tiger 26 70-71. Richard Medeiros
11/10/2021Bob Greene
A salute to all the Veterans.
10/28/2021bud dodd
ws a Viking Crew Chief 65-66 and the 588 was properly the tail number of his ship mine was 645 -- it was a pleasure to fly with that group .
10/17/2021Bob Greene
Need to ask members of the 93rd Trans when the side markings "US ARMY" and US Roundels were removed from the CH-21C?
10/11/2021Kevin Schramm
Looking to find info on Ken Davis possibly door gunner with 3rd Platoon Guns, The Vikings, 67-68. He has passed and never talked of his experience in Vietnam with members of his family. They have recently just found his flight helmet which is what leads me to believe he was a member of 3rd Platoon . The helmet is all black with the Viking holding rockets and 60’s inside a diamond. On the left side is a large V with 588 centered just above it. I’m trying to help them find out anything about his service. Thanks
9/19/2021Matt Hattaway
Did anyone know a Lt/Capt William E. "Bill" Hattaway? He was a Texas Aggie, helicoptor pilot and he was in the 121st AHC. I have a photo of him standing in front of "Mad Tom" (White Tiger Lead) probably from 1968 or maybe 1969 with a 121st patch.
He was my uncle and he never talked about his time flying and I just want to know more about him.
Thanks, Matt Hattaway 9794224231
9/18/2021Matt Hattaway
Love that history is being preserved here.
9/11/2021Rick Thomas
Just a note that we have lost one our our group. Dan Swecker, Tiger & Viking pilot passed away this week (Sept 11, 2021) at home with his family. I don't remember Dans actually dates with 121st but I remember saying goodby to him when I went home in mid 69.
8/17/2021Ian Robinson
Chas Coffman said: "Clyde Lee Coffman was the uncle I never met since he passed after sustaining injuries with the Tiger Suprise on April 4, 1970."
Tiger Surprise was a UH-1D rigged with a cluster of aircraft landing lights and a 50 cal. machine gun. It lurked about at night (hence the landing lights) looking for enemy activity around the Soc Trang Airfield area. It often flew low, usually with its navigation lights out. If suspicious activity was found, the crew would illuminate the enemy with the search lights and open up on them with the 50 cal. and M-60 machine guns. It was dangerous work. T-Surprise was often hit with small arms fire.
I was a co-pilot on T-Surprise within two weeks of arrival @ Soc Trang. T-Surprise was hit with several rounds, and no one was hurt. This being the first time I had lost my virginity in combat meant I had to buy drinks for everyone in the bar.
You can be proud of your uncle and appreciate his courage. If he was the gunner on Surprise, he would have been out there often. I honor his memory.
Ian Robinson 121st AHC: Tiger 24, Viking 22 335th AHC: Falcon 88
8/11/2021Richard (Dick ) Johnson
door gunner 1969 - 1971 2 tours
7/25/2021Donald Jackson
Ms. Shore,
Your father and I came to each other's attention in September 1967 when I flushed his eyes with ice water. He had gotten a face full of JP-4. He probably told you that story. Afterwards, he and I worked together to eliminate some problems with our helicopters that were otherwise unresolved. He was a great asset to our unit, and I greatly appreciated seeing him again at our reunions.
7/23/2021Dianna Shore (Daughter of G. Reynolds Shore)
My father with whom some of you served is no longer with us. He went to be with the Lord March 23, 2019. I feel like he would want you to know. He would tell me stories of his time in Vietnam. I have his blue and yellow scarf, ball camp with the Viking logo, his letter about being able to go home,dog tags and other related items I treasure.
Fred Lammers, it is an honor to know your name. He told me stories but some he kept to himself. He opened up to me when we would go on drives. He also told me about a reunion he attended.
He always loved to fly. Now he gets to fly whenever he wants.
Thank you again for building this website. I appreciate all of you for your service and sacrifice. I may not know you all by name but carry you in my heart.
7/18/2021bud dodd
was telling my wife about the day when i rotated back to the States from the Vikings - was at the end of the runway waiting for my flight and when the Vikings were taking off for their mission everyone --one at a time came down the runway turned and faced me and dipped their nose - as i was saluting each tears where flowing -- just wondered if anyone might have a film of that ??-Email bdodd@benfieldinc.com
6/13/2021Rick Thomas
Just a note that I will not be able to make the reunion in september. Unfortunately I have another commitment here at home that happens to cover the same dates. Been awhile since I last attended but I sincerely hope to attend in the coming years. Hope everyone has a great time. Think of you all often and stay safe.
6/11/2021John Cristelli
67-68 121st BT CC
6/9/2021John (Jack) Smith
Just to let you guys know, there are two things that I think are very interesting. Although they do not reference the 121st, but it still information to help and also view. 1.Editor/Publisher RAO Bulletin <raoemo@sbcglobal.net> This guy publishes a news letter usually 30 some odd pages twice a month. It has good information in it.
2. Sargent's Pass, CO. It is not on a map and the forrest people will not volunteer where it is unless asked, You can call up you tube and type it in. A special forces officer paid to helicopter in all the stone and to have them engraved. To me, it is the second best with The wall at number 1. Also if anyone can translate the writings, I would be greatful if they let me know
6/9/2021John (Jack) Smith
Ai bao Troi Khong co Mat
Vietnamese Proverb To those that are absent
6/4/2021Tom Martin. Warriors. W13. 68-69
I’m looking for a guy by the name of Eugene Shields pretty sure was maint 121 st we spent many nights at the fuel dump 😁
Contact Tomjr6869@aol.com
5/9/2021Rayford Gann
5/1/2021Carolyn Kay Hampton-Chambers
Looking for anyone who remembers/knew my father, CWO4 Billy J Hampton. Thank you! He flew hueys and chinooks, did two tours in 'Nam in the '60's After his last tour, he was assigned to Dolan Barracks Swchabish Hall, Germany, then Ft Lewis Washington. Would love to chat with anyone who remembers daddy. He passed in '03, lung cancer from agent orange. Thanks in advance
4/28/2021Jon Spears
Mr. Rick Schempf, I to remember the day PFC Loye T. Christmas was KIA. You are a little off on the year though! It was January 17, 1964 when it happened. I was a crew-chief on one of the CH-21's that day flying out of Can Tho that day and we were trying to locate a Sgt.that was captured by the Viet Cong and they were taking him from village to village making a spectacle of him. Needless to say, we never located him but lost one of own! Every Christmas, I to remember PFC Christmas by donating a wreath via www.wreathsacrossamemerica.org in his honor. I was in the 121st from April 63 to April 64. I am now 79 years young and proud to have been an American Soldier!!!
4/2/2021John Brennan
I forgot to add to my previous post that the NEW book features Nine (9) 121st related photographs.
4/1/2021John Brennan
Here's some exciting news from aviation author John Brennan: my 8th Vietnam War helicopter book, Vietnam War Army Helicopter Nose Art, Vol. 2, will be released on APRIL 15, 2021, from Fonthill Media. The cover price is set at $32.00 but a limited, pre-sale price will be $27.00 if received before April 15. Signed by the author, tax free, and free postage if mailed in the USA. Checks, money orders and PayPal are accepted. Send payment to: John Brennan, 864 Wisconsin St., Chico, CA 95928; johnmailman2@yahoo.com, former SP5, 114 AHC, 70-71, Vinh Long AAF
3/21/2021Chas Coffman
Clyde Lee Coffman was the uncle I never met since he passed after sustaining injuries with the Tiger Suprise on April 4, 1970. I know he was a bit of a loner, that he was a Specialist 5 and a door gunner, and before that was a combat photographer and a lab tech. I have the letters and some photos he sent my father and my grandparents, and the incident report, but not a lot of other small things besides certain keepsakes like old records. If anyone has any information I'd appreciate it. chascoffmandesign@gmail.com
3/15/2021Dana Radabaugh
White Tigers ,Crew Chief 67 68
2/23/2021Rick Schempf
In 1962 I was in the US ARMY out of Hawaii and was sent there as a door gunner. My best friends name was loyd Christmas and about a month after we got there we where on a mission going from out post to out post. We where real high up, and my helo got a call the gunner on the other hello had been shot. It was my buddy and he died right away. Every christmas even today I reamember that day. I was 18 then, and im now 76.
1/30/2021Fletcher Jimerson
121st Assault Helicopter Company 1966-1968 Tigers
1/7/2021Donald Smith
William Quisenberry, I just read your input to the guest page and it brought me back to that flight. As I too was gathered up by Lt Perez to also go on that flight.(I was in my hooch drinking imagine that) I was a crew leader in the hanger at the time. It's amazing how the memories are still with us but forget some guys names. I was there from June 69-70 also. I made a career of working on helicopters and still work on them today. dcs12651@yahoo.com
1/4/2021David Schneider
My Dad was stationed in Soc Trang with the 80th Transportation Detachment, Harry Alan Schneider. He served as an airfield firefighter. Thank you all for everything. Welcome home. For those who made the ultimate sacrifice, may their memory be eternal. david_a_schneider at yahoo dot com
12/30/2020Alexander Moore
30/12/2020 All the Best .
12/28/2020Buck Matthews
12/25/2020Don Jackson
Merry Christmas to all.
12/21/2020Larry E Rose
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.
11/25/2020Mike Scolastico
Wishing all a Blessed Thanksgiving. Served with 13th CAB 70-71.
11/25/2020Lee Huber
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Bob
11/16/2020Clark Scarborough
Bob, did you get the “Born Free” pics I sent?
11/11/2020Bob Greene
Happy Veterans Day Tigers!
11/11/2020Richard Johnson DG 121st 69-71
2 tours with 121st Just wanted to wish all a very happy veterans day
The a/c was Tiger 822 with its assigned Crew Chief and Gunner. Both known. Just need to know who my co was? Thanks
10/26/2020Lauren Maybin
I am the granddaughter of Theron L Maybin who served with this unit in Vietnam.
Hi, During 1968 we had a day long Combat Assault mission, operating out of Vinh Long, controlled by the 114th AHC. My Tiger aircraft took several hits in the tail boom and we lost control of the tail rotor i.e sloppy pedals! The TR cable was shot through and it wrapped itself around its pulley. We had a fixed pitch condition. We did a throttle controlled running landing on the Vinh Long psp runway. Who was my copilot and crew? I remember the left seat pilot was rather new in country. Any ideas? Thanks Mike / Shakey Blue Tiger 67/68
10/20/2020Pete Greunke
I was with the 121st AVN from 8/74 to 2/77 at Ft. Benning. I was to young to get in the mix of things before the company was deactivated in Nam. The history of the unit makes me proud. I was a 68b turbine engine mechanic with alot of great memories. I remember going on a test flight in a Cobra front seat. Aircraft was going to Texas to be retrofited with new missile system. CWO pilot, I cant't remember his name, making a gun run on a barn in Alabama. Best ride in a aircraft I ever had! We never got the Cobras back. Pilot just decided to take the engine mechanic out for a fun ride.
9/7/2020Lee Huber
Just realized I have a conflict on the reunion week-end and Charlie and I won't be there
Hey Tom Barta! Do u have an email add? I have something that might belong to you. Would like to send you a picture of it. Or similarly, you may drop me an email sho2002_@msn.com
Who wants to know, this is Tom Barta
Does anyone know Lt Thomas J Barta?
7/18/2020Eugene Traczyk
USAF 34th tac Gp 1st Air Commando SQ SocTrang 1964-65, crash rescue
7/4/2020BRACKETT< Thomas R.
Not listed as being current on dues?
7/3/2020John Brennan
Gentlemen, I'm working on a Vol 4 photo-book of in-country copter nose art. Your own "THE DEVASTATOR", a UH-1B gunship, will be featured. Need info/data as to serial # and crew/pilot names. Thank you + stay healthy.
6/2/2020don gary
long time no see-I am on the tiger list,,just been out of commison for a while-I don,t get out and about much any more-hope you are alll good-I have a new lap top and it is giving me fits to operate I hate windows 10--I want to put 8 in it if possible take care everyone,,,later
5/29/2020Angelo F
Hello, looking for anyone who might remember a Don Ferguson who served sometime during the mid 60's in Soc Trang.
5/25/2020Don Jackson
I want to reach out to all Tigers and Vikings on this Memorial Day. I am so glad that you are still here. Let us take a moment to reflect on all of our friends who are no longer with us and remember how we enjoyed them while they were here.
5/17/2020Carolyn Kay Hampton-Chambers
Looking for anyone who remembers/knew my father, CWO4 Billy J Hampton. Thank you!
5/4/2020Fred Lammers
looking for information and a picture of, the "Indefendable Beaky Buzzard II", I posted a picture on our Facebook page, that was copied from the Yahoo Group page, which has been discontinued, I failed to the information on the picture. John Brennan is doing another book on nose art, he would like aircraft number, date & location of photo, identity of 121st ACH, Pilot/crew members johnmailman2@yahoo.com
4/11/2020Jack Carey
Bud Dodd. I believe I have a couple of pictures of you from our old days. Send an email to me at jack.j.carey@gmail.com and I will send them to you to make sure they are actually of you.
4/1/2020Web Boss
Richard, it appears that reconnecting for your Dad has already begun. As far you posting pics on the site there is no mechanism for you to do that, and for good reason. I f you would like please send your pics to me at: Tigerlead67@aol.com and I will review them with the Web Mistress to see if some are usable for the Gallery section of the site.
3/29/2020bud dodd
Jack Carey - I was on that mission as well most of the platoon was shot up a new crew chief Snyder was shot and later died -- We went there because the gunships out of vinh long were shot up and remember we were just letting down when all hell broke loose
3/29/2020bud dodd
yes Larry was MY Door gunner on Viking 645 - i had 8 mm films of him in action -- one story - we were starting an attack and the gun on his pylon came loose and was firing widely -- i told him to go our on the pylon and fix it -he looked at me like i had two heads -- well i went out like a fool -1200' in the air and no seat belt - thank god for larry - after i secured teh gun if it wasn't for him i would have never made it back inside .-- that same day we ( our ship attacked an enemy machine gun emplacement that was knocking out the friendlys - a wild experience i think CWO wrote him up for heriosim - ihe did me and would have expected the same for larry . wOw what memories
3/29/2020Richard medeiros jr
My dad was 121st he was a door gunner was wondering if I could post pics and se if I could reconnect him with any of his friends
3/18/2020John Schmied
Whoops! You are already on the 121st website. Sorry about that. The article below was written for another web site. But the information is still the same. You may want to click on the Reunion 2020 tab in the menu to the left. More information is available there.
3/17/2020Web Boss
Gentlemen, The revised version of the Reunion Registration form and Reunion information sheet have been placed on the Reunion 2020 portion of the web site menu.
3/13/2020Web Boss
Gentlemen, The Reunion 2020 has been rescheduled for September 2020 due to the corona virus situation. For details please go to the Special Edition Gazette located in the Tiger Gazette portion of this web site.
3/8/2020Leroy Williams Jr
Armorer and door gunner 93rd trans Co. 62-63
3/7/2020George Reischling
"To those who have fought for it, Life has a flavor that the protected will never know!"
Between mortars, rockets, RPGs, booby traps and bullets, there was no safe place for any soldier in Vietnam. 50 years has passed since the war but we have only to close our eyes to rejoin our brothers in the greatest nightmarish adventure of most of our lives. You helicopter pilots and crews were amazing! You ferried us out, resupplied us, return to rain hell on the enemy when we were under attack and bravely swooped in to recover our wounded and ferry them to the hospital! Knowing that you were there for us emboldened us infantryman to do our job. Thanks! Remember your Christmas in the Nam? Mine was spent on an ambush patrol near the Cambodian border. I served with the 25th Infantry Division-3/22nd Battalion, Tay Ninh and later the 93rd Evac Hospital at Long Binh. -We may have served in different units in different AOs but our mission was the same! -Courage on the Mountain- Free to Amazon Prime members- Over one hundred 5 star reviews- courageonthemountain.com Glad that you made it home brother!
George Reischling courageonthemountain.com greischling@hotmail.com
PS. VA doctor stated that 80% of the men that served in Vietnam contract prostate cancer from exposure to Agent Orange. That’s a high percentage. I have it and offer suggestion that you keep a close eye on yours. If you have it, contact your VA representative for compensation.
Assigned tet 68 Ebarnes@sw.rr.com. 3347148287
121ST.White Tigers,D.G.
2/25/2020Web Boss
The Association would like to have you participate in our efforts, to include reunions, membership, the Tiger Gazette,and other agendas. Unfortunately, we have no contact information for you so it is impossible to connect with you. That is easily corrected. Please forward on your contact information to either the Association Secretary of Membership Chairman. Their email addresses are available on this web site. Your contact data is close guarded to protect you. I await your response. Respectfully yours.
2/23/2020charles bliss
wayne best how are you doing wayne
2/21/2020Wayne Best
Just checked and my name has not been added to the list. I was in the 121st blue tigers in 67-68.
2/6/2020Jamie Fry
I was adopted to Australia in 1975 and recently found my birth mother, who is an ethnic Khmer from Soc Trang. DNA matching has united me with very close relatives of my birth father in Strong Arkansas. My father is African American, his family are a combination of Hicks and Williams from Strong, Union County Arkansas. I've had a good life in Adelaide South Australia and want nothing but to know my father is ok! jamielfry@gmail.com
2/4/2020william Quisenberry
Was there June 69-70, was on perimeter guard tower 28 that night when Surprise went down-Lt Perez the maint officer got me off of 28 and we went out there to see if we could help. SP4 Tom Silva was a personal friend,still miss him 50 years later. Bill Quisenberry electric shop
1/1/2020Buck Matthews
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
12/4/2019George Reischling
"To those who have fought for it, Life has a flavor that the protected will never know!" Remember your Christmas in the Nam? Mine was spent on an ambush patrol near the Cambodian border. 25th Infantry Division-3/22nd Battalion, Tay Ninh, Vietnam-Courage on the Mountain Free to Amazon Prime members- Over one hundred 5 star reviews- courageonthemountain.com Glad that you made it home brother! George Reischling courageonthemountain.com greischling@hotmail.com
11/13/2019Rick Thomas
Lee: are you looking for just her picture or the whole aircraft?
Rick Thomas randsthomas@comcast.net
10/31/2019Robert Murphy
If anyone was with me in 1966 at Soc Trang Veitnam contact me at bkimball4@tampabay.rr.com Thank you
A couple of photos are on your way Lee.
If anyone does have photos email me at rilealee@yahoo.com.
Thank you for your service. Does anyone have photos of the Huey "Good Widow Jones"? I am building a model of her.
9/3/2019Larry R. Majeski 1965
Was the NCOIC of the Sentry Dog Det. that arrived in Aug 65. Major Mckenzie was the Commanding Officer of the 121st. Volunteered to fly door gunner, when the 25th was activated to come to VN. Flew with Mr Fort and once with MR Daly.
9/3/2019Web Boss
Gentlemen, Check out the "Breaking News" on the Home page of this site.
5/21/2019Cliff McDonald
I have a photo of a Ch-21 being sling loaded out of a Vietnam rice field by a CH-37. I believe this was sometime after the Battle of Pa Bac in 1963. Is there any way someone can confirm location. Clifmcdon@comcast.net
4/22/2019Yvonne DeDaviess
Good Afternoon Everyone, My father was Lt.Col. Osceola DeDaviess. He passed away January 11, 2016. Myself and my mother are the only ones left to handle his estate which is beyond massive, with many military vehiclez, quosant huts filled with old military equipment, and outdoor military equipment. His estate also has his collection of Studebakers. It have been very overwhelming handling this estate in Savannah, GA, not too mention frustrating. Honestly, there are days I do not even know where to begin. My father growing up was a very private strick beyond means man, so I really only was told bits and pieces of his military career. Sadly I believe I have learned more about my father after he has passed than when he was alive. I have been in a very down mood as of late regarding this estate and trying to figure out what everything is- it is roughly 10 acres packed. Today I was going through some mail and I often love reading the newsletters from the Tiger Gazette. But today issue immediately made me think my father was around me and I was so surprised I actually said outloud "omg wow" and then smiled, because of the mention of Tuffy the Tiger and pictures of him. I would love to hear any stories about Tuffy and compare them with my father's stories. I know Tuffy was donated to one of the zoo's in Ohio. My father told me that they were at the officers club I believe here at Hunter and he told me many officers would like to wrestle with Tuffy. Unfortunately, an officer was injured which is why Tuffy was then donated to the zoo. My father loved the tiger as all my life I heard about stories of Tuffy. I have so many pictures that once I settled with the estate or have some time, would love to upload and share with everyone. My father's military started in WWII. I would love to hear any stories anyone has to share of my father, since sadly growing up he did not share his life.
Best contact information via email is ydedaviess@gmail.com.
Thank you all very much.
Yvonne DeDaviess 5708 and 5711 Beverly Street Savannah, GA 31405
4/21/2019Ray Bennett
I just wanted to let you know that I was with David Anderson on April 5 1969, the day he died. I was in the truck just behind him when we got hit in a Viet Cong ambush outside of soc trang. If you want to ask me about that day I will talk to whoever wants to know how it happened that day. It was 50 years ago on good Saturday that this happened. I'm sorry for your loss. Yours, Ray Bennett raybennett57@gmail.com
4/17/2019Don Klotz,Burlington ,Wi.
Crew Chief white Tiger slick and CC for Co from June 66 to Oct 66. Huey named SCRAP IRON.
4/15/2019George Brown
My grandfather, Larry Shenberger was a Viking door gunner in the late 60's. I was wondering if any of you remember him or would reach out to him. He still does not know if some of his friends made it home and where they ended up. I did my best to show him names via the website. Please contact me at georgeconner.brown7@gmail.com Thank you
3/28/2019charles bliss
to wayne best come to our reunion this year it would be worth your time, to see old friends, just fill out the form and send it in be for april 11th
3/28/2019charles bliss
every buddy ready for a rf mission
3/23/2019Suni Cawthon
My dad, Reynolds Shore, was a proud member of this unit. He died today 3/23/19 from MDS. He was a Warrent Officer in 1968. If anyone has any memories of him, I would love to hear them. (Sunishore@yahoo.com). He was a good man.
2/4/2019Paul F. Woodby
Just got off phone with Hilton in KC, making reservations for upcomming reuion. Excited to see all my Viking and Tiger Brothers. See ya in April in KC, Mo.
1/24/2019Allen Quinn
Sorry to hear that Major Charles Kettles has died at 89. The Medal of Honor winner served with the 121st in 1969.
1/16/2019John Schmied
We have a glitch in the reservations process with the Hilton Hotel in Kansas City. When you call to make your reservation, call the number that is in the information you received in the mail - 1-800-HILTONS (1-800-445-8667). If you plan to arrive before the reunion or stay beyond our reunion dates, it is possible that they will not give you the special group rate for your room. I think we have the problem worked out, but if this should happen, you must call the Hilton Kansas City Airport Hotel direct and speak to Trish, the Reservations Coordinator. Her direct number is 816-801-5285.
Our contract specifies that we are to receive the group rate 2 days prior to and 2 days after the reunion dates (based on availability.) Please make your reservations early, before the available rooms are gone for the two days before and 2 days after the reunion.
Also, please remember that the cut-off date for our group rate is April 11, so please make your hotel reservation ASAP.
If you experience any problems after following this procedure (when making your reservation) please feel free to contact John Schmied – 352-633-0541 or by e-mail johndschmied@yahoo.com
Sorry for any inconvenience. John Schmied
1/8/2019Bud Dodd
Was Crew chief/Gunner on Viking 645 from 1965-1966-- flew with Warrtenby - Lt Stanko- Mister Daly- Mister Ford- Mister Gilligan Mister Trim --Mister Jankowski --- If you were there from 1965-1966 please send email to bdodd@benfieldinc.com
12/28/2018charles bliss
hi wayne so you were my gunner on the surprise, I thought you name was familiar to me. are you going to the reunion this year I hope we have a lot to talk about
12/27/2018Wayne Best
to charles bliss,I was your door gunner on the 50 cal 68
12/24/2018Donald Jackson
I am with all of you in spirit as I was in the flesh forty-nine years ago. Let us celebrate these holidays in remembrance of our youth and our friends who have gone before us.
12/23/2018charles bliss
this to wayne best your name sounds familiar to me. I crewed puff magic dragon and then went to the Vikings mainly crewed the Viking surprise years 67/68
12/20/2018Wayne Best
I was there from 67/68 with the blue tigers and vikings. my name is not on the list.
12/4/2018Tom Materene
Merry Christmas to everyone ... feel free to use and share the Christmas card.
Frequent flyer member. Never late but the in flight meals weren't up to much....
Thank you guys....
11/19/2018Allen Quinn
Charles Martinez, Another former Corpus boy here. Direct transplant from Mary Carroll HS to South VN in early '68. Blue Tigers 3/69 - 12/69. I have a snap shot of you at the hangar.
11/12/2018Charles O. Martinez
Vikings 9/69 to 3/70. Flew with Michael Dewey,Kiwi and others. Hello to Joel Woods and Michael Dewey and those of you who were wounded. Hello to George Fergueson. I am originally from Corpus Christi, Texas. There were a few Texans that were pilots or crewmembers.
11/5/2018Web Boss
Gentlemen, Please note the addition to the Home Page regarding the upcoming reunion in Kansas City. Pay special attention to the link for an excellent slide show of the Kansas City area. Also note the Reunion 2019 section on the main menu to the left.
10/9/2018David Brown
Pilot 69-70
10/2/2018Tim McCullough
Hello from the other Tim McCullough of Avionics. So, you decided to have the 2019 Reunion in Kansas City. I just moved from KC to Florida. If there is any chance I can get there I will be there. The Liberty Memorial WW2 Museum is fantastic place to visit. The skyline of Kansas City from the Memorial is one of the best in the Nation.
8/30/2018Bill Campbell
Jim Lohman: They sure do... Thanks again for sharing them.
8/28/2018Jim Lohman
Bill Campbell: Glad you liked the pictures. Brings back memories doesn't it.
8/20/2018Bill Campbell
Jim Lohman: Thanks, Jim for the pictures you submitted. I was at Soc Trang from July 64 to July 65 in the Avionics Detachment. The picture of the tall SSGT holding the big snake was our NCOIC (Hooker)...
8/13/2018Jim Lohman
Dec 64-Dec65: Started in hangar, then to supply help set up hooches for the 101 Avn which arrived around May, I believe. Transferred over to the Viking Platoon around July and served until DEROS in December 65.
8/2/2018Richard L Johnson
Door gunner 69 and 70 .
2 tours with the 121st
8/1/2018ted clay
crew chief on slick 65-66 white tigers
7/30/2018Parker Medley
Crew Chief/ Door Gunner White Tiger Platoon 7/66-7/67 Aircraft Pussy 6, which later became Viking Surprise and lster The Hulk Flew with Mr. Russell and door gunners Whitaker, and Blevins
7/12/2018ron wharton
serve I 69 and 7o mech door gunner
6/23/2018Tom Samuels, Blue Tiger Sept '64-Sept '65
Interesting site. Many memories. I enjoyed my year flying for the 121st, flew 1,180 hours there in the rice rich Mekong Delta. Back in 1968 to fly Chinooks out of Phu Loi and never made it back to Soc Trang. This is a great site, brought back many memories.
6/21/2018Fred Lammers
Dianna Shore I don't know if your father told you some his stories, well the 0nes from 67-68 are true, I flew with him on the flight line maintenance crew at night. we also share a very sad story Feb 68.
6/4/2018Mark A. McFaul
Donald R. McFaul is my dad who was a member of the 121 AVN. Thank you for serving and God Bless you guys.
5/27/2018Dianna Shore
Thank you for putting this site together. I am one of Reynolds Shore's daughters. I am thankful to you all for your service to our country.
5/25/2018Bob Greene, Historian
I have a request from the Indiana Military Museum for information and hopefully photos of their Huey (65-9626). They are getting ready to move it indoors and would like to rehab it. Please let me know if you have any info. You can reach me at: bojogreene@gmail.com
5/24/2018Andrew Kovatch
Great page guys. My father Albert was with you 68-69, flow Beaky Buzzard. He has lots of photos of the slicks, but cant not for the life of him find the photos he took of his nose art on Beaky. Does anyone have a photo of Beaky's nose. My father would dearly love to see it again. andrew_kovatch@hotmail.com
5/8/2018Tim McCullough
Thanks to all who put together the reunion in Virginia. I had a great time getting reacquainted with old friends and meeting new friends. Looking forward to seeing everyone in Kansas City
3/7/2018Allen Quinn
Donnie, unfortunately I can't make it this year.Enjoy.
3/4/2018Donnie Powell
Allen Quinn are you coming to the reunion?
2/19/2018Bob Ennis
Looking to find the crew who went cartwheeling with me down the rice paddy on 24 June 69. What I remember was that my right seat was on his first flight after his first crash and the crew chief and gunner were thrown into the tree line. Any help would be appreciated as at my age I don't remember any names.
2/16/2018john brennan
Gentlemen, check out the website listed below to see UH-1B 63-08733, formerly known as "The Good Widow Mrs.Jones" in how she looks today.
1/23/2018Lee Kimberling
121st Avn Co 1963-64
1/22/2018Ronald Carlson
krcarlson63@gmail.com Hey, Wayne, I knew I knew YOU!!!! WHEN were you in Soc Trang? rc
1/14/2018Sonia Glasgow
I was wondering if anyone had any pictures of Sgt Roger I Swindler... He was my grandfather,,, He was a gunner on the "Viking" in the 121st AHC
1/13/2018Wayne Zander
Looking forward to seeing many of you at Williamsburg, a great place to visit.
To Ron Carlson: As a Viking CE, I always liked working with the 82nd Med Det. Your crewchiefs & medics always had a lot of stories to tell. I was one of your 1st CE in the newly formed 142 Med Det (NDNG) when you were the Det. Commander. Send me an email wzander@q.com
12/15/2017Mike / Shaky Blue Tiger 67/68
Well, thanks for connecting the dots. I did not know your Dad but have been a reader of both Rotor & Wing and Aero Publishers books. If I would have know an ex Tiger was working for them it would have been even more enjoyable having the publications in my hands. What a life he had, be PROUD of him. Good you found our Website, its among the best of the RVN Units. Look at the photos, perhaps you will see something that your dad spoke about. Wishing good health.
12/13/2017David Bowen
Hello from Australia! I'm David Bowen, son of CWO Thomas E. Bowen Viking 22, Soc Trang '64-'65. The old fella passed away a couple of years ago. I got nostalgic this morning and looked up the 121st AVN Co and here you are! Thank you so much for putting up this web site. It helps to bring back memories of the old man. Aviation was his whole life and his time in Vietnam with the 121st was life defining as you'll understand. After Vietnam, he went back to Fort Wolters and Southern Airways as an instructor for several years. Then took a job up in Duluth, MN flying a Jet Ranger for a corporation for a couple of years. The cold up there was too much so it was back to Mineral Wells, but this time he ended up at Edo-Aire Mitchel test flying auto-pilot and instrument installations in all things - fixed wing aircraft...Oh the horror!!! In December '74 he was delivering a Bellanca Super Viking (there's the viking thing again) to a customer in Indiana and had one of those ‘I've Learned About Flying from That’ moments. He flew into known icing and ended up in a corn field. He was badly injured, however the acft was salvaged and flew for years so that’s good. After he recovered from the crash he took a desk job as an editor with Rotor and Wing Magazine in Peoria, IL. He was still having problems with his right leg from the crash and it was determined that he needed a hip replacement. He went to the Mayo clinic and received one of the first full hip replacements, recovered and moved us to Sunny San Diego so that he could attend law school. Dad attended law school for a couple of terms full time but my mom, Sue passed away. Dad ended up taking a position with a company called Aero Publishers and attending school at night over several years, ultimately getting his JD. Although Aero Publishers were an aviation specialty book company, Dad needed to be closer to the flight line than books could get him, so he took a position in engineering analysis with Hughes Helicopters on the AH-64. At some point he got picked up by General Dynamics with whom he retired. He practiced law on the side, mainly in matters related to aviation. One of the innumerable injuries he suffered in the Bellanca crash was the loss of sight in his left eye. He was eventually waivered by the FAA and started flying again. Because we lived in San Diego and he was still in the Army Reserves he joined the NAS North Island Aero Club. As a 12 or 13 year old flying out of North Island with him was unbelievably cool even though it was the Navy. Tom Bowen made life one hell of an adventure and much of the credit for his success in life, his complete lack of fear and his unstoppable tenacity were undoubtedly grown and nurtured during his time with the 121st AVN Co Soc Trang Tigers and Vikings and U.S. Army Aviation. Dad’s obsession with aviation rubbed off, of course. I joined the Army at 17 having finished high school early. I was a 67n Utility Helicopter Repairman on UH-1H through Vs. I did one active hitch with the Army and immediately joined the best branch, the USAF as an air traffic controller. After I got out of the Air Force I joined the Guard again on the Huey and on the AH-64! As a civilian I ended up in information tech and ultimately emigrated to Australia. My inherited love of aviation continues, even today I cannot safely drive anywhere near an airport and I still run outside if I hear so much as a 172! Our local medevac service flys Bell 412s! 2 engined, 4 bladed Hueys sound funny but its still a Huey!!!
12/6/2017Ronald O.J. Carlson
As a Med Evac pilot stationed in Soc Trang with the 82nd Med Det (HA) 65-66 I was in awe of all you Armed Helicopter men. Here it is 50 plus years and I finally get to say thank you for all the times you took us in hand out of LZ's...You all are amazing.
PS Wayne Zander...where are you from? Your name sounds very familiar...
12/5/2017Peter B Davitto
I met a gentleman named Reynolds Shore last week in a Sam's Club in Oakwood, Georgia. I didn't get his email address, but did copy down your 121AVG,ORG isp. If anyone has it, please send me an email: pdavitto@windstream.net
Merry Christmas Guys. Thanks for Your Service... Welcome Home. God be with You All. Capt. Pete (x-USAF F100 pilot)
11/6/2017Rebecca McFaul
Would like to get info. on anyone who may have served with my dad, Don "Mac" McFaul from 1961-1963.
Thank you! rsmcfaul@hotmail.com
10/11/2017dennis wieland
would like to get info on guys from 65-66 rollingthunder42@comcast.net
9/24/2017Fred Lammers
George D Korth, I remember you. Fred Lammers 67-68 were you a gunner?
9/21/2017george d korth
i was there 6/67 5/68
9/11/2017Allen Quinn
Hope all of you Tigers and Vikings in the Sunshine State have survived Irma unscathed.
9/1/2017Gail (Dowler) Root
Who wrote the eulogy for Dad in the November 2016 Gazette? Thanks for that--you probably doubled what I know about his service. Still adjusting to the change.
8/19/2017al berglin
anyone out there from 1963 gunners or armory people at Soc Trang? Serveed on the H21 w a 30 cal air cooled mechinegun health not that good would like to hear from anyone!!!
8/18/2017Karen Bente Heesch
I knew your father and I have emailed to you on your secondary address for private reasons. I have the information you need.My email is karenh@prismnet.com Regards
7/4/2017John Brennan
My previous email address, johnmailman@yahoo.com, no longer receives messages. It does however remains good for receiving PayPal payments. My NEW email address is johnmailman2@yahoo.com. Thank you, John Brennan, former SP5, 114 AHC, 1970-71, Vinh Long AAF, Mekong Delta
5/8/2017John Brennan
Here's some exciting news from aviation author John Brennan: my 6th Vietnam War helicopter book, Vietnam War Army Helicopter Nose Art, will be released on September 28th, 2017, from Fonthill Media. The approximate photo count will likely be around 295. Let me know by email at johnmailman@yahoo.com if you would like to receive pre-sale ordering instructions towards the purchase of an author-signed copy of this book ($28.95). Thank you for helping me document our Army aviation history. Always, John Brennan, former SP5, 114 AHC, 1970-71, Vinh Long AAF, Mekong Delta.
5/1/2017charles bliss
anybody know where a gunner in the Vikings his name is bloodworth
4/21/2017Barrett Barnes
Aviation Heritage Park restoration volunteer
4/20/2017Ed Bell
Hi, I'm the son of Ed Bell door gunner with 121 AVN (AML) September - December 1965. My father died in 1990 before I was able to have an adult conversation about this time in the war. It would mean a lot to me to connect with anyone who served with him at Soc Trang.
I have newspaper articles from 1965 that reference my father and others from the unit including Sgt Lindsey, Louis Dexter, Russell Sweitzer, Bertram Fritz and others. Please let me know if anyone would like to receive copies.
Ed Bell, Jr edward.t.bell@icloud.com
4/5/2017Ron Larson
Was Mech and Door Gunner 1965 Soc Trang
3/31/2017Mike Shakocius
Hi Victor, Greetings from your old stick buddy. Yes, TET 68 & of course the stay in Tieu Can (C5) will not be forgotten. We were all quite busy doing what we were trained to do. We were lucky...Here is a short entry out of our 121st Year Book 63-68 "Daily the Tigers began to resupply all outposts throughout the Delta. W01 Victor Beaver and his crew were shot down and had to remain at Tieu Can outpost for five days." Our a/c for that day Blue Tiger 65-9777 The Good Widow Mrs Jones is still around and flying. In South Africa now as ZU-LCY.
3/25/2017Victor Beaver
A Tiger from October 1967 to July 1968. Great fun, especially during Tet.
3/25/2017Don Conard
80th Trans Jan.'66 - Aug.'66 Viking 676 Crew Chief Aug.'66 - Apr.'67
Contact: ortroop294@hotmail.com
3/11/2017Russ Sweitzer
I served with Bill Wartenby and I'm looking for a phone number or address! Contact me at russsweitzer@hotmail.com or 814-849-3339.
3/9/2017william whartenby
door gunner1965
3/7/2017charles bliss
looking for I belive his name is jack youngblood served in 67-68 he was a gunner
2/11/2017mike payne yucaipa ca
257 th attached to winged warriors
2/9/2017Dave Cunningham
Vernon, Thank you for your service and remembering John Winsor. John was my door gunner with the 121st and the best M60 operator I ever flew with. He and his bride, Lynda, became great friends, reconnecting at reunions and other times in between. My family was greatly saddened by his untimely passing. John and Lynda represented the best of America in all ways. He will be missed my many folks, military and not.
2/8/2017Vernon Elder - Edmonds WA State
To be sure John Jay Winsor is remembered: Born 09/02/1944 Died 01/28/2017. Per his obituary he served as Air Gunner in 121st AHC Soc Trang Tigers. I wanted to be sure the unit was aware of his passing. I served 4 yrs in Vietnam II Corps as Army Air Controller 1968 thru 1972. I thank you all for your brave service during the Vietnam War.
1/28/2017Web Boss
George, there will be only some of the smaller items available at Tucson. It is far to expensive to ship the entire inventory from Florida to Arizona and back. If you desire something for the reunion please place your order ASAP so you have it in time for the reunion.
1/27/2017George Ferguson
Will the PX items be present at the Tucson reunion ? Ferguson Also I have printed a large number photos of wich I Kkeawill bring in April
1/23/2017Bill Shields
Was a USAF weather observer with the 121st from 7/63-7/64.
1/12/2017Jack Carey
Jim Lohman: I looked at the pictures and they brought back some old memories. Almost forgot about the snakes especially "Big John" in Ca Mau. You are probably right about Bob Fiveash if he was the cc for 23 then it had to be him I took over for. Hope you make the reunion it would be great to get caught up again.
1/12/2017jim lohman
Jack Carey: They guy with the reddish hair had to be Bob Fiveash. I did not have an assigned ship, I was a float, and was also in charge of acquiring ammo and ammo breakdown as well as making trash runs downtown. Not sure if we'll make the reunion this time, but it's still up in the air. Check out the black and white photos I submitted, maybe you can recognize me from them.
1/10/2017Jack Carey
Jim Lohmam: We must have known each other and Bob Fiveash as well. Have to admit that the names sound familiar but after 50+ years I cannot put a name and face together. If you are going to the reunion we can get together and get reacquainted.
1/10/2017Jack Carey
Michael Fox: I was crew chief on Viking 23 from late 65 to mid 66. We were on the mission together on Easter Sunday 66 when we flew into the NVA cross fire and you got shot up. Hope you go to the reunion so we can get caught up.
1/6/2017Jim Lohman
Michael W. Fox: I was in the Viking Platoon until Dec 65. I was there with Jim Trainor and Bob Fiveash, dp you remember any of us? I think Trainor and Fiveash left in early to mid 66.
1/6/2017Michael W Fox
I was a crew chief with the Vikings in 1965 and 1966.
This is my first contact since then and i am thinking of attending the reunion
12/27/2016Pat Dwyer
I meant to add that another Avionics buddy, Ron Melvin, is blind from AO diabetes since 1985 and in a wheelchair;good V.A. care too in Indiana. He could use some warm thoughts. A great guy. Thank you in advance. Stay safe.
12/27/2016Pat Dwyer
I was with the Avionics detachments who did your work. I was with the,121st for 7?8? months, then the 336th the last 4 or 5 months, all for administrative purposes only: we worked for everyone and loved it.
12/22/2016Maj. John Frank Stanko III
I am John Frank Stanko IV and my father was a pilot in the 121st and was reaching out to anyone that may have served with him in Vietnam. I believe he flew attack for 2 years and rescue for 2 years. He passed away over 20 years ago but would love to hear from anyone. I can be contacted at wickedlip@yahoo.com
12/13/2016Jim Godfrey
Gentlemen I was a gunship pilot for the 192nd in 69-70. I am currently working on several large history projects. I am working to document the calling cards of the aviations units of the VN War as well as helmet art. These subjects have not been addressed very well in the past. Some nice efforts by the VHPA have been undertaken but this is a much large effort. If you have material (copies of your cards and photos) please let me know. I am also interested in body count tally signs if your unit kept one. Please contact me at godfreypublishing@gmail.com. Noting will be published without your permission. Thanks in advance. Welcome home.
11/27/2016Jon L. Spears
I want to wish all of you vets who served in Viet Nam, especially Soc Trang, a very "Happy Holiday" season!
I was a crew chief from '63 to '64. I am a life member of the 121st AVN Assoc.and proud of it.
Please have a safe holiday and welcome back to Y'all.
11/20/2016Erica Sayers
Hello, I am reaching out to get more information on my father. The internet was still young when he passed and some of his brothers in arms did reach out to me via e-mail after his death, but time has passed and I have unfortunately lost much of the contact info for those men. I would like to get more of an understanding of my father's service and time in Vietnam and reach out to those who may have some stories they might share with a now more mature daughter. I imagine that many of the men who reached out had a few stories to tell that may not have been appropriate for an 18 year old that just experienced such a loss. Being the wife of a Marine, I have a better understanding now of the relationships between active duty service members and how much some may keep close to their chest regarding their more raucus, hair raising or "interesting" stories. I also understand the darker sence of humor many get through their time in any military branch. In my youth, I would not have understood that. As an adult with much exposure to a Marine's dark sence of humor, I am more able to hear and understand some of the truer and sometimes difficult information that you may be able to share of my father. My father's name was Rick Bente (full name Frederick William Bente). He served in Vietnam in '68-'69 as a pilot for the vikings. He passed in June of 2001. Any information you might share would be helpful.
Just as a side note, I am also looking in to some health issues I am having and am trying to determine whether they may be related to any exposure to agent orange my father may have had. I am not trying to blame the chemical, but trying to understand if it may have contributed to my health issues in any way....or even my father's health issues. I will include a secondary e-mail that I do still use but is not my primary. I will check this periodically to look for any correspondence. Thank you all for you time and information. -Erica Sayers erbsayers@yahoo.com
11/9/2016Richard L Johnson
Was a member of the 121st 1969 and again in 1970 two tours of duty as a doorgunner with the 121st.
10/25/2016Chris C Smith
Just curious about my old unit! Was there when Givens, Russell and Campbell were killed in crash up in Dalonega Ranger camp!
10/5/2016Fraank Roales
I am the Asst. Curator Aircraft, for the Indiana Military Museum in Vincennes Indiana www.indianamilitarymuseum.com and I have just learned that the Huey we have on display was used by the 121st from 2/69 to 8/70. The serial number is 65-9628. I would like to obtain any information anyone may have such as remembrances of this aircraft, markings, nose art, missions flown and especially pictures. When we got it it was marked Air Cav so I would like to get it corrected.
Hope you can help .
10/3/2016Web Boss
Ask them. Standing by.
121soctrnge 69meshall,really wouldlike 2 ask u some things
9/26/2016Don Jackson
The Aviation Heritage Museum in Bowling Green, KY has acquired a UH-1B for display. They intend to honor Ray Nutter, who flew with the 121st in 1966, and Don Jenkins with their display. They are currently trying to raise money to move and install this Huey. Here is the link to their facebook account: https://www.gofundme.com/bghuey
9/23/2016Frank Roales
Gentlemen, I am the Asst. Curator, Aircraft for the Indiana Military Museum in Vincennes Indiana www.indianamilitarymuseum.com and I have just learned that the Huey we have on display was used by the 121st from 2/69 to 8/70. The serial number is 65-9628. I would like to obtain any information anyone may have especially markings, nose art, missions flown and especially pictures, hope you can help me Frank. flroales@yahoo.com
8/20/2016Dan James hv
Just wanted to say how proud I am to have been a member of the outfit for
8/8/2016Mark Russell
Richard W. Russell now at Arlington VA. A forgotten hero. Always would risk his life for his bothers in arms and expect nothing in return (it was his job). Shot down 30 times (2 tours) and lived to tell about it. Take care Tigers and Thanks. (russellmark1955@gmail.com)
7/31/2016Donnie Powell
Mickey and I really enjoyed the Charleston reunion.
7/19/2016John Schmied
Alexander Moore, please contact Dave Cunningham (tigerlead67@aol.com) or John Schmied (johndschmied@yahoo.com) so we can get a little more information to add you to our list.
7/19/2016John Schmied
Hugh Hartsell, please contact Dave Cunningham (tigerlead67@aol.com) or John Schmied (johndschmied@yahoo.com) so we can get a little more information to add you to our list.
7/19/2016Tom Jameson
Tigers and Vikings: I have not had the pleasure of meeting former 121st CO, Ltc (Ret) Charles Kettles who received the Medal of Honor on July 18, 2016 from the President of the US. I see he is on the Tiger List. Given he is now 86, I think we should do what we can to have him attend the reunion in Arizona next year or the one in 2018. Our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren need to see a picture of this man him with you. One of my regrets at Charleston was not getting with picture of Father Jerry Daley, Carl McNair, my Slick compadres,our protectors, the Vikings and our fantastic maintenance. Gentlemen, we have had the please to fly with the best. I am a lucky man.
7/18/2016Jame E. Steele
I was a Sp/6 Tech. Insp. Sept.69 thru 70 with the 121st Avn. Maint. Was wondering if anyone remembers a SSG. Screen & SSG Willis Smith also, Maints! I am planning on joining the next reunion! I enjoy all of the information found on the WebSite - Great Job
7/13/2016Paul Woodby
Now that I have had time to digest all the love and friendship that I enjoyed from my BROTHERS of the 121st and all the others in attendance for the 2016 Reunion. I wanted to say "THANK YOU" to all the people involved in putting it together, and making it happen. Without their efforts, we would have never had this opportunity to spend such quality time together. Hopefully, see all of you in Arizona. Free Fire, stay on the deck, to all my Viking Brother also.
7/9/2016Don Jackson
I found a lot of information on CH-21s on this website: http://www.aviation-history.com/piasecki/h21.htm
I think some of you will enjoy it.
6/1/2016Sp/4 Hugh Hartsell
Hello everyone, I was looking through the list of people who served in the 121st or 80th Transportation Detachment and I did not see my name. I want to say that I had a great time in Soc Trang serving with some great guys. The memories are special. I was there from May 65-May66. I was a mechanic, gunner, Crew Chief and whatever else I could do to get myself in the air. I am 74 now and I've only talked to a couple of friends that I served with. I hope to get to communicate with more of you soon.
5/25/2016scott Borchardt
First off, thanks to all of you for your service! I had a good friend, Norm "Andy" Anderson who flew with the 121 AVN in 68'. He flew the fire fly mission a lot and I believe his ship was Tiger 13 and had a pink panther on the battery cover. Sadly he passed away in 1982 while I was serving my stint as an Army aviator. His stories were always entertaining and each of you and your bravery has always been an inspiration to me! Thank you all again for your service and sacrifice! It would be cool to hear from anyone who served with him.
5/23/2016Robert Shultz
Gas tubine mech,with 80th trans.67-68.I sign up right away,after dave cunningham contart me.wish I known about it 2006
5/20/2016Jim Lohman
Change "pooches" to hooch.
5/20/2016Jim Lohman
Alexander Moore: I arrived at Soctrang o/a 27 Dec 64 and DEROS'd around 20 Dec 65. I was also in the Maintenance Platoon for the first four months or so. I latter got detailed yo supply to help set up the pooches for the arrival of A Co, 101. Around June or July (65) I transferred over to the Vikings until DEROS.
5/19/2016Alexander J. Moore
121st dec 1964 / dec 1965 maintainance platoon pls add me to tiger list.
5/19/2016john ingram
first avi. brigade phu heip big windy chinook
5/15/2016Paul Woodby
Gentlemen, my excitement is starting to build as we get closer to the Reunion. I am looking forward to being able to spend time with my BROTHER's from the Vikings and Tigers. For forty plus years, I put the war behind me. Then I began to make contact with some of those people I spent so much time with. Most of the Brothers I was with, and spent an entire year with, had faded. Now that I have had privilege to attend the reunions it has brought much pleasure to see those comrades that I spent so much time on the DECK with. Please come to the reunion if you can, and lets renew old friendships from such a courageous group of people. Hopefully, see you in Charleston. PW Viking 21 and 23 1968-1969
5/8/2016Tom Materene
Guy's I wanted to be able to give to and share some personalized Tribute images to all the members of the 121st and attached units, since we have no forum to do that I set up a facebook group so it will be possible. If you use facebook then just go to the page and post anything you like. I'm working on a universal template for the 121st image so I can easily personalize each one with the right information received from anyone wanting one.
5/5/2016Michael Ollar
Just wanted to say I'm a proud son of a dad who served in the 121 AVN. My dad passed away in January of this year. His name is Joseph Wednesday Ollar.
5/1/2016Allen Quinn
I saw a Honda Element parked in Tombstone, AZ a couple of days ago and it had a 121st sticker on the rear glass. Inquired at the local shops but no one knew it's owner.
4/24/2016Rollie Colby
Sorry to miss the reunion. I was at the Branson reunion, but conflicts with family vacations have forced me to miss last year's and this year's. Would sure be nice to have a reunion in September, which for me would greatly lessen the chance of a family conflict. Have fun in Charleston.
4/24/2016Bob Greene
Hi back at you. I'm doing just fine. I'm looking forward to setting up at the hospitality room in Charleston this June and getting a lot more items for our association archive. I will have my laptop and scanner. Hope all is well with you.
4/19/2016Jim Lohman
Harold Watkins: Sorry to hear about your dad. I flew (crew Chief) several missions on Viking 23 during the summer and winter of 1965, Bruce Jachens was the pilot. I seem to remember that name, Watkins. Perhaps he was still there during 1965. I arrived at Soc Trang around 27 Dec 1964. Best to you.
4/18/2016Harald Watkins
Sorry for the late info it has been tough 6 months, Just in case any one knew my dad Jack Roger Watkins he passed away September 26 2015 from cancer. Hey was a Viking pilot in 64 call sign viking 23.
4/11/2016JIM LOHMAN
Hugh Hartnell: It was a great time, wasn't it. Right before we left Ton Son Nhut for the Delta, we were sitting in the San Francisco bar in Saigon when they blew up the Brinks Hotel--the first major hit of an American facility--Christmas eve, 1964. When did you actually get to Vietnam?
4/10/2016charles bliss
to mike lynch I was there when your father was killed he was a great guy and brave, sorry for the loss great person
4/9/2016Mike Lynch
My father Michael Lynch serves at Soc Trang, 1967-1968. KIA Feb.9th,1968, door gunner, Tiger Plt. I was 7 yrs. young then, now 55. Ricky Hull, who died with him, has his name three above my father's on the wall. I think about my father every day of my life, and his crew. Thank you all very much. Never Forget...
4/5/2016Sp/4 Hugh Hartsell
Jim Lohman, I was there during that mortar attack. Not much fun, Huh? We had several more besides that one. My last one was at Than Su Nhut Airbase the night I was leaving Viet Nam. I was sent to Viet Nam on an Aircraft Carrier with 72 Hueys on it. One company went North and one company went South to Soc Trang.
4/3/2016charles bliss
glad to see the reunion list is getting longer
3/30/2016Richard Schempf
In 1961 I was sent to Soc trang Viet Nam to be a door gunner on helos. I was 18 at the time. My gmail is Thumper851@gmail.com
3/25/2016John Evener
With the soc trang tigers 121st. avn. in Jan 70 and71 I remember you Kuznicki, johnevener59@yahoo.com
Hello Guys!was in the 121st from Jan 1970 to Feb 1971. Soc Trang Tigers. Anyone remember me?
3/17/2016Ray Martinez, 6255 ABSq, 1970-71
Somehow I came into possession of a certificate signed by Maj Judson Lucas belonging to SP5 John J. Cambell who left the 121st Avn Co around 30 Sep 1970. If you know his address I'd be glad to mail it to him, or his family if he's no longer with us. Email me at rlm3@juno.com if you have any info. Not exactly sure how this got to me as I was at Binh Thuy AB......
3/10/2016Roy G Amerson
My father Roy G Amerson served 1966-68? in Soc Trang FLYING TIGERS. He was a crew chief on a huey he called the "Georgia Peach" he painted a big peach on the nose of his chopper. Sadly he passed away Feb 21 of this year. If anyone remembers him or has any pictures could you share with me and his family. My email is ditchdoc7@gmail.com
Thanks and thank you for your service Brock Amerson
3/9/2016Jose m Rodriguez(ROD)
I am looking for Richard Phannenstill who serve with me in the 121 assault helicopter co. from 1966 to 1967 .I left in June/67 and he still was there, he was from the suburbs of Chicago and I was from Chicago at the time.I have a picture of him with me then wish I could post.
3/5/2016Terry Gallagher
Searching for some of our units old helicopter survivors, I ran across a Huey that served with the 121st AHC in Vietnam. She is located at the Russell Aviation Museum and has a couple photos of her on there...Just passing along the information in case anyone of her crews remember her..64-13768 tgallagher620@hotmail.com
3/1/2016Donnie Powell
Hi Bob Greene, how are you doing?
I was in the 121 as a field wireman 1975-1977
2/22/2016Jim Lohman
Bob Green: As I recall, the insides of a B Model Huey were gray, at least the fabric that covered the interior surfaces.
2/21/2016Bob Greene
I have a friend who is into modeling and asked me what color the interior surfaces of Hueys were. I know there are those of you out there who spent many hours working on the insides and can provide this info. He also is asking for the inside surfaces on the Caribou. Thanks.
2/14/2016Charles R Wade
I was a crew chief 1968 and 1969
2/9/2016Sp5 Dick Milewski NCOIC Mars Station AB8AF Soc Trang
Looking for (then) Captain Eugene Deal of the 121 AHC. Gene if you're out there, please contact me via email. oldrocker@verizon.net
2/7/2016Jm Lohman
Today is February 7, 51 year anniversary of my first mortar attack at Soctrang (Feb 1965). Time was approximately 10:40 PM.
2/4/2016AL WATSON
2/1/2016Al Watson
Curious to where your headquarters base of operation. I was assigned to the 199th Light Infantry Brigade west, east and south of Saigon. We had no aviation assists for moving troops and relied on other assets from higher headquarters. Many of our missions were with an aviation lift unit that had a big Tiger Head on the nose of the Hueys. Was that your group. If so thanks for your help then. If not, thanks for your help to the units you assisted.
1/31/2016Al Mongeon
Interested in joining your organization. Served Det. 7, 5th Weather Sq. May 68 - May 69.
1/27/2016Web Boss
Hello James, Thanks for the message on the guest book. Welcome home! The membership application is located in the sub menu of the main menu item entitled "Association". The form is down loadable. If you prefer us to send you a hard copy please email the membership chairman. His address is located in the contact" portion of the main menu. He will be happy to answer any questions you need answers to.
1/27/2016James Kaiser
Interested in joining your association.Served Soc Trang 1965-1966
1/25/2016paul woodby
having trouble signing in.
1/17/2016john hall
looking 4 john lilly of 1969 soctrange Vietnam,messhall
1/3/2016Jim Foreman
Looking for a fellow Viking, Mike Cusick. He was a mentor to me when I was picked to be a Viking (1970). Any information would be appreciated. Thanks
12/30/2015Michael e mcIlvaine
My nick name was bingo. This is the first thing I have seen about the Tigers or the Vikings. I was both. When they split us up and sent us to Canto I thought it was the end of the world. They wanted me to fly with the bounty hunter's. It was not the same we'll enough of that good to hear their there is some of us left.
12/24/2015Bob Greene
I've had some interesting requests for information lately. And thus far have been able to provide results. Feel free to ask about anything regarding the Tigers or Vikings. I can't promise 100% results, but know that I will give it the old college try. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
10/6/2015Tom Jameson
I have not been on the site for awhile. Hat's off to George Quackenbush's and George Muccianti's photo galleries. Both captured both ends of the spectrum of Viet Nam in the 1960s. George Q really caught the military snap shots of my time period there, and many thanks to George M who photograph some things I never saw or knew existed. If you have not seen their photos, take time to look at them. Great job guys. Also glad to see the reunion has take up Larry Dandridge's offer. Charleston is a beautiful place to visit. The Low Country is Bubba Secrest's and Larry's stomping grounds. You will not be disappointed if you attend.
9/22/2015Fred Lammers
Looking forward towards the next reunion!!!
8/29/2015George Ferguson
To all who have or not followed the dialogue about the Combat Action Badge, I have a solution. Before I write certain congressman, I want your input. Instead of the CAB why not put a wreath around our air crewman badges to signify aerial combat. This would apply to all others as well. For those who did not confront the enemy first, but were on guard duty or other situations, and were confronted by the enemy when they did there hit and run or mortar, rocket or small arms fire assault could receive the CAB. Does this make sense?
8/28/2015bill wendell
big bertha was a good one at 121st in late 60s
8/13/2015Michael Koons
I am wondering about the uncle I never met but was named after. From what I researched it head an E-5. Michael W Koons, served from 63-64 and was stationed at Soc Trang. I don't have much memorabilia just an air medal and some marksmanship medals. There was also a 4th infantry division patch in medal box and an 18th AOD patch with an eagle on it. Just wanted to learn more of the uncle I never met and read continuously about the war. Thank you all for your sacrifices and please contact me if you have any info on him at: Michael.koons18@gmail.com. God Bless
8/2/2015Dave Cunningham
Jim, There is no written guide for this and the past experiences have contributed to future reunions. I advise you to contact the reunion coordinator who is also the Association secretary. His contact info is listed in the "Contact" section of the web site. We have been involved in some way since 2002 and much progress has been made as well as the number of veterans we are now in contact with(app. 650). I know that San Antonio is a great town from my days flying for the airlines as well as going there during fight school back in 1963. Running these reunions is not a easy task worth the effort for those involved. Please advise how I may help you.
8/2/2015Jim Lohman
Sounds involved, has there been a procedural guide developed on how to do some of these things based on past experience?
8/1/2015Dave Cunningham
Jim, Are you prepared to be the POC for the reunion? You would also have to provide a presentation to the general membership meeting at the coming reunion(next or later) to support your proposal. Please include estimate of hotel costs and do a study of travel costs from other parts of the country. Please also know that these events take a year and more to plan and execute and requite many folks to carry them out.
8/1/2015Dave Cunningham
Bryan, Feel free to contact me by email at: Tigerlead67@aol.com. Hopefully I can provide you some reunion history that might be helpful.
8/1/2015Jim Lohman
I nominate San Antonio ,(military city USA), we are equally inaccessible from all locations. Great military town though and quite friendly.
7/31/2015Jose M Rodriguez
Served in the 121 assault helicopter (blue tigers) in Soc Trang as crew chief 6/66 to 6/67. Anyone out there they called me ROD. I crewchief tiger 792.
7/30/2015Bryan d Warrilow
When do you think a reunion would be out west,like Nevada,oregon,or Washington state.They are always way on the other side of the country.
7/22/2015Don Jackson
I was crewing another ship that day. The Army Aviation Safety Center SHOULD have records of all crashes. Try them and see. Sorry I can't add any more info.
7/21/2015charles bliss
thanks don for the information were you on the ship that day I cant remember that much about the crash and was anybody else hurt.the va says they have no records of the crash for my claim. any more information would help
7/18/2015Mike S
I think "Puff" was 64-13590
7/13/2015Don Jackson
Bliss, about Puff's Magic Dragon That was tail number 590, one of the older ('64 or '65) birds. Lt. Kennedy was your aircraft commander that day. As I recall we were going to Bac Lieu in dense fog and he just flew into the ground. The name on the nose was originally "Scrap Iron" and it was changed when Puffenberger became it's crewchief, Thanks for bringing back some memories.
7/10/2015Jim Lohman
Dwight Brown: Not sure if "standing down" is the same as deactivation. I think the unit stood down in December 1970 as far as combat operations in Vietnam was concerned. Maybe Bob Green, the Unit Historian can set us straight on this.
7/10/2015Dwight Brown
I was reading the History of the 121st AVN CO and it would lead you to believe the 121st AVN CO was deactivated in December 1970. However I was assigned to the 121st AVN CO, SOC TRANG TIGERS at Ft. Benning, GA in 1972 through 1974. So the 121st AVN CO was reactivated at Ft. Benning, GA in 1970. I don't know when it was deactivated but it had to be after 1975, Dwight Brown CW4, US Army Retired
7/6/2015Jim Lohman
Butch Cavin: I was in the Viking Platoon at the time you were wounded--29 Oct 65. As I recall, you guys (gunners from Hawaii) were no longer 90-day TDY, it was an actual PCS by then. I remember the same group of gunners would show up every 90 days or so, didn't like that regimentation at the 25th LOL
7/6/2015Butch Cavin
Was attached to 121st from Hawaii as gunner, wounded oct 29th 1965. Just found your web site, would like to get involved. thanks for all the memories that are posted.
7/4/2015Dan Pannunzio
Stopped and visited the New Mexico Vietnam Veterans State Park and saw one of your old Hueys on display. It needs some help-new cargo door windows and cabin insulation. What would really help is gun mounts and maybe display type M-60s. Brings back many memories. I stayed with some folks at Soc Trang while waiting assignment by the 13th CAB. Assigned to the Vultures 1970-71. Welcome home.
7/2/2015Bill Campbell
For Paul Czajkowski: A nice picture of the Good Widow Mrs. Jones is in the nose art section of the Galleries link. I will e-mail you a copy in case you do not have access...
7/2/2015Bill Campbell
For Nancy Smith Saxon/ Jerry W Smith: I found the history of the 162nd AHC that may be of interest to you and your family at www.vhpadata.org/unit/162ndhistory.pdf Sorry I did not know Jerry, since I Left Vietnam in July 1965 and was at Soc Trang.
6/25/2015Paul Czajkowski
Could anybody provide any information about the Huey names the good widow Mrs Jones. Thank you! My email is aliandpaul@fallsnet.com
6/17/2015Jerry W. Smith
Wrong again, he was in the iron triangle, 1966, vouch vinh. I know I have misspelled it. A few years later he was at Long Binh, in what I remembered being called 'TOC'. There, I believe he was attached to 101st and at that time he was either a SSG or SFC. So very many years ago and I do not remember as I once I did. Sorry for the inconvenience. Nancy
6/17/2015Nancy Smith Saxton/JERRY W. SMITH, RET/DEC
Incorrect information entered, ie, date Jerry went to Viet Nam. Jerry actually left in 1966. Sorry for the TYPO. His sons have the international date line card which all receive when going over on a ship.
6/17/2015Nancy Smith
Searching for anyone who knew my husband at Long Binh, with 'Vultures', 162 avn bn, assault, 1966. At his funeral, 1986, VFW stated he had crashed 7 times. We, his wife and family, only knew of 3 as he was very vague and spoke rarely of anything re:Viet Nam. Any information I could give to his now grown sons would be greatly appreciated. Back then he was a door gunner on a Huey. SPC 4 and 5 Jerry W. Smith. EMAIL Would be appreciated. We will be forever thankful and greatful to anyone who contacts me, Smitty's widow, sons and now a granddaughter who crave information about their dad and granddaddy. nancydsaxton@gmail.com. He died June 1986, about 2 1/2 years after retiring. 40 years of age. Jerry Was born in Conway, Arkansas, 1945, raised In Missouri, near the Lake of the Ozarks. He was at Ft. Rucker before getting on a ship for Viet Nam, Jan or Feb 1968. 162 AVN BN was newly formed. Most Sincerely, Nancy Smith Saxton
6/8/2015charles bliss
I had a very good time in Nashville. it met a lot to me to see all you guys again.the girls did a great job setting things up
5/31/2015George Quackenbush
Rats and more rats. During rainy season the zillion rats in the surrounding (360 degrees except for the road) rice paddies would swim to higher ground and since the airfield was 3 feet above MSL and 12 inches above the paddies, the higher ground was us.
I got an old worn out pellet rifle and kinda sorta rebuilt it and made a die to cut pellets from main rotor blade tip weights.
On a typical night's hunting excursion I would kill 10-15 rats, night after night.
The Vietnamese were not happy campers because they were live trapping them for dinner.
After being assigned to garbage truck security and watch people fighting over our garbage, I slowed down on my rat hunts.
The garbage truck detail was an eye opening experience that has never left me.
5/19/2015gary sturdavant
is anyone going to the reunion,that was there at the end of 69 and 70.my email is gds49@yahoo.com.I also noticed a lot of names missing from tiger list.
5/13/2015Larry Hardin
What GI's won't do for recreation! Woodby's post reminds me of when we would catch rats in a cage and carry it through the camp. Every dog on post would follow. Then we would take it in the middle of the runway and turn it loose. At first dogs would fight the rat but soon it was dog on dog. You talking about a rumble!
5/13/2015Paul Woodby
I noticed that Al Watson, who was my crew chief at one time, said that Oscar the Otter scared the crap out of me. First let me tell you why. When I was a Pathfinder, the ARVN's like to eat rats. I saw times when they had more than one in a cage on there Pack. One night we had set up camp, and we were a few yards from where they we sitting. A Captain ( Diwee ) came over and ask me if I want some chicken. They new that most of us G.I.s liked chicken. I said to him, chicken my ass, I have not seen any chickens all day. He wanted to feed me rat. I never forgot that. Then I go into the Vikings. We were watching some movie some where on the base at Soc Trang. I was sitting there and Oscar jumped on the back of my neck. My first thought was that Oscar was a big rat. I feel sure that would have gotten anybody's attention. Thanks Al for reminding me. See ya in Nashville.
5/13/2015ELBERT E. MULLIN [ 1/2 MOON ]
I flew with the 93rd Trans, the whole year of 1963. I was in the class of 62-2w. I was known as 1/2 moon because there was three of us. I had the privilege of fling with some great cwo's. I still have some old picture's somewhere. I am sorry I can't make any reunions, due to health issues. My E Mail is grangran53 @ aol.com.
any of you guys remember white tiger called puff the dragon which crashed on oct.67 I was the crew chief at that time I would like to know any of you who else was aboard at that time any any info would help
hey mike it's been a long time since we seen each other
4/30/2015Al Watson
Sorry about the spelling Bryan,guess I'm getting old.I do know he scared the crap out of Paul Woodby a couple of times.
4/30/2015Al Watson
Brayan, Since I have been thinking about it more, Your right. his name was Oscar the Otter. Sorry my gray matter is not as good as it use to be.
4/30/2015bryan warrilow
wasn't that an otter. came around to the hooches and would go into my wall locker if open.loved seeing him.didn;t know if he would bite.
4/28/2015Dayna Topalian
Gentlemen, thanks for the replies. Sounds like Frank Fellman was an interesting guy...Snakes!
4/28/2015Bill Campbell
Hi Dayna, I found Frank Meyer Fellman on the Find a Grave site. Born 9 Jun 1922, died 7 Jan 1970. Burial at Fort Benning Post Cemetery. US Army SSM E9. Also, on the Family Search site I found he died of non-hostile death. Died of illness/disease (from the United States Casualties of Army Personnel). I do remember one night he and another Sgt had a quarrel over a poker game and both squared of with their M-14s and exchanged several shots. I think it was our Company Commander that had to break them up.... I will e-mail you the data listed above.
4/27/2015Al Watson
Do any of you gents have photo of Monty the Mongoose?(Viking Mascot 1968)
4/26/2015Jim Lohman
My recollection is that Top had already been in Soc Trang for five years when I arrived, or shortly thereafter. Word was that he was forced to leave country. There was another guy there at Soc Trang that slept through every mortar attack, he stayed drunk most of the time. At some point I will remember his name..
4/26/2015Larry Hardin
I thought it was an ice company.
4/25/2015bryan warrilow
did't he also own the garbage company in soctrang. I remember him saying he did.
4/25/2015Larry Hardin
Dana, I Have many stories about "Top". He was a true legend around Soc-Trang in 1967. Yes, he had some snakes. He gave me one, and I sent it back home. My e-mail is viking@twc.com.
4/24/2015Dave Cunningham
Dana, Frank Feldman was still the 1st Sergeant with the unit in 66-67 when I was there. He had more than one snake, believe me. Somewhere in my archives I have a picture of him attending a party in down town Soc Trang. Will try to dig that out and forward it on.
4/24/2015Jim Lohman
Dana Topalian: When I arrived in Soctrang in late December, 1964 Frank Fellman was the 1st Sergeant. Some folks have referred to him as Frank FelDman. Not sure if this is the same person or not. When people talked about him it was always Feldman (with a D). I just assumed that my memory wasn't quite as good as it had been, so I accepted his name with the D. I was quite sure though that Fellman (no D) was the guy I saw when I walked into the orderly room that day in 1964. Everybody has stories about him, so you will get some responses. He was a nice guy, pretty big as I recall, had a pet snake.
4/24/2015Dayna Topalian
I'm looking for photos and stories about Frank Fellman for a family genealogy project. I don't know the exact dates of his service at Soc Trang- he was from Kansas and died in the U.S. in 1970. So far, all I've been able to find about him is this article: http://newspaperarchive.com/us/north-carolina/burlington/burlington-daily-times-news/1966/09-24/
I was hoping someone here might remember him. Thank you all for your help and for your service to this country. My email: topalia1@msu.edu
4/23/2015gary sturdavant
was with 121st 69-70 crewed with white tigers and also tiger surprise. stopped flying just before it was ambushed,and crashed.
4/12/2015Roger Weaver, (Bikini 19/Buc 3) 170th AHC 1967-68
Just a note to say that one of the best friends of my life, CW3 Bob Croghan, was a 121st Viking, 1968 era. Bob and I flew together in the Maryland National Guard for ten years before his untimely and tragic heart attack in February 1981. The 121st AHC should always be proud for helping to develop such an outstanding aviator, warrior and gentleman.
4/7/2015Bill Quisenberry
George, would love to have them. popqson@centurylink.net
4/7/2015Jim Lohman
Bill Campbell: No, I don't have Excel, I have the spreadsheet that came with my IMAC. I have a couple files created on it, but that's about it, it's a POS! However, I have accessed the "list" before though with no problems. What's changed?
4/7/2015Bill Campbell
Hi Jim Lohman, Do you have Excel installed?
4/6/2015Bruce Wagoner
The Vikings tried a B model with twin 50s shortly after I joined them. I did fly that aircraft. I don't think they used it very long though. You could actually feel the aircraft slow down when they were fired and they were seriously LOUD. I transferred to the Thunderbirds in the spring of 65.
4/6/2015Bill Campbell
Hi Bruce Wagoner, I think you are correct about the Cessna.. I think the fixed wing in the mid air was a Pilatus PC-6 (Porter) used by Air America who operated out of Can Tho. I have a picture of one that I will send you via e-mail.. When you were with the Thunderbirds, did you fly on the Huey that had twin 50 Cal mounted on each side?
4/6/2015Bruce Wagoner
I flew with Jerry Daly several times. Some other pilots at that time were Paul Messa, Nort Davidson, Harvey Corr. Paul, Pappy and I played bluegrass music quite often.
4/5/2015Jim Lohman
Bruce Wagoner: I was in the Viking Platoon from about June 65 until DEROS in Dec. 65. I was there with Jim Trainor and Bob Fiveash, Pop Bedell, Pappy Snelson. Aside from flying, I ws the "environmental engineer" or something like that which entailed breaking down ammo and taking the breakdown trash downtown for disposal. I started out in maintenance when I got there in late December, 65, then was detailed to supply to get ready for the arrival of A Co. 101st . After that I was able to get a transfer over to the Vikings. Bruce Jackens and Jerry Daly were two of the pilots I remember. Remember any of the guys I mentioned?
4/5/2015Bruce Wagoner
My email is bwagone@comcast.net
4/5/2015Bruce Wagoner
Soc Trang 9/64-9/65. Flew slicks at first,after a couple of months I joined the Vikings, (still have my going away Viking helmet). Transferred to the 101st Thunderbirds I believe in April or May 65. For Bobby Bird and Bill Campbell I also remember the Mid air. The helicopter ended up in the ditch by the runway with the rotor still turning just above the top of the ditch. one pilot tackled the other to keep him from running out of the ditch into the rotor. I think it was a dustoff ship. I don't think the fixed wing was a cessna, it was one of those long nosed STOLs I don't remember the name.
4/4/2015bill wendell
why are so many people missing on the tiger list,ther are three men on it that where there the time I was there,and my name wasn't one of them
4/3/2015Robert F. (Bob) Lannerd
I was their when this crash happen but do not remember seeing it happen. I may have been flying.
4/1/2015Bill Campbell
Hi Bobby Bird, I do remember the stash of weapons that were seized, but I'm not sure if they were from the attack we were under during Christmas '64, or from another mission. Jim Lohman has some pictures in the Gallery section that may be the ones.. Also, I do remember the mid-air collision between the fixed wing and one of Hueys. I was waiting to cross the runway in our 3/4 ton pickup at the tower and saw the Cessna take off and collide with the Huey who had been shooting auto rotations most of the day. The Cessna almost missed the chopper when he banked hard left, but hit the chopper in the tail boom. No one was hurt in either aircraft. We did end up rewiring the tower, however where all tower frequencies transmitted at once when the tower operator keyed his mic. I didn't see your name in the Tiger List. You may want to join by contacting Dave Cunningham... Good to hear from you! Bill Campbell e-mail: BCCCZ@TX.RR.COM
3/31/2015Mike Brewer
MY email mrbrewer459@yahoo.com
3/31/2015Mike Brewer
I remember Bliss flew with white tiger and Vikings 67 to early 68. Don't think I ever called him anything but Bliss
3/27/2015Steve German
Does anyone remember my brother-in-law Charles Dennis Bliss who served1967 to 1968 with the 121st Assault Helicopter Co. (Viking surprise). I am helping Dennis with some research and would like to put Dennis in contact with fellow crew members. My email is s.kgerman2@gmail.com Thank you.
3/25/2015Al Berglin
I tried jon spears email but could not get through anyone know how to contact him? My email is cbab43@charter.net
3/24/2015al berglin
jon Spears, The year was 1963 november I was there. I was on the H-21 that pisked up the part of the crew
3/24/2015al Berglin
anyone out there from 1963. I was a doorgunner on the old H-21 would like to here from anyone 1963 sept, oct november also any one remember the red headed 2nd lt that was there in november of 1963?
3/23/2015bobby bird
email bird222@netzero,net
3/23/2015Robert Bird
Does anyone in Soctrang in 1964 remember me Bobby Bird and Chuck Gongaware ! And the large cash of weapons seized and layed out on the runway , and the crash of a huey hitt5ing a fixed wing at the end of the runway in Soctrang
3/23/2015Robert s. Bird
I remember when when a. Huey crashed with a fixed wing in 1964.
3/20/2015bill wendell
was at soctrang as gunner from 68 until 7-69 with the white tigers of 121st anyone else ther at that time
3/13/2015paul sturgill
i was attached to the 167 trans det achment 1966 to1967 i was a g.e.on maintenance recovery huey.the call sign was red devil.i operated out off soc trang
3/10/2015bill wendell
was gunner for mike sinnott and remet at general dynamics when we were out
3/9/2015Steve Stross
Looking for fellows who served with me in the 80th Trans Det.,121 Avn. Co. in Soc trang, 1965-1966
3/7/2015Robert Manning
I was in the 121st in 69-70 Welcome Home To All
2/28/2015Lee Stuart
I was assigned to the 121st AVN Co in Dec 1968 as a Pathfinder. I recently located one of my best friends from Vietnam, Paul Woodby who was also assigned there and served later on as a door gunner. I left in March in 1968 to serve with the 173rd. Paul has invited me to attend your reunion in June as a guest of his. I would like to attend and see who else I might recall serving with. Respectfully, Lee Stuart
2/28/2015Robert F. LOannerd
Jim Lehman: I can not remember your name, however it has been 50 years. Good find someone who was their at the same time. What aircraft did you crew? Maybe able to remember the aircraft. I worked in helicopter maintenance for about 40 plus years most for in the Dallas area and the oil patch Gulf of Mexico. Good here from you
2/28/2015Jim Lohman
Robert F. Lannerd: Frank Feldman was 1SG when I arrived at Soctrang in late December, 1964. Larry O. Banks, who was a great instructor at Rucker when I went through in Mid 1964, was one of the first guys I saw when I walked into the 121st Maintenance hooch. Larry was super intelligent and wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty. I live in San Antonio now.
2/28/2015Robert F. Lannerd
I have review all of the e-mails that are part the guest book. Some of the thanks I member are the snakes that Feldman had. I believe he had a monkey he carried around. Does anyone tie it a air force weather bloom? The pilots called me by Bigfoot and Twinkle toes. I found one name that was at the same time. Monica I do not remember the name. I have met Larry Banks who worked for Allison (Rolls Royce). Mr. Speilos (sp) who worked at the FAA in Ft. Worth as a test pilot. All know about Mr. Davis who died fighting forest five more than twenty years ago. I so met a pilot Mobile Oil in Louisiana. This around 1985? I was working for Era Helicopters in Lake Charles La. My e-mail address is rflannerd@yahoo.com.home phone is 903 562-1501, address is;380 CR 1537 Avinger Texas 75630
2/26/2015Bob Greene
I'm looking for some good CH-47 Chinook stories from Vietnam. Please let me know if you have some or know of anyone else who does. Please contact me at: bojogreene@aol.com Thanks.
2/24/2015Donnie powell
I remember you,was there in 69 crew chief tiger 22.
2/24/2015Donnie powell
I remember Mathis,was there in 69 crew chief tiger 22.
2/21/2015David Mathis SP/5
I was assigned to air mobile company of The 121st Soc Trang Tiger's. I was crew chief on the command and control ship for Maj. Charles A. Robinson in 1969. I was requested by the battalion commander to be his personal crew chief stayed there till i came home in Feb. 1970.If anyone remembers me e-mail me at jmathis@peoplescom.net.Hope to see you at the reunion.
2/18/2015Robert F. (Bob) Lannerd
My address 380 CR 1537 Avinger, TX. 75630. Phone number (903) 562-1501.
2/18/2015Robert F. (Bob) Lannerd
E-mail rflannerd@yahoo.com
2/18/2015Robert F. (Bob) Lannerd
I was in the 121 from Sept 1964 threw May 1965. I was a Crew Chief on White Tiger 8.
2/14/2015ron groh/james bielefieldt
im looking for myself served under name bielefieldt in nam 101srt airborne 1 air cav as a doorgunner went down in 2 helicopers alone dm zone cant find my records anywhere, please help email my wife at kimwineland@aol.com Thanks served 1969 fort campbell then vietnam 1969-1970
2/14/2015steve eneboe
STEVE ENEBOE in photo of lookinb for old friends I am#1 What along time ago kids yesterday men today I was a viking from 6-69 to 11-69 shot down on nui-cam.lost ship but we got picked up real quick lucky day
2/2/2015Association Treasurer
Gentlemen, This Association attempts to provide information about unit, our activities, scholarship for our young people, web site, gazette, and reunion. It operates on funds from membership dues and contributions, particularly in the area of scholarship. Without your active participation by joining our membership we are limited in what we can accomplish on your behalf and your family members. To date we have located more than 700 veterans of our unit, living and deceased, and are nearing 800 folks. Considering we began with about 40-50 names in late 2006 that is remarkable by any standard. We pay for no search engines to locate people and the devotion of those in the membership committee looking for our people, reconnecting them with old buddies, and, hopefully, getting them to reunion. I ask that you get involved, become a member, get to reunion, and participate. The Soc Trang Tigers and Vikings and the attached units are, indeed, a storied unit and your service is important. I sincerely hope you will step up and join our merry band of brothers.
1/30/2015juan pena
was a gunner remember crew cheif that pointed a m16 at me and pulled trigger you missed me your forgiven pray you are sill around we had the ramp right outside our houch
1/28/2015mike sinnott
I was soc trang from Dec 68 to Dec 69. Started in the hanger, then flew with the white tigers. Then I moved to the Viking platoon. My final days were with the wrecker. I remember Bill Quisenbery from the electric shop. Have forgotten many names but still remember faces
1/27/2015CW-3 Dale V. Martin
I was in this unit in late 1969, and just found this site..
Dale Martin vonmazur@aol.com
1/13/2015Gary Gunn
Just found this site. I was in Soc Trang from June 1970 til deactivated and moved us to Can Tho with the 162nd AHC. I was a crew-chief with the 121 AVN Co. and the 162nd. Flew on slicks, all types of missions as most of us did. I have a bad memory when it comes to remembering names of those I served with. Please say Hi and let me know how you are doing.
12/28/2014Ronald G. Pate
I was in Can Tho 5th Special Forces in 1963. We had a bird dog jocky that everyone figured for spook. He left in the morning, spun up to altitude and chuffed off. Sometimes he came back for lunch sometimes not. No one ever knew where he went or what he did. I lost all my records in a fire ... sure would like to know his name. Now living in Jakarta. RGP
12/20/2014Robert Goddard
Had the pleasure of meeting John D. Kennedy who told me about the association with HAL-3 Seawolves during the early days of HAL-3. I flew with the Seawolves 1970-1971. Merry Christmas all!
12/16/2014Bill Martin
Merry Christmas to all--God bless. Anyone ever know Sgt. McIntyre who served with me at Danang and when we (93rd) moved to Soc Trang??
Would love to hear from him or anyone else who might remember me.
12/15/2014JIM LOHMAN
Robert Long: I was in the 121st from Dec 64 until Dec 65. I was in maintenance initially, then got detailed to supply to assist in getting hooches ready for A Co, 101st who arrived in May I believe. I transferred over to the Viking Platoon around June or July and served proudly until DEROS a few days before Christmas.
12/15/2014Robert Long
Just found this. I was with the 121st in 64-65. Hope to attend the next reunion.
12/11/2014Bill Campbell
Thanks Tom.. Nice cards. Merry Christmas to you and all...
12/5/2014jay lane
he was a blue tiger
12/5/2014jay lane
hello im looking for anyone who may have known my dad Joseph J Lane was in the 121st and in vietnam around the 67 68 time he was helo mechanic and door gunner
11/28/2014Bill Quisenberry
I was in the electric shop june69-june70, i trained calvin ralls to take my place when i left. would like to hear from anyone who remembers me. popqson@centurylink.net
11/14/2014James B Nolan
Looking for anyone that remembers me. I was station at Soc Trang May '63 to May '64. I was helo airframe repairman. I think I wa with 80th Transportation Co.? Would welcome any responses at jnolan8703@aol.com.
11/13/2014Fred Lammers
@ Andrew Sinsel 1st week Sept 67 thru Sept 68, John is on some orders that I have, sorry Andrew I do not remember him at this time
11/11/2014buck matthews
thanks to all of the 121ahc Viking & tigers .
11/11/2014Tarry McGovern
Enjoy your Veterans Day Tigers you deserve it
11/11/2014Andrew Sinsel
@Fred Lammers. what were the dates of your deployment? do you remember a Johnnie young, john. small statured door gunner/crew chief, white tigers.
11/11/2014Bob Greene
Many thanks for all those who served their country at Soc Trang in any capacity. You were one fine bunch of young men who are still young in spirit.
11/11/2014Robert F Lannerd
I was the crew chief on white tiger 8 Sept 1964 threw march 1965.
11/7/2014Jim Lohman
Bill Caudill: Yeah, I remember our conversation last year. Looks like you were in the platoon before I got there. During that time I was detailed from maintenance to supply to get everything ready for A Co, 101st so they would have a roof over their head and a bunk to sleep in when they got tom Soc Trang.
On your crew chief, as I said last year, he look like a guy named Hughes from Houston who was with me in maintenance in early '65. Sorry I couldn't be of much help.
11/7/2014Bill Caudill
Viking door gunner..
Jim Lohman..I was a Vikings door gunner.. feb-May 1965..You and I talked last year..Still looking for my crew chief..
11/6/2014steve eneboe
Still looking for viking pilot. With initial T.O.E vikings 68 69
11/6/2014Raymond M (Mike) Rone
With the 121st in 1970.
11/3/2014Jim Lohman
Bill Caudill: Which months were you in the Vikings, during '65? I was in the platoon from about June to December, when I DEROS'd. Do you remember Jim Trainor, Bob Fiveash and Pappy Snelson?
11/2/2014Bill Caudill
To Bill Dodd..please put your 65-66 group photo for all to see..I was a Viking door gunner..1965..thanks
10/22/2014Sean Murphy
Hello to all and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your service. I was curious if anyone knew my Dad, James C. Murphy, went by the name Buzz?
He was stationed in Soc Trang sometime between 1967-68. He was a Warrant Officer/Co-Pilot for a Viking Huey. Thankfully he's still with us, he just doesn't use the computer so I'm checking up for him. I'm his son and I'm curious if anyone had a story?
If you have any information please email me at sean@spmphoto.com
Thank you all.
10/17/2014David Merkerison
Hello All,Wanted to say Thanks to all you guys for all you did,,Your my Hero's!Wanted to know if anyone may remember my big brother,Hubert Merkerison,was gunner with 121st aslt hel.from dec 69- mar.70 and went to 162 may 70. Sorry to say he was killed in a fight in Texas in 1979. after all that,,bum deal.My email is amamoonman@yahoo.com,,would be great to hear from his Brothers,,
10/15/2014Steve Stross
My tour was Sept, 65 to Sept 66.
10/11/2014John Brennan
Robert Ditsworth, do you happen to recall the serial # for THE WORLDS FAMOUS WRECKER?
10/1/2014ron powers
69 70 pilot
9/30/2014Bob Greene
Lee; Have you heard from Bob Stewart? Just thinking of him and wondering how is daughter is doing. Also the November issue of the Smithsonian's Air and Space Magazine has an article titled, "Untethered". Bob has two photos in it of him in the MMU.
9/27/2014Jon L Spears
Lee Huber- Thanks for your reply. I will try to check this out. Every little bid helps. Again, thank you!
9/23/2014Lee Huber
Jon Spears Id suggest that Ed Gilmore or Steve Govin may have some info for that time frame. There is a John Anderson history in the museum at Ft Rucker. Don't know if that helps.
9/21/2014Jon L.Spears
Bob Greene; Thanks for your feed back. I left Nam in April '64 and we were transitioning from the H-21 to the Huey's at that time. I'm hoping someone will read this event and remember. Out of 10 H-21's, 4 crew members each craft, one can only hope someone will remember!
9/20/2014Bob Greene
Jon L. Spears: I just finished a read of the operations reports for the latter part of 1963 and early 1964. I found no specific reference to the combat assault you described, but I can say that there were quite a few during this period. For sure it happened before May 1964 because that was when the H-21 last flew with the 121st. I'll continue to look and let you know if I can focus a little more on this flight. Hopefully others my read your message and help out.
9/18/2014Jon L. Spears
Will do.
Thank you Jim!
9/18/2014JIM LOHMAN
Jon L. Spears: You might check with Bob Greene, the historian. There is a CD with unit activities, by the month as I recall. Not sure how far back it goes (can't find mine), but it did go back as far as 64-65, when I was there.
Happy hunting.
9/18/2014Jon L. Spears
I was in the 121st AVN. Co. 63-64. I was a crew chief on the H-21.
I was wondering if any of you pilots, crew chiefs or gunners remember a assault mission late '63 or early '64 where there was 2 flights of 5 H-21's.
My craft was the 3rd one in the second flight. We received a radio call from the first flight saying that they were coming in to hot to land, so they would go around and be landing behind us. Also, we were told to land close to the trees because that was where the friendly's were. Needless to say that wasn't the case...all hell broke loose. Lead craft flipped over, gunner on second craft got hit several times and my craft took several hits one which hit the aft transmission.
After saying all of this, does anyone remember the month and year. The day would also help.
My e-mail address is jspears@gvtc.com if you want to reply.
Thanks to anyone who can help with this!
9/1/2014ron wharton
I was in the 121st assault helicopter co from 1970 to 1971
8/27/2014Robert Ditsworth
WAS IN COUNTRY FROM 68 TO 70 WITH THE 121 AHC. Was the crew chief on THE WORLD FAMOUS WRECKER. I would like to know if any one remembers LT.Roberts and W/O Perez. My e-mail is robinditsworth@yahoo.com Thank you for any help.
8/23/2014lilly john
my # 740 876 4205
8/21/2014Ed Toussaint
A friend of mine is looking for information on an Army Bird Dog pilot, Lt Barry Taylor, who was stationed at either Can Tho or Soc Trang during the second half of 1965
My friend, USAF Capt Don Taylor, was an O1 Bird Dog FAC based at Long Xuyen. He was "Beaver 98" in the air.
Any information you can provide would be appreciated.
Ed Toussaint etoussaint44@yahoo.com
My brother, A2C Tom Toussaint, was the crew chief for the two USAF FAC planes at Long Xuyen.
7/25/2014Rodney Zinser
Arrived at Soc Trang in November 1962 til Nov 1963. Assigned to MACV Was there when Tuffy arrived, and was there when we shipped him to the Toldeo, Ohio Zoo. Ran the Generator shop for the power.
7/22/2014Don Cummings
Claude Quinn - I am doing great. The "Homer and Jethro" duo are back in touch. Email cumm2sedro@yahoo.com
7/20/2014Claude "Allen" Quinn
Tiger Crew Chief '69. Flew frequently with Capt. Ellis, Mr. Holly and C&C with Maj. Robinson. I see my old buddy, Don Cummings signed in. How ya' doing Duke?
7/17/2014Hugh Hartsell
Hello, I just found this site and I'll mention I was in the 80th Transportation Detachment of the 121st Aviation Co. I left the 11th Air Assault Div. and went to San Diego to the Aircraft Carrier Iwo Jima. We took about 77 helicopters (Hueys)and arrived in Viet Nam at just about May Day. It was a great tour of duty, but I lost some friends. I hope to remeet many who made it back on here.
7/15/2014Mike (Shaky)
Hello Coby, After Flight School I was one of the luckies to be assigned to Ft Benning to form up a new unit. It was the 235th. First H models, than C models. After arriving in country many of us were infused into other units. I was really luckly to be assigned to the Tigers. What did your father do in the 235th?
7/14/2014coby wright
My dad is Ed Wright. He served from 1967-68. His last assignment was with the 235 aviation company. I am looking for people who served with him. Thank you guys for fighting and serving our great USA! my email is cobywright@hotmail.com if you have any information. Thanks again!
7/13/2014Cammi Marcks
My dad told me about this site he said he had some stuff on here. So I thought I would look around & learn I love the pictures & history Thank you to all of you Truly are heroes:)
6/22/2014gary dowler gldwlr@msn.com
looking for nose art pix of georgia peach
6/3/2014Ron Groh/james Bielefeldt from chicago now venice fl
I hope your better at computers then i am Im looking for James Bielefeldt served in 1969-1970 101rst airborne 1rst aircab attached as a door gunner. served with helicoper pilot Watts called watts Gunner. send info to kimwineland@aol.com if anyone served with him or has pictures
5/27/2014Gary West
Read all the lists of names. Some I remember well. some vaguely. And some that I think I should remember. Been a few years for sure.
I was with 121st HQ platoon from Dec 67 thru Dec 68.
Say Hey to Capt Kitchen, Hank Zanzucchi, George Quackenbush. Thanks to Reg Persicke for showing me what the DG was like.
5/20/2014JIM LOHMAN
Ronnie: Actually, I was with the 121st, and transferred over to the Viking Platoon just after you guys landed. As soon as A, 101 got there they had a place to lay their heads. I remember your commander saying the only difference between Soctrang and Fort Bragg or Benning, was 10000 miles. He changed his mind after awhile when the mortars started falling on the south end of the runway. Nice talking to you.
5/19/2014ronnie kincaid to jim lohman
the 11th air assault was from ft.bennig ga. they were mixed with the 101 airborn for deployment to soc trang hope the info. was helpful thunder bird gunship door gunner brother don't forget memorialday may god bless. thanks for the hooch and bed it was a god send thanks.
5/19/2014Dave Cunningham
Jim, Doubt the 11th AAD was in the mix as that unit became the main stay of the 1st Air Cav in the summer of 1965. Was there for that event as part of C/227th. Quite a time, to say the least.
5/19/2014JIM LOHMAN
Ronnie Kincaid: I hope you enjoyed those new hooches and the beds that were in place when you all arrived. I was detailed to supply to help with that. I remember a member of advanced party telling us you were all advised that you would be in "field" conditions. Can't remember the unit, but it had an "11" in the designation. 11th Air Assault maybe.
5/17/2014ronald b. ronnie kincaid
1965 -1967 I was on the other end of base 101st -336th avation as a door guner thunderbirds gunships we worked operations with the 121st regulary great group of men wont ever forget your first sgt.had a big snake always had big crowd for the snake feed.god bless after all thes years.
5/16/2014George Ferguson
Hello Bill! (Quisenberry) I was in your electric shop the last four months of my tour. I have some pictures of you from that time. If you want them I will send to you.
5/16/2014George Ferguson
Sorry about the mistyping errors. I forgot to type in the word "list" in between "the" and "off". Off should be "of"
5/16/2014George Ferguson 1969-1970 Crew Chief "Tiger 10"
Hello everyone. This next reunion would be perfect for me to visit all that show up. However, I will be with my in LA when she come back from England. Our son is stationed there. On another topic. I have been looking over the off people you are looking for. Mike Sinnott from San Diego lives somewhere on Sandy Hook Road in San Diego. Address unknown. Bill Quesiberry was an electrician and he came from the Phillipines. His father was a minister there. I think I mentioned that Oscar Martinez was a Viking Crew Chief and came from Corpus Christie, Texas. He and I were in the same Transportation School for the Huey progarm in Fort Eustus, Virginia. I am compiling pictures with and without names and sending them to the Florida address. Best wishes to all. George Ferguson
5/12/2014Roy Dawson
Looking for some of my old 121st friends. Avionics and Electric Shop.
5/9/2014Patricia Howardell
I see my confusion in my responses. Mr. Steve Stross 80th Transportation Detachment 1965-1966 and Mr. Jim Lohman 121st AML (then AHC) December 1964-December 1965. Two different people. Oh well, I'll just keep looking.
5/8/2014JIM LOHMAN
I meant to say I WAS in the 12st, not the 80th. But I was there through the 12-64--12-65 timeframe.
5/8/2014Patricia Howardell
Mr. Stross both you and Alan served in the 80th Transportation Detachment. And it seems that you were both in country in Soc Trang during the same time period. You arrived a month later and left a month later.
5/7/2014Lyle Leatherbery --- Delta Township, MI.
Hello, I was Soc Trang from 3-67 till 11-67 then moved on to Dong Tam Tower ... While I was in S/T I was attached to the 121st for housing and grub.. Our hooch was next to the Tiger crew chiefs and gunners and developed friendships with a couple of those guys... Does anyone remember Crew Chiefs Ake(The Hulk) and Mortiz(What Me Worry) On my days off I would fly in the gunners seat for hash & trash re supply to the Special Forces Camps to trade cigarettes and booze for "chutes" for shade between the hooche's or AK's ... Then there was a door gunner on one of the Vikings whom I think was named Dutton from Alabama... After I moved up to Dong Tam, 3 Vikings came through from a "cover" mission and stopped at D/T to refuel and when they left they called for departure and recognized my voice and decided to give me a "fly by w/smoke".. On the pass by one of them dropped one of the smokes on the little grass lawn of the Base Commander.. About 2 or 3 minutes later my radio lit up with the Base Commander wanting to know who they were.. I told him on air that they didn't I.D. themselves as they just stopped and refueled w/out radio contact... About 10 minutes later just a blind transmission came to me saying "Thanks Dong Tam and Good Night" and I'll never forget that distinctive voice of Viking 21... The best thing though I captured the whole smoke drop on my Super 8 camera which is now on CD ... One of great things about 121st.... It was the Commroderie among great guys.....Respectfully Submitted, Lyle Leatherbery -Delta Township, Mi. (Leatherbery@att.net)
5/7/2014JIM LOHMAN
Hi Patricia. I was there from December 64-Dec 65. I see very few of us here from that timeframe. I wasn't in the 121st.
5/6/2014Patricia Howardell
Mr. Stross: When in 1965 did you arrive? My late husband, Alan Howardell was also with the 80th Transportation Detachment and arrived in November 1964 and left in November 1965.
5/5/2014Steve Stross
served with 80th trans Det. Soc Trang, VietNam 1965-1966
5/4/2014Andrew Sinsel
Do any of you remember a Johnnie Young, Crew chief for white tiger 074 nickname "tin bin" in 68'
4/30/2014Emil Mitchell
Warrior Wonder was the 336th AHC Nightship and Tiger Surpirse was the 121st AHC Nightship. Both were up most every night but the Peter Pilots who took over AC when Mr Scuza of 121 and the WO of 336 DEROS'd never got the point of why the choppers were flown so hard when doing NOE (nap of the earth) flying. Both were blown out of the sky because they were flying around 50 knots and Charlie had time to aim and fire a B40 rocket both times. Sorry for the confusion but both Birds were well thought of and it was a major blow to everyone on Soc Trang which is what the VC wanted
4/29/2014Don Cummings
I believe Warrior Wonder was the 336th AHC night ship that took a round in a home made bomb on 2/27/1970 killing 2 pilots and 5 crew members.
4/28/2014John Brennan
What was the Warrior Wonder? This is a new name for my next book. Please fill me in with additional info!
4/24/2014Emil Mitchell
I was an Air Traffic Controller at Soc Trang Jan 69 to Sept 70. I remember one of our newbies writing me on special leave before I came back about Tiger Surprise and Warrior Wonder both being shot of air on night flights. It was one of the worst things I remember about my tours. Even the mini pumps being mortared and blowing up mid 1969 pales in comparison. Pookah02@yahoo.com
4/22/2014Paul Woodby
Does anyone out there know how I can get in contact with William Copeland. He is shown to be a member of our organization. He was with MACV Team 51 as an Advisor with 21st ARVN Div. I may have spent some time with him in the field while I was in Pathfinders. Any help and info on him would be greatly appreciated. I can be reached on the Guest Book or at my E-mail address (abailawaypaul@hotmail.com thanks, Paul
4/20/2014Bill Quisenberry
I ran the electric shop june 69-70,its been too many years. I remember when Suprise went down and three of our guys died, I was pulling guard duty on tower 13.
4/16/2014Dave Cunningham
Harold, Please let me know best way to contact you(email, land line, snail mail, etc.) I can be reached at: Tigerlead67@aol.com. By phone at: (305)235-7762. In the mean time you can go to the Association portion of the menu on the left and that will pull up a sub menu. At the bottom of that is a section called Membership Application. It is a down loadable form that will give you the information you need to join, what your payment is, and where to mail it. For information on the reunion go again to the menu at the left and go to Reunion 2014. There you will find five documents telling you all the information on the reunion and the registration you will need to fill out and mail in. There is also a list of attendees already registered. If you need me to send you the hard copies of any of these forms let me know and I will mail them to you ASAP. Welcome home!
4/15/2014harold m hamilton
Dave Cunningham can you let me no how I go about be coming a member and the low down about the reunion when and where and the cost thanks . Fred it is good to here from you I am glad you remember Dan
4/15/2014Fred Lammers
Thank you Harold, sorry to hear about Dan, I remember he was excited when you arrived in Soc Trang. We Had a lot of fun together, Dan was like an older brother to me. My mother and the others mothers would send baked cookies etc for all the neighborhood service men. Dan would always take some over to the gunners shack and share. Hopefully you will be able to make the reunion
4/13/2014harold m hamilton then i went by mike
Fred my brother Dan passed 1989 of a hart attack . i can remember meeting you i sure miss my big brother Fred thank you for your not.To the Association i will try to make the reunion my heaths not to hot
4/12/2014Dave Cunningham
This is addressed to the brothers Hamilton. The Association has sought to contact you for a very long time with no result. I hope you will address that with any member of the Board, especially the secretary or I. Many have sought to reconnect with you, as evidenced by the message from Fred Lammers. Times a'wastin and reunion is just around the corner. Information for that and the necessary documents is posted on this site.
4/12/2014James Ridge
Crew chief on Tiger 13 from 69-70
4/5/2014Fred Lammers
Hi Harold, Dan Hamilton was my gunner,after Vietnam, he did come by and visit me at my mothers home in Norwalk Calif. I've been trying to locate Dan with no luck
4/4/2014harold m hamilton then i went by mike
some more that i dont see here ostiz cap. kitchens mr. barfoot kovich taylor lopez there were a lot of us then not young kids like back then just memiores left
4/4/2014harold m hamilton
yes hostter if you were there in 68 as a blue tiger I remember you. Also remember Conrad, Brandon and a lot of other guys. If you remember me you probably also remember my brother Dan Hamilton. He was a white tiger and I was like you a blue tiger. Do you remember our little Mamasan Wa, the little vietnamese girl who wanted to be an american?? I will never forget those days....Hope all is well. One more thing, there was a mention of Caitlin. I still remember the day that he was lost...
4/4/2014Mike (Shaky)
Hi Robert, Hope you found the time flying with us interesting! Maybe we flew together as I remember a higher ranking gunner once siting in the corner covering us with his M60. Thanks.
4/2/2014Robert D. Gaddis
I was in the 69th Inf Det GSR. July 66 to July 67. I was the Det Cdr for most of the time as an E-6. I flew as a Gunner a good bit. Just had to see what it was all about.
3/27/2014Paul Woodby
Prior to going into Viking Gunship platoon as a door gunner in May 1968, I served with the Pathfinder Unit at Soc Trang. Does anyone remember the unit?
3/26/2014Don Cummings
Philip belongs on the KIA list. He took a round that came thru the helicopter and hit the inside of his chest plate and ricocheted back thru his heart.
Philip Edwin Smith Jr ON THE WALL: Panel W14 Line 41 PERSONAL DATA: Home of Record Waldport, OR Date of birth: 03/24/1949 This page Copyright© 1997-2013 www.VirtualWall.org MILITARY DATA: Service: Army of the United States Grade at loss: E4 Rank/Rate: Specialist Four ID No: 542609697 MOS/RATING: 67A1F: Aircraft Maintenance Apprentice (Flight Qual) Length Service: 01 Unit: 121ST AHC, 13TH AVN BN, 164TH AVN GROUP, 1ST AVIATION BDE, USARV CASUALTY DATA: Start Tour: 02/23/1969 Incident Date: 01/17/1970 Casualty Date: 01/17/1970 Age at Loss: 20 Location: Ba Xugen Province, South Vietnam Remains: Body recovered Casualty Type: Hostile, died of wounds Casualty Reason: Helicopter - Crew Casualty Detail: Air loss or crash over land URL: www.VirtualWall.org/ds/SmithPE02a.htm Data accessed: 3/26/2014 THE VIRTUAL WALL ® www.VirtualWall.org
3/26/2014John Schmied
Jim Lohman - I have added the info you provided about CW2 Bruce Jachens to our DAT list. It will appear on the web site when we update it the next time.
3/25/2014John Brennan
Gentlemen, twenty-seven 121 AHC photos are featured in "VN War Helicopter Art, Vol 2" released on Feb 1st from Stackpole Books. In addition, there were six 121st pics in Vol 1 (2012). Just so you know I'm presently working on Vol 3 for a 2015 release date. Thanks again, johnmailman@yahoo.com
3/22/2014Mike Shakocius (Shaky)
During 67/68 we took the panels downtown Soc Trang where a local artist did them. We normally gave him a photo of what we wanted and he copied it. Always turned out very good. The "Strawberry Bitch" is an example.
Which one survives in Pima?
3/22/2014Lloyd "snake36Bravo" Goldston III
Does anyone know who the artist was that painted the radio access panels on the nose? He did work for other units too and Im not sure if he wasn't with maintenance. I would really like to know. One of his works survives in Pima Air&Space Museum.
Thank you all, Lloyd snake36alpha_at_gmail_Dot_Com (replace with regulard @gmail.com)
3/20/2014JIM LOHMAN
On the DAT list: Bruce Jachens was a CW2 pilot,( which was not annotated on the list) with the Vikings. Flew with him as crew chief a few times in '65.
3/16/2014Patricia Howardell
So in summary most of Alan's service was from November 25, 1964 through November 25, 1965. The DAT Memorial Excel Sheet does not list 1965.
3/12/2014don klotz
crewed slick and for CO. left Soc Trang in Sept 66
3/8/2014Rodney Zinser
Assigned as MACV from Nov 62-Nov 63. Ran Generators,ran movie projector at EM Club, saw Tuffy make his debut when arrived. Many memories
2/27/2014ted clay
I was with 121 65-66 crewchief. White tiger II. contact me at muddyrivers65@yahoo.com
2/17/2014John Schmied
This is for Reg Persicke. The Association does not have your correct e-mail address. Please contact me at johndschmied@yahoo.com with your correct e-mail address. I tried to send you an e-mail and it bounced back. Thanks, John
2/15/2014Reg Persicke
Anyone remember Hershey bars?
2/7/2014Paul Woodby
OK guys, its time to start making preparations for the Reunion. It will be great to see all the people I served with in the Viking Gunship Platoon in 68 and 69. What a great time it will be, seeing friends and enjoying the all the fellowships from many, many years ago. See all of you in Branson.
2/7/2014Daniel Sylvester
I was a UH-1 mechanic at Soc Trang I was in Vietnam from Dec 1968 to Dec 1969
2/3/2014bill coslett
I was with the 80th trans from june 66 to jan. 68 do any of you hear from any of the 80th.
1/26/2014ralph pate
also,i was gunner when we picked up crew from tiger surprise when it crashed and burned in 70.i was light man the week before,what a nightmare.
1/25/2014Jamie Newton
Im married to the cousin of CWO-2 Francis L Griffin who was killed Feb 1 1968,he was in the Soc Trang Vikings any information on Toby as we all called him would be apprieciated. Email us at ae4950@hotmail.com
1/25/2014ralph pate
i served as a gunner on tiger then viking21 in 1970. remembering sam fox who was a good kid but was lost in mid 70.maj brown was co then,jerry was my main pilot.
1/24/2014ronald wharton
I was in the 121st in 1970 maintenance and the vikings
1/20/2014Jon Spears
I'd like to wish all of you 121st AVN Co. Soc Trang Tigers a "Happy New Year"!
I served in Viet Nam from April '63 to April '64. I was with the 80th,commanded by Captain Jerome (Jerry) Sullivan, when I arrived and then I transferred to the 121st AVN as a crew chief.
I have on CD, a mixture of pictures from July 63 to February 64. Some are very clear, some not so.
I would like to know where I can send this CD to so it can be put on the website for all to see.
I can be reached by e-mail at jspears@gvtc.com .
1/15/2014Charles bliss
Thanks for the info Dave I'm very sorry to here this
1/15/2014Dave Cunningham
This message is for Charles Bliss. Chuck Drone passed away on 8 September 2013. He is listed in the DAT portion of the Memorial part of the menu.
1/15/2014Charles bliss
This is for Wayne best. See what happens when you get old, you forget names.i remember you now glad to here from you it's been along time
1/15/2014Charles bliss
Any body heard from chuck drone. Been calling him but no answer
1/14/2014Jim Noblin
I checked the Tiger list and noticed that Tiger 29 (Silver Eagle) crew chief Perry wasn't listed. Anyone know about him?
1/13/2014Randy Stewart
I was a crew chief March 1968 until March 1969 with the 121st. I served on the scheduled and unscheduled maintenance crews, crew chief with the "White Tiger" platoon and finished my tour crewing with the Vikings. I'm retired now and interested in your organization. randy_stewart@safetyintegrators.com
1/4/2014Jim Doyle
Howdy & Happy New Year,
I have posted a photograph on Facebook
Tuffy The Tiger at Soc Trang in '63. Respect and Regards,
1/2/2014Christina Cagle
Daughter-in-law of Bill Cagle.
12/30/2013don gary
thanks bill,,it use to work on my puter,,but I will just do without--to down load excel is 109,00$ that I don,t have
12/29/2013Bill Campbell
Hi Dave and Don Gary, Concerning the access to the Tiger List, I experienced the same problem on my laptop, but not on my home PC. You have to have Microsoft Excel installed on your computer to access the list. Happy New Year to all of you!
12/25/2013Dave Cunningham
Don, The Tiger List is, indeed, there. Click on "Tiger List". You should pull up a screen with an item entitled "Tiger List (0.1MB)" and a green square surrounding an "X". Click on that, and depending how your computer is set up you should get a choice of "open, save, or cancel". You should select "open" if you want to view that screen and click on that. The Tiger List should be revealed to you. Any problems, please dial me up. Dave
12/25/2013Jm Lohman
It was 49 years ago today that I spent Christmas in Cantho on my way down to Soctrang. The VC said that they would be having Christmas dinner in the 121st mess hall--never happened.
12/24/2013Bill Campbell
Merry Christmas to all you guys and girls and especially to all of you who survived the VC attack during Christmas of 1964.
12/21/2013don gary
I hope everyone has a great holiday-and many more-stay safe-
12/11/2013Dave Cunningham
Buck, OPM SEA NITEOPS was at Ft Belvoir(1st Army). Probably sent there for major repair.
12/10/2013buck matthews
Thanks john for the info . Does anyone know what OPM SEA NITEOPS means ? All VIKINGS & TIGERS have a MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR . Thanks for the brothood .
12/9/2013John Brennan
Buck, the only info I could gather on 64-13997 was that it was dropped from Army inventory in July, 1968 while assigned to OPM SEA Niteops.
12/8/2013White Tiger Group Photo
May I add the following...
Add: CW2 John Taylor Third from left, Standing Correction: Capt Kitchens First from left, Standing
12/7/2013Rodney E. Marakowits
Member 80th trans det August 64-August 65. Where is David Whale? Happy Holidays!
12/6/2013Tom Jameson
How many butter-bar aviators other than me made it to Nam? Then Major Carl McNair, on May 19,1968 pinned silver bars on me. To have General McNair promote me was one of my career highlights. He was perhaps one the most exceptional leaders I had the privilege to serve.
12/2/2013Buck Matthews
John Breennan do you have any info on UH-1B 64-13997 that was my last one can t remember the S/N of my first one I took it over from Ollie Olson ( THE Devistatore )was the name he had on the nose
11/28/2013john kleinman
flew wuth white tigers and Vikings 1968 to 1969.. would enjoy talking with guys I flew with contact me at johnkleinman @roadrunner.com.
11/22/2013Dave Cunningham
Hi John, I was not your mess sergeant. If I had been maybe I would have not gotten so skinny. I got over that eventually. I was a slick driver with the White Tigers, 66-67.
11/20/2013john lilly
was you my mess sargent,
11/13/2013Bill Martin
My email is Billmartin1@aol.com. Would love to hear from any/all of my friend that I may have served with from the past. I remember TUFFY as he was just outside of my office.
11/13/2013Bill Martin
Just found this web sight. I was the company clerk for the 93rd Tran Company during 1962 and 1963. Started at DaNang and then we moved to Soc Trang.
Best I can remember is Major Ewing was Company Commander and Capt. Hall was medical. I also remember Sgt. McIntyre and at least one CWO Billy Lamb who was killed while I was there. God rest his soul and God bless all of you BROTHERS. God bless the USA.
11/12/2013Mark McFaul
My e-mail mox_ie@hotmail.com
11/12/2013Mark McFaul
My dad was Donald Ray McFaul He was with the 121st. My dad was from Rosco Texas. If you have any pictures I sure would appreciate that. Blessings
11/11/2013bill ferguson
11/11/2013bill ferguson
there are too many names to remember. I am 67 years old.
11/11/2013bill ferguson
2V1 and 2V6. 68 - 69. Shot 31 JUL 1969. served with Brian King, Mike Sherman, Tom Jameson, Bob Ennis. Jim Lucking, Fred McCarthy and Dan Swecker taught me how to fly a gunship.
11/6/2013Bill Campbell
With Veteran's Day approaching, I just wanted to offer a salute to ALL that answered the call, and to those who gave all, especially my good friend Captain Arnold Sanford who was with the 173rd AHC (Robin Hoods). He was killed in a mid air collision while making a night insertion. Also, another salute to a few of my relatives, my dad WWII USN Pacific Theater aboard the USS Lander; my Great Uncle WWI USN; my Great Grandfather Co B 3rd SC Regiment CSA who was wounded at Antietam, wounded at Fredericksburg, and captured at Gettysburg. my GGGGGrandpa War of 1812,Youngblood's 1st Regiment, SC Militia; My GGGGGrandpa, Revolutionary War, SC Militia. God Bless All.
10/19/2013wayne best
this is for Charles bliss. I think it was after tet when I started flying on the surprise.Like I said I was on the 50cal & you were on the light.The airforce gave us 20pound bombs to use.I flew with you maybe 3 or 4 mouths
10/14/2013Bob Greene
Mac: This is in reply to your message of 9/25/2013. Did you send these photos to me? I have never thrown photos away so if you sent them to me, they should be somewhere in my office. Help me put by identifying some of the photos and the date(roughly) they were taken. What media did you use (CD, photos, prints of photos, etc)? Photos sent to me go in the archive unless you tell me you also want them to go on the website. We will get to the bottom of this. Bob
9/28/2013Steve Stross
Just wanted to say hello to fellow 80th trans Det., Bob Pressley, I was in country with Bob 1965. With a last name like Pressley, how could one forget him. Nice to hear from you Bob.
9/25/2013Steve Eneboe
1969 I wascrewchief 054 theirwas a Pilot name forgot. But used int T.O.E Any help let me know.l left Nov 69
9/24/2013Dave Cunningham
The two gentlemen you listed as KIA are listed in the Memorial Section, KIA Sub Section of the web site. The names in the Tiger List reflect people we have no knowledge of as being deceased, either KIA or DAT.
9/23/2013re: Tiger List
I noticed that 2 names are missing: George Hadzega and Willie Caitlin, both killed the summer of 1968, both 121 Tiger doorgunners. To whoever asked about Tiger Surprise: as an Avionics Tech w/the 257thSigDet and working most of my 12 months at night, I had to take a test flight on that bird in order to check out a piece of equipment that worked on the ground but not when flying: loose connection, bad plug, bad antenna, hi-freq vibration/abrasion, etc. In the course of checking various components in-flight, the T.S. bird got a call to light soeone up and J.H.Keerist, they got lit up, the focus-able spotlight guiding the way for the .50 to 'rain red' on whoever the unlucky bastards were who were caught in that light. I've also been in contact with Sgt. [retired as a CSM!!] Jim Smith, hangar guy for the 121 and TransDet, now 82 and living the good life in Florida
9/23/2013Pat Dwyer, 257SigDet from Feb68 to Feb 69
Ronn9ie Melvin: contact me. I tried getting you through an uncle or relative years ago but nothing came of it. Would like to hear from you; am in contact w/Tim McCullough and also Dale Stith, the Lockheed Tech on the 2 BatPlanes I worked on 'til they left. Recently I tracked down George ['Stevie' to her family] Hadzega's aunt Susan in SoCal, had a long chat w/her. She said that soon after he was killed, someone who knew him visited her and George's 5 sisters, then nothing until I called. I mentioned that the ancient Greeks believed that as long as a person's was mentioned, then they lived on after death. That's what the reunions and the e-mails are all about. The V.A. healthcare has been heartwarmingly great, even with this G-D-ed Agent Orange cancer, which seems tamed for now. I have no qualms about recommending the V.A. for medical treatment. The bureaucrats took 20 months to settle my claim, but they back-paid to the date of the claim [I filed 2 days after my 1st chemo in early 2011, got a fat check late last year...gave away most of it, since it's blood money: the blood of my brother who died of Agent Orange in 1985 and the many others --American AND Vietnamese-- suffering from this cancer-time-bomb]. May we never forget each other, nor our friendship cease to grow. RON MELVIN: I'm at <<red.bridges_2@yahoo.com>> E-mail me, brother. Any news of Gordon Howe?
9/19/2013Bob Short
121st Door Gunner from Jan 1969 to June 1969. Just a shout out to all my bros to let them them know I am still alive and kicking. And to my best friend Dan James: Why do you think I don't want to contact you anymore or think I am mad at you--nothing could be further from the truth--be well my friend.
9/16/2013Bryan Warrilow
Does anyone remember a Daryl Kawada or John T Horrocks from 68 in soctrang. Don't know if they were with the 121 ahc.
9/2/2013Robert Pressley
Was door gunner with 80th and 121st from May 65 to May 66, don't know why I am not listed????
8/31/2013Margarito (Reno) Escareno
Served with Soc Trang tigers in Vietnam 1964-1965 Looking for buddies who might remember me Only email access I have is my daughter's monica03ons@yahoo.com
8/28/2013Ron Melvin
Avionics crew chief 67-68 soc trang flying tygers
8/14/2013Ed Goodman "Tiger 21" 1970 - Doorgunner
Please add me to the list. Jan 1970 until we moved to Cantho
I was entered before but information was wrong.
Door Gunner Tiger 21 "Blue Tigers".
Still around 40 years later - JUST GOT VA Benefits!!!!!
8/9/2013Jennifer Hencin
I am James Hencin(ski)'s daughter. He was a door-gunner on Tiger Surprise. My father died June 2, 2005 and I have none of his records or any information and I'm trying to create a genealogy and memorial for my daughter. If you knew Jim please contact me at 773-567-5652 or jenahencin@yahoo.com. I can't find any former crew mates like Ed Scuza. I know Bob Hoffman passed, but I don't know much else. Please help if you can. Thank you so much!
8/1/2013Bill Campbell
Copy Dave, will forward shortly... My e-mail is bcccz@tx.rr.com
8/1/2013Alton (Al) Watson (Crew Chief Viking 971 1968)
Looking to hear from my Gunner, William(Bill) Curran.Hope you are doing well.Also the same extends to all who served with the 121st AHC. contact info awatson@laserspecialties.com
7/31/2013Dave Cunningham
Bill, If able please scan the orders and send to my email address at:Tigerlead67@aol.com. If not able please send me your email address and I will forward my snail mail. I attempted to reply to the email address I have on file for you but no joy. Thanks. Dave
7/30/2013Bill Campbell
I just found promotion orders dated 16 November 1964 that contains 15 names of various promotions of guys with the 121st, 80th Trans Det, and the 257th Sig Det and signed by Major Millard Whitten, Commanding. Thought they may could be used in increasing our membership if you can tell me where to forward....
7/23/2013Tom Materene
Any 121st, 336th members that have a moment, take the time to leave a message to Darrell Perrien who was a Pilot in 69 at the 336th. I have no specifics but judging from his message left at the 336th he may not be doing well and any short message from any of you might make his day a little better. Here is the message center link where you can reply to his inquiry
"looking for anybody who was there 1/69 to1069 Posted by darrell perrien 7/22/2013, 5:05 pm
someone please send me a hello doant have long left"
7/19/2013Ronald W. Porier
I was with the 121 AVN from May 1969 to June 1970 I was a crew chief my e-mail is ron041150@yahoo.com. Would like to know if anyone remember me. Hope to hear from someone soon Thank Take Care Ron
7/18/2013Dan Utinske (SFC Retired)
Soc Trang - July 1970 until the 121st was deactivated then moved to Can Tho, 191st. One of the last members of the unit to depart Soc Trang. Live in Gig Harbor, WA
7/7/2013Lee Huber
For those of you who are not in the yahoo group,first :get in. There is a Viking Huey "B" model on display out in front of the museum here at Ft Jackson. If you want to look at it my email lhuber1936@att.net
7/1/2013Tom Materene
Here's another image for those that want it, just download to your computer from your browser.
Dan is talking about David B Anderson, who was riding in the back of the deuce and a half that was hit by RPG, he unfortunately had removed his helmet and took a small piece of shrapnel to the back of the head. That truck was totaled and the front axle was knocked completely out from under it. The driver I can't remember his name but he was a real big guy that wore glasses, he was wearing his flak vest and that stopped most of his wounds, he was alright. The Sister in charge of the catholic orphanage and Church there in Soc Trang once told us a story while we were visiting. If you went to visit you were always greeted with a cold bottle of orange pop and a smile. She told us that she was coming back from Can Tho by road in their little canvas topped car, and that she noticed a group of Army engineers that had been working on the road, they were all laying over on the side of the road taking a afternoon siesta, seeing that she pulled over and got out and walked over and woke them up, she told them that they were in a very bad area and many VC were around and they really shouldn't be sleeping like that. I guess she was right since the attack on this convoy was in that area. I always think about this when I remember David and the others. I only made one convoy to Can Tho and it wasn't by choice it was the only way I could get to finance, that road is or was an absolute killer, that bouncing up and down and all those pot holes for 40 miles was enough to drive you crazy. I had a headache for two days after I got back to Soc Trang.
6/27/2013Tom Materene
I made cong hunting club images for all my units and this one I made for the 121st. Size is 1680x1050, you can copy and paste it save it and even use it as desktop, or color print it, and lastly just throw it away whatever floats ya boat.
6/26/2013dan james
damn am i that old i knowi was there,can t find anyone that remembers me, came from long bihn alng with bob short, oh well i know someone has to remember gary hostter, went from a blue tiger to a viking did eighteen months total, i was there when the convoy to can tho was ambused, anderson sadly was killed. anyway peace to all, was an honor servng with all
6/26/2013Charles bliss
Does any body remember puff the dragon 717 tiger slick
6/18/2013Chuck Drone
Been trying to locate you Charles Bliss. Going to have to get together. You still in southern Cal? I am in San Jose Still.
6/17/2013Charles bliss
I was looking at the names on the reunion and I recall a friend named chuck drone remember me
6/17/2013Charles bliss
This is to Wayne best I was crew chief on the surprise then .
6/17/2013Charles bliss
I was cc in 67 my helicopter I believe it was named puff the dragon we crashed on a rf mission in oct. if any buddy remembers please let me know then I went to the Vikings and flew gun ships and the Viking surprise
6/10/2013al berglin
Does anyone know the whereabouts of Fawzi Abed doorgunner. Also cannot find any pictures or history of our H21's. we flew in the old one not the huey's anyone know who the armour was at soc trang nov, 1963?
6/2/2013Larry Hardin
Buck Matthews, hollar at me. My e-mail is viking@insightbb.com, but I don't check it every day. Good to hear from ya.
5/29/2013wayne best
I flew door gunner with the blue tigers and the 50 cal on viking surprise in 1967 to 1968. I was going back over but I got my orders for Ranger school I wanted
5/29/2013james conrad
5/29/2013james conrad
5/27/2013Buck Matthews
Larry I know we did . I have several pictures of you . Hope you doing ok . good to here from you .
5/26/2013Larry Hardin
Matthews, I believe we served together, Vikings '67.
5/26/2013Buck Matthews
All Vikings & Tiggers
Thanks For your service & Welcome Home & a special rememberance to friends who did not make it back . God Bless you all
5/24/2013Lee Huber
Correction: My previous message should have said "John Loper"
5/23/2013Lee Huber
John Roper If you find someone on the Tiger list you know and want to get in touch with contactLBWC either Dave Cunningham or John Schmeid and they will try to make it happen. Their info is on the "cottact link.
5/21/2013John M. Loper
Sorry, I didn't get this until the it was too late. Hope for next year. Please keep me posted of any future reunions.
5/13/2013Lee Huber
Tom You may know a friend of mine here in Columbia,SC. Tom Burroughs,he was property book Officer for the 336 on the close down and turn over to ARVN.
5/13/2013Thomas R. Brackett
XO/CO during last the last period before the closing of Soc Trang Airfield
5/10/2013John Wells 178thASHC Phu Loi 66-67
I am looking for any info. on Bob Banta. Any help would be appreciated. My email is wishingwells2326@sbcglobal.net Thanks
5/3/2013Mac Dave McLane
I rememmber one day we had a test piolet out checking the coletive stick out he would run the hel up then stop it then come down and stop it one to many time and he came down and did not stop and hite the groyund and bent the skids up around the doors we had to get sand bags for him to land on he was not a happy camper
4/30/2013don gary
I think that tail # someone was looking for earler,,may be triple 7--I no it set out there for a while befor we could recover it--I was hoping Charlie would blow it up so we would,t get it back--that air craft was a real pain for us t,i,s and maimtence crews--something was always wrong with it-it had viberations that we never could stop--we changed everything on it except the color and it still shook--maj. miller and I got tired of messing with it
4/24/2013Tom Jameson
Photo series of Soc Trang Viet Nam 1966-68. I gentleman named Tim McCollough has placed on You Tube on 7 part collection of 1000 photos on life in Soc Trang and a some operational photos. Just google it and it pops up. Hats off to Tim. Thank you for sharing this with us and our grandchildren.
4/24/2013Tom Jameson
Don't know if you have seen this, but this is a fairly well put together video overview on YouTube about Army aviation in Viet Nam. For those who were there, you may find it helpful with the grandkids on answering the question on "what do you do in VN?"
4/22/2013Tom Jameson
Bryan Warrilow. Contact me at jamesontl@yahoo.com about afibrillation and one success story I can tell you of one success story.
4/22/2013Tom Jameson
5/25/2012 Tom Jameson
Mike Sherman pulled me out of the air craft that was shot down as we departed a PZ in Sept 68 just south of VC Lake on the southern end of the U Mihn. Another Tiger flown by Max Casonova with Viking cover, picked Mike, Chief, Gunny and I up along with a whole stick of ARVN. Anybody who reads this needs to know Mike Sherman and Max Casonova (along with his crew) were life savers that day. I will see if I can find the tail number, Mike. Thanks Mike. I owe you a lot. Anyone know Max Casonovas whereabouts? Send e-mail to jamesontl@yahoo.com
4/22/2013Tom Jameson
George Quackenbush. Please drop me an e-mail at jamesontl@yahoo.com or call me at 724-331-3020.
4/22/2013Tom Jameson
Message to Brian Reiss, howdy. I have a pic of "Death Do Us Part" if you want a copy. jamesontl@yahoo.com
4/22/2013John P Weber
mechanic for 121 AVN 1977-1979
Hi Tom, I sent you a message to your email address. Mike
4/10/2013Steve Stross
Looking for info on two guys who served with me in the 80th trans in 66, Randal Bracci and Richie Mulhuland.
4/10/2013Art Bein
Art,I'll bet you graduated from the University of Miami in 1962. If so please send me an email at:Tigerlead67@aol.com. Dave Cunningham
4/9/2013allen bergin
Thank you art I always will remember that day,I watched him go down then My pilot said we are going in. Me and the crew chief ran to them and pulled them out. I dragged him across the patty to our chopper and threw him inside. He came up to my gun bleeding and I gave him a cigerret I was PFC and he was a 2nd Lt, But no rank at that time. I just heard that he passed away last year. Now he's in Gods chopper
4/8/2013Al Berglin
You asked about the 2nd Lt (red headed guy) who got shot down in 1963 November. That was Larry Yager, later known as Red Mustache One. He retired as a Lt. Colonel. I was flying with Maj. Schenker in the huey right behind Larry's and watched him go down. You must have been in the #2 aircraft of the 2nd flight we were leading, as Maj. Schenker called for you to go down and pick up any survivers. Well done and by the way, our gunner got one of the VC on the 50cal. Art Bein
4/8/2013Lee Huber
I see David Kibler on the reunion roster. Are you related to the late Bob kibler? Bob and I were OCS classmates.
4/7/2013Carl Bartecchi
Many of you that I met at the Colorado Springs reunion, and who were familiar with my books - SOC TRANG, A VIETNAMESE ODYSSEY AND a DOCTORS VIETNAM JOURNAL, expressed an interest in my ongoing medical project in Vietnam, where we are training Vietnamese physicians in advanced medical concepts that will allow them to become teachers of academic medicine throughout Vietnam. We do this teaching here in the U.S. and in Vietnam. The complete story of this academic teaching effort and its future goals is now available in my recently published book - THE BACH MAI HOSPITAL PROJECT, available from Merriam Press ( merriam-press.com ) Best wishes, Carl
4/5/2013brian culley
to add to some of the history the 121 avn co sad to say was part of the recovery of body's from jonestown in 78. 900 plus soul's.
4/5/2013brian culley
Jim walker on the membership list any chance same that was at ft benning around 79
4/3/2013Tom Jameson
To: Jim Noblin, Shaky, and Mike Sherman
Drop me a line a jamesontl@yahoo.com. Would love to hear from all of you any one in the Tigers/Vikings Early 68-69.
Have been corresponding with Rick Thomas and what a career he had had.
See later Brothers.
4/2/2013Mike Rollins
Today is the 43rd anniversary of the loss ot "Tiger Surprise." I just wanted to take a moment to let Ed Skuza and Bob Sodonio know they are in my thougths as well as the families and friends of Tom Silva, William Vaspory and Clyde Coffman may they RIP!
3/27/2013Bob Greene
Lee Kimberling, Pleas contact dave Cunningham to get on the roster. His email address is under the tab,"Contact". I agree that Maj (later Col.) Joe levinson was a most able commander. I was privilaged to be able to attend his funeral at Arlington last year. You can get materials to me at my home address: 47296 Grandview Pl., Potomac Falls, VA 20165.
3/27/2013Bob Greene
John Brennan: woops! You are correct. My email address should end in .net instead of .com. I will get the web master to change.
3/27/2013Bob Greene
John Brennan: If you mean my email address under the tab,"Contact" I have checked it and it is correct. If you need to contact me, give it another try or use bojogreene@aol.com
3/27/2013bryan warrilow
do any out there have atril fibulation now. if so,how are things going with it. also what meds are you on. like Coumadin.any other heart problems.
3/26/2013al berglin
any shotgunners from shotgun three 1963 out there? contact me @ cbab43@charter.net
3/26/2013al berglin
Does anyone know a bobby hurt doorgunner or the 2nd lt (redhead) around Nov 1963, soc trang? would like to find these guy any help? or any gunner from that time.
3/26/2013Lee Huber
I don't know why some of the gunners faal left out.You were an important part of a 4 man crew. You arw as much a part of this association as Tiger 6. Lee huber
3/23/2013JM LOHMAN
Door Gunners: I was there in '65 when the door gunners were permanently assigned to the 121st-- No more 90-day TDYs. It made a lot of sense because the same guys kept coming back anyway--didn't want to put up with the spit and polis back in Hawaii.
3/22/2013al berglin
glad to here from you guys. like I said I was there in 1963. when we lost four choppers on one mission. there was a 2nd Lt (RED HEADED GUY) that we pulled out of the water I wounder if he made it this was around 24 november 63 anyone know what i'm talking about
3/21/2013Lee Huber
Al Berblin You must have been there when Bob Kibler,Steve Govin,Moon Mullins and that crowd were there.I was in the highlands on a MAAG assigfnment at that time.Went thru OCS with Kibler and know Govin&Mullins.I don't know when the 93rd went down there but Ed Gilmore was in that bunch.
3/21/2013Bill Campbell
Hi Al Berglin, You may want to access www.25th-infantry-div-shotgunner.com to see the members of your group. I see a lot of guys that served with the 121st Soc Trang Tigers and the Vikings... E-mail me if you need any assistance, please. Bill Campbell bcccz@tx.rr.com
3/21/2013Bill Campbell
I still remember you Gunners from the 25th Inf. Div. in the 1964-1965 time frame.. Especially the Sgt who had two stars over his CIB. The Gunner's hooch was adjacent to our (Avionics) hooch. We substituted flying for you guys anytime we had a chance... You are not forgotten!
3/21/2013don gary
hey al berglin, lighten up,,no body is forgotten in this place--its been 45 years or more for us guys--no body in this place has forgotten anyone--that's the reason for this group-I was in korea at that time-but we got there eventually--67 and 68
3/21/2013al berglin
where are the doorgunners of1963 we flew in combat but I guess we are forgoten
3/19/2013Lee Huber
Patricia I'm the guy who sat out by the pool early and visited.I'm easily identified by the hole in my neck and the vibrater I talk with.Sounds like you are well.Northeast northwest I'll go wherethe wind takes me.
3/19/2013Kimberling Lee C.
My name is not on the roster and others I knew. I have a lot of history and pictures. Major Levinson is the CO that really helped get Soc Trang cleaned up.Served 63-64
3/19/2013don gary
I may have met you last year patricia,,I was the guy in the electric scooter-it sure beets walking for some one who is banged up-I am really looking forward to the Vietnam vets welcome parade,3 day event,in pigeon forge tenn,,next month-we have reservations for the whole week the 14th--
3/19/2013Patricia Howardell
No problem Don. I attended the reunion in Dothan last year and it was a healing process for me and our children. I met some wonderful men and women and truly hope one day to see these folks again. And those who met me last year know I am indeed truly geographically and navigationally challenged. How I managed to travel safely in my truck from VT to Dothan and back was nothing short of a miracle :)
3/19/2013don gary
hi patricia, thank you for your service-don,t mind the joking around--after 30 years of being around guys like us,,you no we can be a hand full-but having people like you around,,is a god send-bless you and thanks
3/19/2013Patricia Howardell
No, not a geography teacher. I am a widow of one of your Brothers and a nurse who has been committed to serving for over 30 yrs sick and ailing Veterans. It was my genuine mistake in reading Northeast vs Northwest. But thanks for your kind feedback.
3/18/2013don gary
OH, you noticed to-I thought I was seeing things..must be a geography teacher who wrote that
3/18/2013Lee Huber
Thought NY and VT were in the northeast
3/18/2013Patricia Howardell
Additionally, the first state sanctioned Vietnam Veterans Memorial in the nation was dedicated at 10:30 AM on October 30, 1982 in Sharon, VT. Also, the only private VA Cemetery is on Randolph Center, VT. Stunning vistas and rich in history for a final resting place for our fallen Veterans. Covered bridges abound in this area and would be a lovely ride on a motorcycle or cage.
3/18/2013Patricia Howardell
The northwest would be a lovely place to host a reunion. Among some of the attractions would include: Fort Ethan Allen, Essex, VT; Norwich University, Northfield, VT (1st private military college); The National Purple Heart Hall of Fame, Windsor, NY; the birthplace of the Navy is in Whitehall, NY. Woodstock, VT has numerous B&Bs and having a reunion in mid June would afford people to see beautiful New England. All these destinations, and more, are a hop, skip, and jump from Woodstock, VT. I would be willing to assist in coordination.
3/18/2013Lee Huber
I've heard rumblings that the next reunion might be in the northwest. Think we owe it to the folkes out there . Don't think a plane ticket out there would be a lot more than to Ft Worth. Is there anyone out there who would hosr it. I still like Dothan a lot because of the service we have had from the motel. Never had better.
Lee Huber
3/14/2013don gary
sp/6 hester was playing with one of his snakes,,and it pooped on his bed so he killed it--that boy had a temper
3/11/2013Larry Hardin
1st sergeant Feldman had several snakes. He gave me a ten footer and I sent it home stateside. Also he had one that would chase people, so he cut off it's head and the Vietnamese cut it up in steaks. Crazy times.
3/10/2013bryan warrilow
1st sargent Feldman had a large snake outside his houch,by the showers.this is the same snake that ate a baby pig.
3/9/2013Bill Campbell
In response to Jim Lohman's reference to the tall, thin Sergeant and the snake: His name was SSgt Hooker who was our NCOIC of the 257th Sig Det (Avionics). The snake's name I think was Susie and weighed around 160 lbs. I have been trying to locate Hooker and our Commander Captain Buchannan since I returned home, but with no luck.. Anyone remember the Huey we had modified with a bank of speakers and amplifers mounted on the rear bulkhead with a tape recorder, or the pilots that would adjust the barometric pressure on the altimeters to reflect a different alitude than we were actually flying? Bill Campbell e-mail: bcccz@tx.rr.com
3/9/2013don gary
http://welcomehomevietnam.com/events-and-itinerary/-check out this web site--its the welcome home vietnam vets parade in april the 15th for 3 days in pigeon forge tennessee---you can get any hotel you want and most events are free-
3/7/2013Randy Nees
I had the honor to serve with the White Tigers in 1966 and 67. I was platoon sgt. in 1967. My men were the best patriots and airmen this country country could ever muster. I want to salute them for their service. Again I will live with honor and memorys for life. Thank you. randynees44@yahoo.com
3/3/2013Larry Hardin, Viking '67
I have many stories about Sgt. Feldman. May share some later.
3/2/2013Cal Eddy
Don Jackson, great to hear from you, I just found Rick Jones (Crew Chief on the Vikings and John Sindt who was in the Maintenance hanger keeping our choppers in the air. I am looking for my gunner Ed Wright have you heard from him? My e-mail is baebaw@ccgmail.net
3/1/2013Don Jackson
I am delighted to see that Cal Eddy signed in. I remember him as a Blue Tiger Crew Chief before he went to the Vikings. I recall his specialty was testing the protective equipment. There is a picture of him somewhere holding a chicken plate with a big crater dead center, and I also recall he had a flight helmet that had saved his head from a bullet. Welcome home Cal.
2/26/2013JIM LOHMAN
Frank Feldman Feldman was the first person I saw when I walked into the orderly room O/A 27 Dec 1964, he actually made me feel welcome, it was a good start for me. There was a large snake owned by a tall, thin Sergeant (Signal, I think), see the black and white photos submitted by me with said snake. Could this be the one who ate the pig?
2/26/2013bryan warrilow
I remember when that pig was put in the cage to. I remember when the snake had that pig inside him. could not believe it. loved that first sarg Feldman.did he also own the garbage collection company in soctrang?
2/26/2013don gary
sgt feldman put a pot belly pig in the snake cage -it was in one corner and the snake wes in the other corner for 2 or 3 days--one morning i walked by the cage and no pig but the snake was a lot biger
2/26/2013Dave Cunningham
I still have a picture of that monster. We took it to a party in down town Soc Trang. We thought it only fair that he enjoy himself as much as we did.
2/26/2013don gary
i remerber sgt. feldman and that 20ft.snake he had--a motor landed just out side the snake cage,,and damaged the building,but the snake didn,t even get a scratch
2/25/2013Dave Cunningham
Hi Ken, The first sergeant you refer to was Feldman. He was with the unit for many years. He, unfortunately, passed on quite awhile ago. Glad you found us. Welcome home.
2/25/2013kenneth daly
Been looking for info on the 121st Avn Co for years. I was one of the 4 AF Weathermen assigned to the 121st in 1964-65. Most memories are faded but I remember a huge Army 1st Sgt that used to give us hell and we loved it.
2/23/2013brian culley
Talked with John Schmied today was glad to finally find info on 121avn. not being an in country vet but being a member 79 to 80 with service from 74 to 80. my greatest memories was being in the the company of some of the greatest combat pilots cwo Nettles an cwo Pike I,ll will never forget those guys. mr pike is the one that let me take the controls on maint test flight fn awesome. I do look forward in becoming a member thanks john.
2/20/2013Cal Eddy - crew chief
I was a crew chief on a gun ship (VIkings) in 1967.
2/19/2013Dennis Connor
Great website
I was a crew chief just down the street assigned to the 336th AHC in 1967.
The two things I remember about the 121st is that it had the best nose art in-country.
One night a few us ended up drinking at the EM club with two guys from the 121st and then decided to take swim in the swimming pool (I think I used it twice the whole time) when the club closed. We got chased my the MPs but were never caught. I saw one of those guys downtown months later and we hung out but I never got his name or more likely forgot it.
2/19/2013don gary
update on the vietnam week in pigeon forge tenn.. watch out for some places trying to sell a package deal of 340.00$ per person--most motel rooms are about 49.00 a nite if you reserver early-and you can go to events on your own or not--the parade is free and there a lot of free things to do--my wife and i go there 2 or 3 times a year and no where to go--if you want to no anything,,e-mail me at ah1g588@hotmail.com--that is the # one not the letter l or i
2/17/2013don gary
hey guy,s there is a welcome home parade in pigon forge tennessee the week of the 15th in april--it going to be a city wide detecation to vietnam vets-if you are intrested,,just type in pigeon forge tenn,,,and look under the events section for april--even adrin cronauer the good morning viet nam radio guy is there and the marine corp band--and a large parade--with all kinds of other events--my wife and i have reservations al ready-
2/2/2013steve eneboe 054viking@gmail.com
Mike sherman i was crewcheif of 054. That was a close call .Glad we made it off the mountian.and nobody hurt.contact me on gmail.have been in contact with alot of Other Vikings.cant wait to here from you.
1/27/2013Bill Whartenby
viking door gunner 65-67 121 st.
1/27/2013Wm. Whartenby
Sweitzer, Russ Do you remember the gas run we made? With the tear gas. I told you if we flew that low and that slow, someone was going to get shot....... and it was me!
1/27/2013Wm. Whartenby
Sweitzer, Russ Do you remember the gas run we made? With the tear gas. I told you if we flew that low and that slow, someone was going to get shot....... and it was me!
1/26/2013Wm. Whartenby
1/26/2013Wm whartenby
Bud Dodd I was a door gunner on the 555 Iflew with the same poilote 65-66 Istill have the grop picture thay took of us.
1/26/2013Wm. Whartenby
Robert Mathie yes Bob I,am still here and living in new jersey nice to hear from you Iwas a door gunner on a gun ship.
1/24/2013sp6 don gary
my wife and i decided to go to the fort worth reunion--we went to the dothan sence we live here in dothan-my only promblem is agent orange-i can,t walk far with out my weel chair,,so i need a down stairs room-42 radetion treetments left me with out much energancy--i came in the army during the cuba missel deel then korea in 64 then benning in 65 the air cav--b troop 1st of the 9th air cav-then 121st soc trang 67--68--i hope to meet more people from that time period this time--in the dothan renioun, there were only 3 people i remember--gen,mc,nair-mr, shore,,and cast or kaste--but it was great hearing from others and there storys--i think we woh served there have a great connection --i am 70 years old now,,so i want to hear from the soc trang tigers-
1/16/2013Mike Sherman
Response to Steve Enebor. I was team lead w/ call sign of Viking23 and was shot down by .50 cal which took out tail rotor drive shaft on 22 Jun 1969 on mountain next to 'Million Dollar Knoll'. The acft came to rest on left side and shortly caught fire & burned. P/up by C&C after they returned back seat to airfield. UTM grid coordinates:WQ018985
1/16/2013sp/6 don gary
sorry to hear about your loss dave-
1/9/2013Dave Cunningham
Gentlemen, I am sad to report that our brother, Thomas Barnes, passed away on 6 January 2013 in Biloxi, MS. May he rest in peace.
1/8/2013Bob Greene
Fred, I got involved in dropping 4.2 mortar rounds from our slicks on my second tour with the 25th Avn Bn. We got the 25th Engineers to construct 1/4" plywood fins and wooden chutes that allowed is to deliver 7 rounds per a/c. Given a flight of four in trail, we could lay down quite a barrage. Unfortunately we soon expended the supply system's stocks of WWII bomb fuzes.
1/5/2013Mike S
Jim, Too bad about your camera loss! Did not Forrest Gump say...Shit Happens!! George Quackenbush & I both have photos of the CH-47 picking up the broken Viking gunship under Galleries. Wrecker came first to work on it, but no luck, so the Can Tho CH-47 came & took it back to Soc Trang. With only one gunship at least we had the full moral support of the US Army Big Picture Film Team flying formation with us!!
1/5/2013Jim Noblin
I work with a fellow who had been in the Chem Corps, and I asked him if any of his active duty or retired friends might have any knowledge or access to the photo records. --No joy. I remember at least one passenger with a camera from the photo team who was riding with us clicking away as we received fire.
I also remember that one of the fire team ships went down with a leaking blade grip reservoir when we arrived, so we completed the mission with half a fire team until they could get their repair parts in.
I had a camera with me, but lost the camera and film soon after we got back with the film from the island still in the camera.
1/3/2013Mike S
Hi Fred, Ah Yes, Fun & Games! Or actually....Young & Foolish! If you think about it the VC could have left us alone and just waited for the inevitable.
All the best in the New Year to all the RVN Veterans!
1/3/2013Fred Lammers
Hi Mike I also remember dropping the mortars during that experiment, someone had picked the detonators from the air force, I had to hold the mortar out the door until we thought the propeller turned enough revolutions to arm it. Fred
1/2/2013Mike Shakocius (Shaky)
Hi Jim, Those were the days! Yes, I remember the VC Shooting down on us. Rather exciting! The "US Army Big Picture Team" was flying formation with us and must have got it all on 35mm film. They filmed the entire Operation on Phu Quoc Island/Doung Dong Airport. I wonder where it is now? We were also in Bac Lieu with Captain Klutz (the aircraft). Our employer at that time(USArmy) wanted us to experiment with an Aerial Mortar Weapon Delivery System and we were the lucky(?) ones to be choosen. Young & Foolish! Great to hear from you after all these years.
1/1/2013Dave Cunningham
Gentlemen, I am saddened to report the passing of Buddy C. Evans on 15 December 2011 in Tulsa, OK. Buddy served the Tigers in 66-67. He served two tours in Nam, was awarded the Silver and Bronze Stars, spent 6 years in the USMC reserves and later retired from the Army as a Chief Warrant Officer. No one was more humorous than Buddy and I don't believe he ever met anyone he didn't like. Rest in peace, my friend.
12/29/2012bryan warrilow
12/25/2012Dave Cunningham
Wishing all who visit here a blessed and Merry Christmas and a safe, healthy, and Happy New Year!
12/24/2012JIM LOHMAN
Merry Christmas to all.
12/24/2012Fred Lammers
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
12/24/2012Tom Materene
Merry Christmas to All
12/23/2012Bryan Warrilow
HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all of you.
12/1/2012Jim Noblin
Just saw the pictures of the defoliation mission.... Only shot I've seen of Fred McCarthy, had disremembered his first name, didn't remember him being on the island. He was in the club many nights with his guitar.
12/1/2012Jim Noblin
Email: jnoblinsr@alaska.net
last 6 months, drove Silver Eagle, Tiger 29er, a lot for the 21st ARVN Senior Advisor. Logged 2000+ hrs in-country during my time there.
Merry Christmas. Have yet to attend a reunion, thinking about Dallas.
12/1/2012Jim Noblin
Hi Shaky (Mike Shakocius) I remember the day you came to the hootch and needed a peter pilot to experiment with mortar rounds. You had screwed in a small prop to arm the rounds and we took off and tried to drop them to see if they were effective... (all duds). Cool experiment.
I think you and I later did a defoliation mission on Duong Dong island when we were nearly blown back to Viet Nam by that little storm cell, got to watch the Navy Rocket ship launch a barrage into the mountains north of the waist of the island, had Charlie shooting DOWN at us when we sprayed along the road under a cliff, had the Air Force perimeter defense open up with their 50 that first night -- woke everyone up... really interesting couple of days. WE did another defoliation mission later out of Roch Gia and recived fire again from directly underneath - felt like someone hit the bottom of my foot with a baseball bat, knocked my foot off the petals. Damn, Shaky, you were a real magnet ass! LOL! (Course, I think I was driving both times we rec'd fire, so maybe it was synergy.)
I was a Blue Tiger from Mar '68 to Oct '69 (after extending), was first to sleep in the hootches after Tet 68, getting into the unit March 13, while the rest of you were in the bunkers until the stand down the next night.
11/29/2012Tom Materene
11/12/2012John Brennan
You may order from Amazon or Barnes & Noble the September 1st, 2012 release of John Brennan's latest publication: "Vietnam War Helicopter Art: U.S. Army Rotor Aircraft". It is an 8.5 x 11 inch, 208 page book, containing 300 color nose art photos from Stackpole Books. Autographed copies are available by contacting author. You are welcome to preview the first 20 pages via the publisher's website at: http://www.stackpolebooks.com or at Amazon. All the best, John Brennan, former SP5, 114 AHC, 1970-71, Vinh Long AAF, Mekong Delta
11/10/2012steve enebor viking 054
Was shot down on nui com mtn was resued by c and c ship forgot crew name's believe pilots name maj elis would like to here from anybody who remember this late 69. 054viking@gmail.com
11/10/2012steve eneboe viking 054
Tony thorton. I was your crewcheif. When you got shot. Left nam befor u. Got back to soctrang would like to here from you. 054viking@gmail.comsvxc
11/10/2012john evener
CREW CHIEF 1970 121st.
If anyone knows the answer to my request, my e-mail is gldwlr@msn.com
11/2/2012GARY DOWLER
10/25/2012Dave Cunningham
Gentlemen, It is with no small sadness that I report the passing of Alan Hull yesterday, 24 October, after five years of failing health. Alan was a real Tiger, intelligent and full of good humor. I will miss his friendship. May he rest in peace.
10/23/2012John Brennan
What date was LITTLE ANNIE FANNY shot down-destroyed? The VHPA Incident Reports on their CD would list the tail # according to dates.
10/16/2012JIM LOMAN
Robert Mathie: I was in the Vikings from around June to Dec. 65 when I DEROS'd. Remember Fiveash and Trainor?
10/15/2012Robert Mathie
Was a viking in 65&66 Anybody around ? Whartenby , i saw your post. if your around post again !
10/15/2012Alexander Moore
Was with the 121st Dec 64 to Dec 65 Maint.
10/10/2012DON POWELL
10/9/2012Jm Lohman
Kevin, sorry to hear of your loss. I was with the 121st from 12/64-12/65. Live in San Antonio too (Stone Oak).
10/9/2012mike romaniak
Dear Kevin, So sorry to here about your dad.
10/6/2012Kevin Vaille
Gentlemen, I'm sad to report the passing of my father, John D. Vaille, on 5 Oct 12 following a 7-month bout with pancreatic cancer. Then Maj Vaille served and flew with you in late '66 into '67, piloting "Lamont's Lament" (Lamont is his wife, my mom). Memorial service will be Saturday, 13 Oct at 10:30 at Rolling Oaks Christian Church, San Antonio, TX followed by military funeral at Holy Cross Cemetery.
10/5/2012Michael F Sherman
I was the copilot flying Little Anny Fanny when we were shot down in the U Minh Forest. Lt Thomas Jameson was A/C but I don't remember the crew members. The door gunner was new and I apologize to the crew chief for not remembering his name. Does anyone remember the tail # of this aircraft? WO Casanova was the A/C of the bird that got us out. Didn't think we would make it as it took 3 tries before he was able to get us out due to intense enemy fire. Ship was destroyed. 1 ARVN was killed and all the crew were wounded in crash.
10/4/2012Johnny Zero
I was a Tiger (doorgunne)from early 1969 until Dec 1969. My crew chief was Michael Cusick. I've never met or served with finer men. Brave, patriotic and loyal.I will cherish always my time with the 121st.
9/25/2012Ray Parker
34th Med Bttn, 121st AVN- 01/01/76-03/3/78. Crew Chief/Engine Shop Rgpracer@cox.net
9/7/2012Debra Kloss
does any one have any pictures of Raymond Nutter 1966 1967 thank you very much!
Attached to 35th Eng Bn, 517th LE Cbt
8/8/2012Dave Cunningham
The CDs of the reunion are in hand and will be in the mail this week. Sorry for the delay but I've been out of my AO for awhile handling personal matters. Best to all.
8/3/2012sherman e. watts
I was in Viet Nam January 1970 to december 1970
7/15/2012Tom Materene
7/10/2012LTC Thomas R. Brackett (Tiger5/Tiger6)
It was a great unit, I enjoyed the comradship and the "heat of battle" ( I was young)
7/9/2012Rick Griffith
I am trying to locate former sp/5 Daniel Mixon who served with the 121st in 1964-65. I can be reached at crusherrg@yahoo.com Thanks
7/3/2012Tom Jameson
correction: "not able to find tail number"
7/3/2012Tom Jameson
Note to Mike Sherman,
Mike, I went through all my records (759s++), but was able to find the tail number of Little Annie Fanny. I do have pics of the nose cone if you anyone else wants it. My e-mail is jamesontl@yahoo.com.
Take care Mike and thanks.
6/28/2012tony thornton
6/26/2012Buck Matthews
Best reunion . great seeing everyone . I would like to thank all those who worked so hard putting this together. special thanks to the ladies who prepaired & maintained the hospitality room . so much food . hope I can make ft. worth next year . Hope everyone made it home safe . Great memoral service & monument . THANKS AGAIN
6/25/2012tom goetter
I hope there will be lots of pictures from the reunion.
6/21/2012Bryan Warrilow
Hope all of you have a great time. Reasons kept me from going. Maybe the next one.Love every one of you.
6/19/2012Dave Cunningham
For those already en route and those about to depart - safe journey to reunion. It will be very special indeed.
6/15/2012don gary
if any one is flying in for the reunion,,and needs a ride to the motel,,call me--i live only 2 blocks from the dothan air port,,and 15 miles from fort rucker-334-718-9012
6/8/2012Steve Roberts, Tiger 14 and Tiger Surprise 69-70
Email address is Roblynbxrs@yahoo.com
6/8/2012Steve Roberts, Tiger 14 and Tiger Surprise 69-70
Hello all,
Looking through all the names on here and I recognize a few. Looking forward to the reunion and seeing some familiar faces and old friends. To Mr. Whaley, good to see on this site and wondering if your still in Alabama? Send me an email and let me know how you are doing. See everyone soon! Steve.
6/8/2012Dave Cunningham
Gentlemen, I am saddened to report the passing of Rodger Tunnell, a LIFE member of the Association. He left us on 6 June 2012. Cause of death: cancer.
6/4/2012Jim Lohman
Bud Dodd: I was in the Viking Platoon from mid 65 until deros o/a 20 December, 65. I was therewith Jim Trainor, Bob Fiveash, Pop Bedell and Pappy Snelson. Wasn't Cpt Waddell the one who broke his leg playing football ?
6/3/2012bud dodd
was crew chief --viking --65 -66 anyone from that time ship was 645 flew with cwo daly capt wadell cwo ford
5/28/2012Bryan Warrilow
Great speech on the Vietnam War. Great speach to all of us that wre over there. Thank you,President Obama
5/28/2012Buck Matthews
welcome home guys .See you @ the reunion . Have safe holiday . looking to see all . viking A/C tail # 64-13997
5/25/2012Tom Jameson
Mike Sherman pulled me out of the air craft that was shot down as we departed a PZ in Sept 69 just south of VC Lake on the southern end of the U Mihn. Another Tiger flown by Max Casonova with Viking cover, picked Mike, Chief, Gunny and I up along with a whole stick of ARVN. Anybody who reads this needs to know Mike Sherman and Max Casonova (along with his crew) were life savers that day. I will see if I can find the tail number, Mike. Thanks Mike. I owe you a lot. Anyone know Max Casonovas whereabouts?
5/24/2012Bob Greene, 121st Avn Assoc Historian
Anyone who wants their pictures or scannable artifacts (orders, news articles, etc)back will get them back. Return postage would be a big help.
5/24/2012mike romaniak
Hey Mr. Green, Do we get our pictures back if we pay for return postage?
LITTLE ANNIE FANNY went in about middle to late September 1968. Searching for tail number.
5/22/2012don gary
my new e-mail add. is ahig588@yahoo.com for the record
5/22/2012don gary
WOW,,i was wondering if gen. McNair would be there in june--he was the C_O who gave me my sp-6 stripe when i was the t-i.--
5/21/2012Carl McNair
Have been tracking the Tiger 2012 Reunion for some time and certainly hope to be there and share in the spirit of the occasion. I was at Fort Rucker last weekend for the Delta Group - 13th Cbt Avn Bn Reunion headquartered at the Clarion Hotel in Dothan, almost 200 folks there who had served in the Delta with us years ago. Lots of great stories and memories revived. Look forward to joining the Tigers and Vikings in their Alabama AO, come June, and seeing the 121st AHC Memorial Monument in place remembering those who lost their lives wearing the Tiger patch. Soldier On - Tiger "6" ('68-'69)
5/21/2012Dave Cunningham
Michael, Do you remember the date of the incident? That might be helpful in finding your bird's number.
5/17/2012Terry Kendall
I was a SP4 Crew Chief for Vikings my first tour,70-71 Roy Behler, Texas, Jim Foreman, California, were also in The Vikings. On my second tour,71-72 I was assinged to the Vultures at Cantho, and ended up as Maintenance Team leader with Luther Hanks,of Ohio and John Christopher, Georgia. Dan Carter, Tennesee, Tim Neuhart, Califonia. as my team mates. I also have lots of pictures, would be glad to add them to your collection..Let me know. tpkdmn@sihope.com
5/16/2012Mike Rollins
Regarding William Vaspory-Denise my best friend from HS SP4 Tom Silva was also one of the crew memebers lost on "Tiger Surprise." I have collected quite a bit of information about the incident and would be glad to share it with you. I can be contacted at: Mjrollins@AOL.com
5/15/2012Wayne Barth
I was with the 121st early 68 to 69. I have been trying to reach Malcomb "ROSY" Rose for over 40yrs. We were CC's with the Vikings at the same time of his crash. He wrote from the hospital and asked if I had taken pictures of his wreck. I've been looking for him to give him the pics and his letter.If anyone knows how to get in touch him I would greatly appreciate it. My email is: wbarth@crestviewcable.com; Phone # 541-678-7260. Poor health has taken it's toll on the memory cells. I would also like to hear from anyone who may have served with me. Sincere Thanks, Sp4 MOP
5/14/2012Jim Walker
Re Don Smith's ?. i have some pictures of banana tree party. i will bring them with me to the reunion.
5/11/2012Denise Vaspory
My father's brother William Louis Vaspory was killed in April, 1970, two months before I was born! Does someone remember him? My father is dying now from stage 4 lung cancer attributed to the Agent Orange exposure. I have four beautil children and would like to be able to tell them about their great uncle! Kind regards!
5/8/2012Jim Famulare
Looking for old friends
5/4/2012don gary
P_S i live 2 blocks fron the dothan air port,,for those flying in --
5/4/2012don gary
sense i live in the dothan area,,and only 15 miles from rucker,,,if anyone has any questions about thi area,,call me--334-718-9012..i willl be going to pigen forge tenn,on the 13th for a week,so if you want to join linda and me,,great--there is a big car and truck show there,and armed forces day weekend-we always have a good time in the mountains
4/27/2012Paul Woodby
Robert Mcdonald wanted to know if I was going to be at the reunion. He is one of the reasons that I am comming. I received message from Dave Cunningham wanted to know if you (Mcdonald) were goint to attend. My wife and I will be there, and I would be highly POed if you did not atttend. Hope you will be there....!
4/25/2012Robert mcDonald
Paul Woodby, you send your money yet? See you in Dothan. reply mcdonaldr@frmaint.com
4/19/2012Wayne Larry Dandridge
How can I get in touch with Spec Malcom Rose. Rose, CW2 Brian King, and I (and a door gunner I cannot remember his name but he was hispanic) crashed in a UH-1B Viking gun ship on March 28th 1969 caused by tail rotor failure. I want to contact Rose. He was terribly injured in that crash as Brian King and I were also. My address and phone numbers are:
LTC (Ret) Wayne "Larry" Dandridge 236 North Ainsdale Drive Charleston, SC 29414 Home and Office Phone: 843-573-9657 FAX: 843-573-9241 Cell Phone: 843-276-7164 LDandridge@earthlink.net
4/18/2012Dave Cunningham
Does "BDW" have a name and an email address to respond to? Please advise.
where is forrest webb
4/11/2012Rocco Simmons
Forgot email address ctownroc@aol.com phone# 302-945-0425
4/11/2012Rocco Simmons
Last name on list is Hoffman Mississippt boy
4/11/2012Rocco E Simmons
Kindlt add me to tiger liat Was in the 80th.and 121st from oct 65 to sept.66 crew chief on Blue Tiger#7 would like to here from Amerson.campbell.Miller w/t.murphey.Hokkmad
4/11/2012Larry Hardin
I remember that Easter. I took 6 hits that day. My ship was leading the pack on hits till the smoke ship layed down that screen to make the rescue possible. I remember the canal was red.
4/11/2012mike romaniak
Dear Mr.Cunningham, I am curious,what happened 45 years ago Easter many of us were not in country yet.Thanks
P.S, sorry to hear about Tiger Suprise 42 years ago.
4/8/2012Dave Cunningham
Easter Sunday 45 years ago. A day of courage and loss that none would forget. Wishing all the Tiger and Viking family a very Happy Easter.
4/2/2012Paul F. Woodby
I just read a message from Bob Ennis about Mr. Dan Sweaker. I was Door gunner flying with Mr. Sweaker the day he received round through door and hit him in ankle. In reference to your quote "Glad to hear some of us are still alive." I am thankful to wake up every morning breathing. Will see all at reunion, If I can get my butt in gear and send in registration form. It has been over fourty years since I saw anyone from Soc Trang.
4/2/2012Mike Rollins
Today is the 42nd anniversary of the loss of "Tiger Surprise." I just wanted to remember my friend Tom Silva as well as the other two Tigers KIA William Vaspory and Clyde Coffman. My thoughts are also with Pilot Ed Skuza as I know this time is always tough timefor him. I am looking forward to the reunion and dedication of the memorial.
4/2/2012Karen Miller (former wife of CW@ Rick Bente
Hello, live in Austin, and I am looking for anyone who flew with Rick in Soc Trang, 8/68-4/21/69...he was flyin gmission, shot and sent home. Rick died in 2001 at the age of 55 yrs.old.George Quakenbush has a photo of Rick next to his aircraft in the Photo Gallery. Would love to hear from anyone who flew with him. Although he remarried and had a daughter, they had no interest in providing information. So I asked my husband if I could provide info..he said there is no need to ask me...those who fought for us deserve to be remembered by anyone who shared a life w/them. Thank you. karenh@prismnet.com
4/1/2012Bob Ennis
Started as a Tiger ended up as Viking 21. 1968 - 5/69. Saw a note on Dan Sweker, he's still around and a State Senator in WA State. Spent my last year in the hospital at Ft. Lewis. Found this site looking for the Viking art work show above.
Glad to hear some of us are still alive!
3/29/2012Frank Crespo SP5
I was in country from 01/69 to 01/70 with the 121st ahc tigers, I was in the personnel dept. Yet I did go on a convoy to Can Tho, right after David Anderson, was kia. I must say that it was very scary for me, especially because it was quite obvious I was in a war zone. I also had the previledge of flying on a Huey, to transport documents, unsure of exact location. I am very happy to have found this site, and may God Bless You all. My email is oshun175@yahoo.com Please add my name to the list. I will soon become a member.
3/22/2012Terry Bryan
Hello to Michael Joynt, brother of John Joynt. Are you going to the reunion at Fort Rucker in June. I have already signed up. We talked on the phone about your brother John, email me at b52delta@windstream.net.
3/18/2012keith whitaker
Hi John it was good talking to you today, but i didnt get in country till Apr. of 70 so i just missed some of your good cooking over there!!! I hope things work out for you ,you did't sound to good on the phone. i know we have a long way to go with this agent orange hanging over our lives, so you take care stay in touch.
3/18/2012lilly j
i mite know you,i was mess sgt of 121 n 68 69 also i would like 2 talk 2 you,some time , ph# 740 574 1738----jhall45629@yahoo.com
3/18/2012keith whitaker
hi keith , i live n ohio, wheelersburg,my phone # 740 574 1738.
3/18/2012Mike Shakocius
Hi Guy, Greetings & all the best.
3/14/2012Don Smith
Just want to know if anyone has any photos or narritives of one of the Banana Tree Parties at the Soc Trang O club. I would like to get something that I can include in the 221st Aviation Company newsletter, Shotgun Blasts
3/12/2012don gary
PS mr shore,,i live here close to rucker,,phone#334-718-9012--good to see some one on here that i remember
3/12/2012don gary
hi mr shore,,do you remember when we crashed on the run way,,when the tail rotor came off,,i was in the left seat with you,,i was sp6 gary,,the t,i..i still have the photo,,you did a good job getting it down
3/11/2012Guy R. Shore
Wrecker 5 Dec 67'68. Plan to be at the get togeather in Ju7 2012.
3/9/2012Steve Stross
80th trans 9/65to9/66
3/8/2012keith whitaker
john hall where do you live now? i might know you.
3/6/2012john hall
i was there 68^69 n soc trange ,worked all time didnt get a chance 2 meet any one but they had to eat. it was the best time 4 me didnt care 4ving long on my second tour 70-72
3/6/2012bryan warrilow
I look back at being with the 121 ahc as the best time of my life. I have always felt this way.
3/5/2012Steve D'Eposito
I was in Soc Trang in March of 68-69. I was a clerk in the hangar until Tet. I remember Major Miller who was a great pilot. There were a bunch of great guys in our unit and I was hoping if you remembered me to drop me a E-mail at Nooche@comcast.net, I'd love to hear from anyone--thanks so much Sp/5 Steve D'Esposito
2/29/2012Sam Carter
Hey man great page! Keep up the good work.....
2/29/2012mike romaniak
i was wondering:who busted the vikings cherry busters cherry?
2/27/2012don powell
2/26/2012keith whitaker
I rembermber you and and Major Lukas I was a door gunner for CW2 HIPSHON AND CW2 Calahan I think he went home after we took a RPG put over a hundred holes in our aircraft he took a hit in one of his feet couldnt fly my crew SP5 gallager had some cuts the explosion was deafing , we took off with really bad blade vibrations ,we had several holes in the blades and aircraft. cant remember what month that was. good to here from someone in 70.
2/25/2012dave mclane
I was a there in 68 soc trang tiger when we had all 3 of the helo hit rotors we had parts all over the run way but no one got hurt. i seen the the picture of our dog that was at the hanger.
2/25/2012Thomas R. Brackett
Change dates to 1969-1970, all else the same.
2/25/2012Thomas R. Brackett
Assigned as XO (Tiger 5) in 1970. After Major Lukas (Luke the Spook) departed I took his place as CO (Tiger 6) during turn over to VNAF.
2/25/2012Wm. J. Whartenby
Flue with the Vikings as door gunner in 1965 a grate bunch of guys
2/25/2012William J. Whartenby
121 st. 1965 to 1966
2/25/2012dave mclane
hello guys been long time i was there 68 69 i thing of you all around the halidays when we all came to my houch with my dad on chrismas night and we all gout plastered. My dad is 84 now and takes about that night with us. You can email me at maggied@mtaonline.net
2/21/2012Tom Materene
Don Powell I think this was when a freak wind flipped you guys over, wasn't it! Mr Schmitd had told me what happened, he was the Awards and Decorations officer assigned as well as his flight duties. He was really upset about it because he had 30 years flight time and never had an accident. He was the oldest Tiger in the 121st a CW4. Great person also.
2/20/2012don gary
i was chief t-i sept 67 to sept 68 at soc trang--i notice that most people on the tiger list eather left befor i got there,,or came after i left--no matter,,we all had the same address for a while--i live here 10 miles from ft.rucker,,near the dothan air port--my phone is 334-718-9012-i wonder if any one else lives in or around this area-i probly won,t get a room at the reunion,,sense i live here,,but if the battery in my electric scooter don,t go dead,,i,ll be at the rucker event-stay safe you all,,have a great new year,,
2/19/2012don powell
2/19/2012don powell
2/18/2012david cox
I SERVED WITH ADV TEAM 51 IN BACLIEU FROM 1-11965 THRU 8-15-1965. I was injured in the milk-bar explosion
2/17/2012Fred Lammers
Hi Jerry Van Lives near Murrieta CA. we are working on him, he's interested in going. I will pass on your info. Fred
2/17/2012Jerry Hatfield
Fred, Where is Van Ferry living? Is he coming to the reunion in Alabama. Ask him to contact me. jehatfield@aol.com or cell 334-514-0426 Thanks, Jerry Hatfield
2/15/2012Ernie Bartlett
With the 121st from Feb 69 until Feb 70 - Door Gunner and night mechanic in the hanger. Retired CW3 in 1988.
2/11/2012Fred Lammers
Had a great day yesterday, with Mike Brewer, Van Ferry, and Steve Roberts, at the Wings to Rotors Air Museum, in Murrieta, CA. They took us on ride on a restored UH-B model Huey from Vietnam, with all the guns and rocket pods, I want to think Van, Steve, and Pat, for bringing back old the memories. See yawl at the reunion.
2/10/2012bryan warrilow
my body is not keeping calcium.magnesium and potassium. va gives them to me. also iron. very tired all the time.bone problems and severe arthritus. take a lot of morphine.
2/10/2012bryan warrilow
wondering if any of you are sick, a lot of the time. or diabetic now.headaches or stomack problems.just wondering?
2/10/2012Herb Phillips S/P-5
Been a long time, I was a fixed winger down at the end of the runway until the 221st came in.
2/6/2012Paul F. Woodby
Just wanted to say, Robert Mcdonald made my day today saying he would see me at the Reunion. I will mark the calander and send my money. Great to hear from you, Robert.
2/5/2012wayne nippert
wishing all tigers/warriors a good new year.hope to see you in june
2/3/2012Rorert A. Mcdonald email rmcdonald4@rr.com
Wrecker and Viking crew chief 67,68,69.Looking forward to reunion and seeing Paul Woodby.
2/1/2012don gary
i hope to make it to this year,s event--i didn,t get around much untill i got my electric scooter-it goes like hell if there are no speed bumps--hope every one has a good new year--later tigers
1/29/2012lawrence a lucas
crew chif 1963 1964 soc trang h21's
1/22/2012Larry Lucas
This is for my dad. His email is lucas3082@comcast.net please send him reunion info.
1/22/2012Sam Kitchen
I didnt know this association exsited I found it out day.How can I get info onit and join? My E-mail is SKPK68@aol.com. Let me know. Have a good one.
1/20/2012Tarry McGovern
Thanks for adding my name to the Tiger List tarrymcg @aol.com
1/18/2012buddy mc garrett
i forgot my e-mail sddress; ch2156072@ymail.com
1/18/2012buddy mc garrett
served 81 t/c viet-nam 1962-1963
1/15/2012Michael Mathon
I wanted to sign the guestbook because I recently stumbled across this site which I showed to my father and it gave him a smile to see his name on the Tiger List (JAMES MATHON). He's not big on computers and doesn't have an email address that he checks regularly so my email address is mjmathon@gmail.com if anybody wants to get in contact with him. I've scanned the entire photo album he brought back so I have good deal of pictures from Soc Trang if anyone is interested I'd be happy to share them. Again feel free to email me at MJMATHON@GMAIL.COM
Bud Dodd-I have a photograph of a viking crew chief early 1965-would like to see if you recognize him. e-mail kimbro9er@embarqmail.com thanks
Bud Dodd-I was a viking door gunner Jan.-April, 1965. Would like to communicate with you.
12/24/2011Barry White
I would like to wish a heart felt merry Christmas and a very happy new year to all Vikings and Tigers and the guys that supported us. It's hard to believe that we serve together so many years ago. We were all brothers then, and I feel we still are today. To have served with such a group of heros was a real honor.
12/24/2011Dave Cunningham
Ed, Please scan the article and send it to the Association historian, Bob Greene, at: bojogreene@verizon.com. Thanks!
12/23/2011Ed Goodman - Tiger 21
To those of you left this side of dirt - Merry Christmas brothers!!!
I was with the Blue Tigers Jan 70 - Oct 70 (or so). Unfortuanely I was there when we packed our bags and walked off the airfield, handing EVERYTHING over to the ARVNs. That was about Oct 70, most of us were re-assigned to the 191st (not going to say anything bad about the 191st) but sure wasn't like Soc Trang! I have an awesome Stars & Stripes article about when Tiger Suprise was shot down if someone can tell me where to send it i can scan it.
I miss what we did and the times we had!
12/14/201112/14/2011 Buck Matthews (vikings 66-67 )
Like to wish all Vikings & Tigers a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year . Sorry I missed the reunion this year but sure hope to be @ Rucker in June . Barry - Tom - Gary . Hope to see you guys there . Buck
12/13/2011Tom Materene
Here's calendar no-2, just save it to where you want.
12/9/2011Tarry McGovern
121 67-68 I was in the Flight Plt. In Can Tho and assigned to the 121st I flew green delta 777,707,&727 Door Gunner then Crew Chief. I am still in touch with Otis Leonard Gunner on 707. We talk a couple times a month I am going to do my best to go to the Reunion in 2012.Look foward to seeing you.tarrymcg@aol.com WELCOME HOME Tarry
12/6/2011Frederick "Bud" Krull
Served Dec 67 - Aug 68
12/5/2011Roy Behler
Served with 121st from april 1970 to november 1970 Viking 22
how do you re-register have forgotten user name
12/4/2011Tom Materene
Here is a desktop calendar I made, just take the link and copy and paste to your address bar, then when it opens save it to where ever you like.
12/1/2011Tom Materene
It's that time of year again, we that are still living have been blessed. I have finished two Christmas E cards that I make myself, take these and use them to email family or friends or as screen savers for your computers. I know it is early but Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all you guys and your families, I love and respect each and everyone of you. Materene
11/30/2011Donald Kuznicki
Hello,,any one remember me,,served as a mechanic crew leader in the hanger and also was the crew cheif on the maintenance ship Jan 1970 to feb 1971 went on the reserve side,,now retired from the reserve with 23 years in
11/28/2011Paul F. Woodby
Forgot to list my E-Mail address: abailawaypaul@hotmail.com
11/28/2011Paul F. Woodby
I am listed in contact page, however, no info with it. I transfered from Pathfinder unit to Vikings as doorgunner. Arrived in Soc Trang in Dec.67 as Pathfinder, started to fly in Vikings in June 68. My number on crew chief was Bob McDonald. I had a conversation with Wayne Zander a few years ago, but have spoken to no one since. I remember flying with Mr. Lucky quite a bit, and also was with Mr. Swyker comming out of hot LZ when round came throuh door and hit him in leg. I am retired, 62 yrs old, father of four grown children, with two new grand babies. Live at 137 Glen Oaks Dr, Gray, TN. and also brought home this past Jan. at 464 Ocean Drive, N. Top Sail Island, NC. Giving much thought to attending next reunion. Like to hear from anyone who may remember me. TKS and proud to be member of 121st and Viking gunship platoon.
11/27/2011Bryan D Warrilow
My wife and i went back to soctrang 2 years ago. Base still there. All bunkers now outside the nva perimiter. Still poor,lots of food on the streets. Helens, where i got some shirts made,is gone. We were quest of honor for a wedding there. Couldnt believe i was there. They all dont remember the war. All mostly younger. The older ones do,but dont talk about it.They say forget the past and go on. I was glad i went back. Lot of memories.
11/27/2011Bryan D Warrilow
crewchief/gunner 1967-1968
11/24/2011Tom Materene
Hope everyone in the 121st and every attached unit and the 13th a very great and healthy Thanksgiving Day.
11/23/2011Charles Hardin
Original member of 235th Armed Helicopter Co, transferred to 121st, Oct 67 to Oct 68. Started flying with Vikings early 68, Viking 23 fire team lead when returned to CONUS in Oct 68. Flew with CAC second tour.
11/22/2011Braxton W. Snowden
65-66; Blue tigers, Vikings, and 80th Trans Det. E-mail: layminister@earthlink.net Phone: 334-685-3225 Res: 3908 Co. Rd. 14 Midland city, Al 36350
11/22/2011Moore Alexander
Soc Trang 64 - 65 COUP QUALIFIED
11/21/2011Arnold Bridges
11/21/2011RALPH WHALEY
TIGER FROM 1969---1970
11/18/2011Jim Lohman
Sorry, I didn't put my name on the appropriate line , nor did I leave my email: "jloh00@sbcglobal.net
11/18/2011Comment on Social Security on 11/18/2011
I checked this out about a year ago since I've been on SS since 2002. They checked my record and told me that all of my military time has been credited and therefore, my compensation is correct. They may have just blown me off, or didn't understand what George was talking about. I'm open to hearing more on this if anybody has experienced something different.
11/18/2011George Quackenbush 1967-1969 maintenance/Viking Gunner
Any of you on or getting on Social Security, check out http://www.ssa.gov/retire2/military.htm
You might have benifits that you don't know about.
Subject: DD 214 Increased Social Security Benefits For Vets
DD 214 Increased Social Security Benefits For Vets
DD FORM 214 -- EXTRA SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFIT for those with active duty between January 1957 to December 31, 2001 See the web site & notes below to possibly increase your Social Security Benefits.
DD FORM 214 -- SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFIT Please share this with anyone who had active duty service between January 1957 to December 31, 2001, and planning for retirement. In a nutshell it boils down to this:
You qualify for a higher social security payment because of your Military service, for active duty any time from 1957 through 2001 (the program was done away with 1 January 2002). Up to $1200 per year of earnings credit credited at time of application - which can make a substantial difference in social security monthly payments upon your retirement. You must bring your DD-214 to the Social Security Office and you must ask for this benefit to receive it! Soc Sec website: http://www.ssa.gov/retire2/military.htm
This is something to put in your files for when you apply for Social Security down the road.. It is NOT just for retirees, BUT anyone who has served on active duty between January 1957 to December 31, 2001. FYI - this benefit is not automatic, you must ask for it! We've all been on active duty between 1957 and 2001 or know someone who has.
Passing on good information for all you military folks when you apply for social security. I know this may be too early for some of you to think about social security but, keep living and you will get there. Regional Resource Coordinator Maryland's Commitment to Veterans Project State of Maryland- Southern Region Human Services Partnership Building La Plata, Maryland 2064
11/15/2011Jim Lohman
Lewis Schwarz: Do you remember me, Bob Fiveash and Jim Trainor. I left in Dec 65, so you may not have been in the Vikings yet.
11/13/2011Edward Williams (Lou, Eddie)
In Vietnam, 69, 70 and 71. Looking for Skippie, John Christopher, Red, Dirty Rob, Michael Jones - last address from my yearbook for Michael was Rural Route 1, Unionville, Iowa 52594, Elmer Slone, Pyramid, Kentucky, 41656, John Beever or Beeuer?, Jerry Stevens, Fort Collins, Colorado and Binef. Please contact me at lou0202@verizon.net - would love to hear from you guys!!!
11/11/2011Lewis Schwarz
11/11/2011 June 1965 - August of 1966 Viking Crew Chief/Gunner. Started in hangar then p/e crew leader then Viking.
11/11/2011bryan d warrilow
hey,forrest webb if you see this, please contact me.warrilow@clear.net
11/11/2011bryan d warrilow
was with 121 ahc nov.67-feb.69.tiger crewchief/gunner
11/11/2011Larry Hardin
Well, we made it another Vet-Day. Thanks for the site and stirring up memories. Larry Hardin, Viking '67, viking@insightbb.com
11/9/2011richard roush
Thanks for this site. It brings back memories.
11/6/2011Edward Williams (lou)
I have to retract my dates I put down,I was there in 69-70-71 have a few names to put up when I can get my year book maybe someone will remember thanks
11/4/2011Bob Short
Hey Dan James--Glad to hear you're still alive and kicking--being horizonal everyday is a good thing---ha. This is the first time I've been to this sight in about six months. You can contact me at bshort4@yahoo.com---hope to hear from you soon my friend!
11/2/2011Edward Williams
served as door gunner 68-69-70this is really great to be able to reach back in time I really injoyed my time there also this sight thank you
11/2/2011Mike Shakocius
Hi Charles, Greetings Mike
11/1/2011Charles Hardin
Viking 23 and 121st Oct 67 to Oct 68
11/1/2011john evener
served as crew chief at soctrang vietnam from jan. 1970 to dec 70.crew chief with the tigers in the 121st.
11/1/2011john evener
served as crew chief at soctrang vietnam from jan. 1970 to dec 70.crew chief with the tigers in the 121st.
10/22/2011dan james
just thought i would mention a few guys in the outit i remember from 69, bob short ca, gary hostetter oh, j dolan or,m davidson ks, pericone ca,c hayasaka ha,bourne il,wendel (first name) ca,wade first name fl, gaston garret ms,johnson plt sargent al? (gnrs and crew chiefs) morrow tx,casanova,pilots, can picture others but names escape me. bob short and i came down from 552nd trans inlong binh lst part of 69 i believe another guy steve gringos came from there also from new jersey, memory is not what it used to be, but i was proud to have served with all. welcome home all, dan james
10/18/2011leonard moritz
uh-1 098 what me worry a white tiger wort. Raney the the driver, we were lucky, lost a few good men thates war? to all that are reading welcome home,len
10/13/2011Darrell Tierney
Crew chief Tiger Surprise 1970
10/1/2011Donald klotz
I was there from 7/4/65 to 10/66. Crew chief on slick (scrap iron) then crewed for CO befor leaving, heading back wis. E-mail, DandJKlotz@TDS.net
9/27/2011Albert Kovatch
Does any one remember the name of the White Tigers Plt leader in Jan or Feb. 68. acfarm2@gmail.com
9/25/2011Dave Cunningham
Gents, There is a wonderful program put on by the B&Bs and Inns in the USA and Canada that offers a free stay on Veterans Day(11/11/2011) for veterans. To obtain iformation regarding this program see the web site at: www.kswo.com/story/154...ected=true.
9/25/2011Norman George
Can some one please supply me with information on the 121st ahc i was massigned from may 68 to may 69 i am trying to put in for disability and can find no info please email to rwb 282@yahoo.com if you can help, or how do can you sighn into your association
9/21/2011Don Ray
I was a dog handler with the 212th M.P.s at Soc Trang, 1968-69. I shot film of the airfield from a Caribou as it landed. I posted it to YouTube and I hope you'll share it with your members. The link is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvRwpClEoV8 Please feel to post it on your site. You can reach me at (818) 237-3728 or donray@donray.com
9/20/2011Ron Maisch
I just returned from a visit to the delta,including Soc Trang. It is now a military trainng base with walls and concertina wire on top. We were ushered away when asking about entering. It looked like the runway is still in place, unlike Vinh Long which is 56 hectares of open land.We gave out gifts to locals outside and showed some old pictures. It was interesting driving around such a large area as opposed to flying!Also visited Hatian, Camau, Rock Gia and My Tho.Forty years plus have changed a few things, however the southern delta looks similar to how we remember. Glad to be back in the USA!
9/16/2011tom paul
I was in the weather unit det 7 5th ws a zoomie. Am looking for spc russell a crew chief and gunner from cincinnati ohio
8/31/2011JIM LOHMAN
Looking for Jim Trainor and Bob Fiveash who were in the Viking Platoon with me in 1965.
8/30/2011Bill Ferguson
sure would like to make contact with Brian King. We were Viking room mates, and good friends.
bferguson@houwire.com wfferguson@att.net
8/30/2011William F. Ferguson (Bill)
I served with the 121st from April 68 - July 31st, 1969, with a 3 month separation with the 3/17 Air Cav in Dian near Saigon. Was shot 1330 on 31 July 1969. Started as a Tiger, then Viking (22,21, & 26). From the Guest Book I remember Jack Taylor, Rick Thomas, Wayne Zander, Bob Ennis, Dan Swecker. Crew Chief and Gunner were Rienman & Klieman.
wfferguson@att.net Clover, SC
8/8/2011Wayne Zander
Mike Romaniak, I worked with you on the Viking Line Crew and then as a Viking Crewchief. Would like to talk to you. Call (480) 821-4147 or email wzander@q.com.
7/29/2011dan james
anyone remember monte davidson crew chief later moved to flight ops, was frm kansas and derosed to t. carson,also i was in the arms room when mike marcius had his accident he was good friend of steve arbuckle, heard he was seen at fort rucker.well wishes to you all and yours during another era of trying times hopefully make a reunion in the future later dan
7/24/2011reference bob short
thank you dave for getting back with me,me morrow was a warrant oficer i brlirvr from texas known for his hot dog style of flying great guy, great pilot,caelton hysaka was from ha.i can be reached at ditrs@att.net phone is 636285 2535 thanks, dan
7/24/2011Dave Cunningham
Hi Dan, I have a contact for Bob Short. Please advise your contact info to me at: Tigerlead67@aol.com and I will contact him to contact you. There are security reasons for this procedure. I checked on Carlton Hayasaka and no joy there so far. If you can provide any additional information on Morrow(first name, rank, state he came from, etc.) perhaps I can help there as well. In the mean time, welcome home. Please consider joining the Association and contributing in any way you can. The next reunion will be back at Ft Rucker in mid June or later, 2012. We will be memorializing with the monument to all those who served with the unit and its support unit. Stay tuned and visit the web site often.
7/24/2011dan james
looking for bob short,went on r&r with him yes looking for him,i was member of morrows crew on tiger surprise, along with dolan on the 50, carlton hayasakacrew chief twins and flares, imanned the spotlight ,bob if you or any out there i`m stillaround, dan
7/21/2011Jim Lohman
Jim Clooney: When I was there in 64-65, we wore the MAC-V patch; when I returned in 68 (Pleiku) we wore ist Avn Bde patch, so I guess it depends on what timeframe your friend was there.
7/20/2011Jim Cooney, CPT, USA, Retired
Although i did my flying with the 174th AHC in I Corps, I got interested in your unit from a dear friend of mine, Roger Zehr, who flew with the 121st, time unknown. I am looking to verify the combat patch he should be wearing, is it 1st Avn Bde?
7/18/2011joseph c galante
pfc 4th division mekong delta wounded 1968-1969
7/18/2011mike payne 257th sig det. 1965,1966
let me know if there is anybody around email mikepay@verizon.net
7/18/2011CW4 Kenneth E. Wood (ret)
Please put me on the Tiger list. I was with the 121st in Soc Trang from April 65 to April 66 and served as an IP and PX officer.
For everyone's interest I just finished reading "Tiger Lead Your Flight Is Up" by Gordon Hall. Gordon and I served at the same time and his recall of events is great. The book is non-fiction and is east to read.
7/3/2011Tom Materene
Have a safe July 4th to all the 121st and all the attached units.
6/24/2011JACK R. MANSON
I WAS A C.C. IN 1963 WITH 121st how do i sign in the guest book? jmanson4@cox.net
6/19/2011Michae Joynt
We are missing all you Tigers out there. We wish and hope everyone attending is have a wonderful time. Please bring back lots of photos and good story's. Take Care, Michael Joynt and Family
6/17/2011Patrick Nolan
Was a door gunner 1967-1968 White tiger Lead Than gunner for the Vikings
6/15/2011mike romaniak
i worked on every viking and tiger chopper at soc trang in 67,68,and 69,and have few pictures,
6/13/2011John G. Wells 187th ASHC Chinooks
Robert C. Banta passed away from cancer in 2005. Bob was a great friend and he is missed.
6/10/2011Tom Materene
To: Bob Short Bob here is David's Virtual wall and I believe a person can add a message or verse to the individuals page. It took about 24 hours for approval several years ago but they are very protective of the people on the virtual wall, each message is read and approved before posting is allowed. It is retired Military people that maintain this site so it will always be kept sacred and clean.
I remember the deuce and an half and the driver was tall and wore glasses, he also had a little shrapnel to the face but he was wearing his flak vest and the truck was pretty solid. David was standing at the front of the truck with his back to the front, he did not have his helmet on and a piece of shrapnel entered the back of his head. That road had to be the worst road in the entire world, I rode convoy one time to Can Tho and did wear the helmet the entire time but I had a headache for two days from the constant pounding of those pot holes.
to add something personal just tick the add addendum
6/9/2011Jim Harris 1969-1970 5th Combat Weather Squadron
Forgot to put some relative info....Old age.
Msgt Ret, USAF. Weather observer/Forecaster/Station Chief 24 years. Later supported SR-71 and U-2's at Beale AFB, and on to Pope AFB, NC to provide weather support to the Airborne group there. Happily retired in Monument, Colorado. krispygoose@yahoo.com
6/9/2011Jim Harris
Hello...I was in Soc Trang as a Weather Observer between 1969 and 1970. I was there when the infamous Tiger Surprise flew the evening skies keeping us safe. I have photos of Lucky Strike remains as a result of the B40 rocket that took the craft down. Tiger Surprise was a different crew than Luck Strike. But strange that I cannot find any significant reference to the call sign Tiger Surprise other than your reference here. Peace.
6/9/2011George Ferguson 1969-1970 Crew Chief "Tiger 10"
Hello Bob, Major Ramey assigned me to be a pallbearer for the funeral mass for Anderson. I didn't know a soul there. I missed my guard mount that day and ended up with an Article 15 for not showing. George Quackenbush was the Sergeant I was supposed to report to. I reported to him early, but protocol over ruled my ignorance. I heard all about that convoy and then some. For three days I was put on punishment duty of all kinds with very little sleep. I respectfully say I would do it again to pay my respects to someone I never met. George Ferguson P.S. My son graduated from the Air Force Academy and is now a Captain flying a KC-135 stratotaker
6/9/2011Bob Short
Just touching base--haven't been to this site for many years. Was a DG with White Tigers from Jan. 69 to June 69. I live in Colorado Springs and can tell you that the smoke from the fires has pretty much gone away as of this posting and the weather has been great lately with a fair amount of wind. I was remembering David Anderson who was my Crew Chief at the time of his death when he was KIA riding shotgun on the convoy to Can Tho. Our bird was down for maintence and we were both going to ride shotgun but I was assigned to another ship for the day and missed riding on the convoy. Two of my other friends were riding in the cab and received wounds to their faces from flying glass from the windshield--I can't remember ther names but they had transferred into the 121st in late 68 from the 552nd Trans. Co. in Long Bien-my friend Dan James and I followed them from the 552nd in Jan 69 to become DG'ers also. I noticed that Dan James is not listed on the Tigers List and should be added. I lost contact with him about four years ago--he stopped replying to my e-mails and would not return my telephone calls--I know he was having medical and personal issues--I pray he is still well. My memories of Soc Trang are still strong but details are fading more and more each year and names and faces are starting to elude me--old age seems to add it's own decorations to as as we get older. Best wishes Bob Short
6/9/2011John Schmied
Barry, I spoke to my son who lives in Denver (about 30 minutes north of COS. No problem with the smoke from the wildfires. It should have either disapated already or will be to high in the sky to even notice. See you next week! John
6/8/2011Barry White
Hope that is the case, my family is freaking out about the smoke
6/7/2011George Ferguson
Hello Barry, If you are referring the Arizona forest fire, no their shouldn't be a problem. Colorado Springs is about 6000 foot altitude and the smoke will hit the air stream and move on.
6/7/2011Barry White
Is there going to be a problem with the Flying W dinner if there is still all the smoke from the forrest fires out there?
6/6/2011George Ferguson
Just tell me how to do it and it will be done. georg321@roadrunner.com
6/1/2011Tom Materene
George, any faded photos you can email them to me and I'll run them through photo shop and bring the color back out then shoot them back to you. Only takes a few minutes.
5/31/2011George Ferguson 1969-1970 Crew Chief "Tiger 10"
I have been gathering some photos to put in with the rest. Its been over 40 years and some are faded. Some color and some black and white. There were some amasing people back then. If the Reunion ever gets to Phoenix or Tucson, Arizona I sure would been there. There quite a few people who were at the 121st that came from Arizona. I live in Yuma. Take care hope to see some of you in the future
5/29/2011Tom Materene
Hope everyone has a safe and Great Memorial Day.
5/29/2011George Quackenbush 1967-1969 maintenance/Viking Gunner
Wishing all of the Tigers and Vikings a pleasent Memorial day holiday from south of the border. Stay vigilant and safe.
Very best to all.
5/21/2011Bruce Griffith
Just wanted to say hello. I was a crew chief with the 221st at Soc Trang Oct '65 to Oct '66. Enjoyed seeing your website. The best to you all, Griff
5/5/2011Thomas J Kammers
I was assigned to the 121st Assault Helicopter Company, 1st Avn Bde in 1969. I worked in maintenance for a while then assigned as a slick crew chief and gunner in the White Tigers flight platoon, Tiger 24. Wayne Cortty was my gunner, we are still friends.
Before I left I sent home the nose cover painted with Tiger 224 and crew. I have it here at home. I continued to work helicopters for many years after the Nam.
I have four short stories I wrote to the VA when I made a claim about two missions with the 121st and two with the 187th second tour.
4/24/2011Dick Lattin, May 66 to May 67
I am very pleased to learn about the 121 reunion in June. My wife Karen and I are planning on attending. My flight school class was 65-20, graduating early Feb 66. I flew for the Test Board at Rucker and Yuma Proving Ground for about three months before going to Nam. My roommate was Herb Angel from KY and I made A/C in August 66. 18 Oct 66 was a big day for us. I was an A/C on the initial rescue assault and then flew as Bob Green's wing in the first flight of 10 to assault the bad lz with the reserve troops. We look forward to seeing the old Tigers in June! Dick Lattin, relattin@cox.net, 623-935-3527.
4/18/2011William Quisenberry
I was good friends with Tom,I was on Gaurd duty ,tower 13 and saw His ship go down.Very sad Day.
4/13/2011Mike Rollins
Theresa my best friend from HS Tom Silva was on Tiger Surprise with your brother. I spent time with Tom's three sisters in January and have collected quite a bit of information about Tom. I plan on paying tribute to him this summer at our 45th HS reunion. I can be contacted at Mjrollins@AOL.com
4/11/2011DALE HAWLEY
If anyone has information about DALE HAWLEY or JAMES BASS please contact me at searlhawley@yahoo.com
Thank you,
Kate Hawley
4/11/2011DALE HAWLEY
My name is Kate Hawley, my dad was Dale Hawley, I am unsure how to look for other veterans he served with. I am particularly looking for JAMES BASS.
My father served one year (1969 to 1970) in Vietnam as a helicopter crew chief with the 121st Assault Helicopter Company and the 626th Counter-Mortar Radar Company.
I would apprechaite any information. Thank you
4/2/2011Theresa Freiberger (Vaspory)
In memory of my brother who lost his life when Tiger Surprise went down....April 2, 1970 And to all that lost their lives.
3/31/2011Tarry McGovern
3/30/2011Dave Cunningham
Today is officially WELCOME HOME VIETNAM VETERANS DAY. Thank you for your service gentlemen.
3/25/2011Dennis Kalogiros 12/68-12/69 121ahc white tigers
just found site ,will send some pics as soon as I dig them out.denkalo@yahoo.com
3/24/2011Tarry McGovern
I left a message on the board back on 9/4/08. And I am just checking back to catch up. I would like to be added to the Tiger list. My e mail is tarrymcg@aol.com
3/22/2011Jerry Brown
Just checking in. Hope all are well and at peace. Still have vivid memories of our "great adventure" at Soc Trang. David Anderson was in my dreams for a very long time. JB 336th `68-`69
3/19/2011Gregg Coleridge
57thahc 1979-71 crew chief. hay. you guys .ive seen some of your work . Great stuff. God Bless you all.
3/16/2011BRIAN REISS 68-69, VIKING 22,21
3/6/2011SFC David T Houston B Co 2-162 IN
My father was SPC David T houston(1970)I have many pictures, would like to know how to submit them here david.houston1@us.army.mil
3/4/2011Taylor John G. (Jack)
Kindly add me to the Tiger List.
I was a pilot there in 67-68.
3/3/2011John Wells 178thASHC
Larry, What's the possibility of getting copies of the pictures? wishingwells2326@sbcglobal.net Thanks, John
3/1/2011Larry Hardin, Vikings'67
I served with Banta. Got some pictures. Don't remember much, turned 66 yesterday.
2/28/2011John Wells 178th ASHC
Does anyone remember Bob Banta?
1/21/2011Joel L. Wood
White Tiger/Viking 26 Gunner in country 14 Oct. 1968 - 14 Jan. 1970.
1/4/2011Wylie Johnson
Just checking about Soc Trang my dad was Bill Johnson. I believe he was an air traffic controller stationed there.
1/3/2011Tom Materene
Same to you Bill, Fort Benning was the 3rd stop in my training in 65-66, I can still smell the moonshine in the air of april 66 and the coal stoked heaters. Lot of history in that Post and I hope the future leaders of our country don't close it as they did most of our great historical post.
1/3/2011Bill Wilson
Happy New Year to all!! If you are in the south GA area take the time to stop by Ft Benning and tour the new National Infantry Museum. It is well worth your time, and with that in mind allow a minimum of 4-5 hours and you will still have to return. My grandson and I loved it and are going back. Check it out at nationalinfantrymuseum.com
1/2/2011Kenneth Strong Jr
I am glad to see you all have a site up and running as I was looking for info for John Moore who was in the 121st 72-73. I was assigned to the 129th AHC at the same time but went to the 121st in Apr 1977 till Nov 1983. So Just saw where Maj Wiese also posted. Anyway if any questions my email is ken7776 at aol.com and our unit gets together in Kokomo, IN every Sept if anyone wants to drop by. Last of all please check out our web site: 129th.net
12/24/2010sp/6 don gary
happy holidays to all--merry chrismas-good to see there are still a lot of friends on here from the 67-68 time at soc trang-my e-mail add. is uhi649@gmail.com if any one wants to chat-i was the tech inspector 67 to 68--left in sept 68-tet was a lot of fun in 67- later guys,,have a great x-miss
12/22/2010Tom Materene
Debbie, I took a look at the roster for the assn and I see that John Coughlan does not appear to be a member of the association. There are hundreds even thousands of men that served with the 121st that we have not heard from. We'll keep looking and stay vigilant and let you know if we find him.
I knew Tom and he was a great person and was a professional in doing his duties. Those of us that remember him will always remember him, he will never be forgotten.
12/22/2010Debbie Silva Nordell
My brother SP4 Tom Silva was Crew Chief on the "Tiger Surprise" when it was shot down. His body returned home and was accompanied by his friend he had bunked with, John Coughlan. John stayed with our family for a few days sharing many tales of Tommy with us all.It was a blessing to have John with us at that terrible time in our lives. For many years John would send my mother flowers on the anniversary of Tommy's death. Since my moms passing his address has been lost. If anyone knows how I may get in touch with John please let me know. I would appreciate hearing from any of you. My e-mail address is danordell@yahoo.com
Thank you Debbie Silva Nordell
Still alive
12/14/2010bobby bird
12/12/2010bobby bird
would like to hear from the guys that left fort rielly kansas in 1964,,6th& 7th avn plt..ending up in soctrang s.v.
12/12/2010bobby bird
bird222@netzero.net...would like to hear from some of the guys i served with in soctrang...late 1964 and 65...especially the guys that had the baboon mascot...it attacked me and bit me on the ass...they called him charly..
12/12/2010bobby bird
12/11/2010Jim Lohman
Mike Beech: Saw your post of 11/30/2010 regarding your trip back to Soc Trang. I'm contemplating a trip in May with "Vietnam Battlefield Tours" from here in San Antonio. I'd like to compare notes if you have the time. My email address is jloh00@sbcglobal.net. Thanks
11/30/2010Mike Beech
With the 121st in 64. Just returned from a trip back to Vietnam. SocTrang is a "big" city, much changed. I have pictures of the airfield, now a VN base. Will post soon.
11/27/2010Buck Matthews
to john brennan . Iwas a crew chief with the vikings 1966 - 1967 my aircraft S/N 64- 13997 .
to larry harden yes I remember Easter Sunday 1967 Mr daily was my pilot we were part of the first fire team on station & advisd they not bring lift into that L Z .
11/11/2010Rebecca McFaul
My dad is no longer with us, and I was wondering if any of you served with him in Vietnam around 61-63? His name is Donald Ray McFaul, went by "Mac".
Thank you! Please forward any pictures or comments you may have to rsmcfaul@hotmail.com "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!!!!"
11/7/2010James W Rickard
I served with the 80th Trans 1964-65 before going to A Co 101 Avn Bn there at Soc Trang. This is a very nice site.
11/1/2010Rance Jurevwicz, Capt, USA, Ret
We keep coming back to this website again and again. Great work! And millions from around the world continue to visit the Award Winning U.S. Veteran Compensation Programs website. It is a great source where veterans learn how to secure benefits, increase benefits, and get the latest information about compensation, pension, and benefits for veterans - FIRST. Visit Today!
10/30/2010Larry Hardin
CC Vikings '67 Anyone remember Easter Sunday 1967?
10/27/2010Dave Cunnningham
Gents, I have a request for your help in locating any relatives of one of our KIAs, Francis L. Griffin. He was lost on 2/1/68. Francis also served in the 134 AHC and the request is from that organization. If you can assist in any way please contact Jean Cowan at: jeancowan@yahoo.com. Thanks.
10/22/2010Philip Goble
Any body out there that was stationed at Ft. benning? 1975-1978
9/23/2010Mike Rollins
To Steve Roberts: My best friend from HS SP4 Tom Silva was the Crew Chief on the "Tiger Surprise" when it was shot down. I wonder if you remember him he was a high energy redhead form Napa, CA. e-mail: Mjrollins@AOL.com
Am trying to contact DRs or med personnel at Soc Trang during 1967/68 I think it was DR Freeman or DR Bush, I was the CWO of the 78th FA Det a mile or so west of the soc Trang air base an had a fight w/VC during TET Off, received a Purple Heart but w/all that took place I have no med rec and I did live with the med drs for a few weeks after the battle, an moved to Can Toe when a new radar came. Hope you can help. Thank you Stan Strumsky ph 717 763 1714
9/5/2010Bob Ennis
CWO 68-69 call sign Viking 21. Still above ground and just found the site
8/24/2010Dave Cunningham
Good Afternoon Mark and thank you for your service. I apologize for not getting back to sooner but there were questions to be answered relative to the Association, your status, and the IRS requirements for membership relative to a 501(c)19 organization. Please feel free to go to the Association Membership application part of the menu to fill out your application. I would appreciate you contacting me by email at:Tigerlead67@aol.com. I would like to forward your email address on to the Association historian as I'm certain he would like to know more about the Tigers in the post Vietnam period. Looking forward to hearing from you.
8/21/2010CW4 (Ret) Mark Rowse
After being a grunt from 1969 - 1973 , I was accepted to flight school at Ft Rucker. Upon completion, I was assigned to the 121st Assault Helicopter Co at Ft Benning Ga. I was a brand new WO1 and I do not remember a CW2 in the unit. All were CW3 & 4 Vietnam returnees. These were the guys that made me a pilot. Never cut me an inch of slack flight wise, and taught me so many lessons that I still remember today. The aircraft, UH-1, OH-58, and AH-1G, still sported the Tiger and the lightning bolt on the nose. We also wore the same Vietnam era breast patch on our nomex. I left the Tigers at Ft Benning in 978 to go to KoreaHere 37 years later, I still have such fond memories of the unit and as I still fly as a commercial helicopter pilot, and the skills I learned from the guys who had developed and refined them in the crucible of battle. Welcome home, you all have my respect. Should membership in your association even include post Vietnam Tigers, I would love to be involved and support the organization.
Mark C Rowse
8/13/2010sammy humphrey
guys; i had a brother that was in Tilmon Humphrey that was a member of the flying tigers in 1967 and early 68 ./ he had come home on leave in february of 1968 and was killed in a car accident. I was wondering if any if you guy's may remember him. I would appreciate hearing from any of you. My e-mail address is sammyhumphrey@asicompanies.com
8/10/2010Pamela Huffman Richter daughter of William W. Huffman Sr.
Mr. Cunningham,
I've just become aware of your site. I wanted to thank you for nice post about our father's passing, as well as ask if there's anyway to learn more information from anyone that may have known him. My siblings and I would love any information possible I'm starting a scrapbook of his life, so any photo's, stories,or patches that might be of help would be greatly appreciated. I know that he had wanted to go to the reunion held at Ft. Rucker in 2006, however I am unaware if he was able to make it. Any help from anyone would be wonderful. You, or anyone can contact me at, Prichter34@aol.com
Thank's in advance, Pam Richter
8/9/2010Fred Lammers "White Tigers"
I was the Crew Chief on the Strawberry Bitch, I still have the name tag for the heuy, AC CWO R. Fleming, asked me to take the picture to town and have it painted, I believe it was the Playboy center fold, they made us paint over the Bitch. The gunner was Dave Hamilton. Brings back some old memories good and bad, still remember Major Miller, and the TET, they had use fly to the in country R$R center on the coast, when all hell brook lose.
8/9/2010Sp-5 Fred Lammers
Crew Chief and door gunner slick 67 thru 68
8/5/2010Jim Lohman
SP-5 Bud Dodd:
I was in the Viking Platoon from about mid 65 to 12-65. Remember Fiveash and Trainor, Pappy Snelson, Pop Bedell?
8/5/2010SP-5 Bud Dodd
Was crew chieh for the Vikings-- from 1965 to 1966
Earned 25 Air medals 1 with "V"device
Any guys out there from that time ?
7/29/2010Dave Cunningham
It saddens me to report the passing of William Walter Huffman, Sr. Bill was a crew chief with the Blue Tigers and Wrecker in the 65-66 era. For information and obituary please go to: http://www.calvertfuneralhome.com. May he rest in peace and his family and friends find comfort.
7/2/2010George Quackenbush
Wishing all the Vikings and Tigers a happy and safe 4th of July.
6/30/2010Carlotta White
As you may or may not know the VA admitting a little fupa in that the dental clinic in st. louis didnt sterilize their instruments correctly and now everyone who had dental care there (during a certain time frame) may have been exposed to HIV or hepatitis. It is a low risk but one you are not the only one taking.
If you had dental care there in the time period they are talking about you will likely get a certified letter in the mail asking you to report for some blood work. Couple problems here.
1. you may have had dental care there and didnt receive a letter so if you did get care call and ask about testing regardless if you got a letter
2. dont blow it off get the blood work done why?
cause hiv and heptatic c are transmitted in blood (and bone marrow) (so you may have had someone elses blood in your mouth during dental care or if you donated blood (OR BONE MARROW) since the dental visit you have possibly exposed them and it is sexually transmitted ( so if you had sexual relations with anyone you have exposed them to the risk as well)
3 the testing is for this time only as far as i know and hiv and hepatitis can lie dormat or inactive for sometime so get retested in the future as well and use caution with donating blood and have sexual relations until you know.
also even if you dont live in st louis ask about the procedures at your va for sterilizing dental equipment. i bet it is not the only facility because the reason they bypassed the normal sterilization procedure is the very sensitive and expensive equipment they use get torn up in the sterilizing process and they dont have the money to replace them.
sorry to be the voice of doom just want you to all be educated. take care
6/18/2010Tom Materene
RIP Keith, and thank you Al for letting us know. As long as there is one Tiger left we won't forget you Keith. God Bless
6/16/2010Alton (Al) Watson CC Vikings 1968
Gents,I am sad to report the loss of a fellow Viking Crew Chief 1968-69 and dear friend ,Keith Keelin. I had the pleasure to be in contact with him over the past few years. He will be greatly missed. His wife and family are feeling a great loss.Keep Keith and his family in our prayers.
6/9/2010Jerry E. Hatfield (WO1- Tiger 20) 69-70
Any one know how to contact CE Dave Peck?
6/9/2010Jerry E. Hatfield (WO1- Tiger 20) 69-70
Any one know how to contact CE Dave Peck?
5/24/2010SSG Terry L.Bryan(Ret.)
I was in the 36th Dental Detachment for most of 1966 and the first part of 1967. I was the dental assistant who worked with the dentist who shot more basketball than doing denistry. When his tour was up I was it for dental care, gave many who came in with a dental problem an in country RR to Saigon. I was stationed in Saigon from June of 1965 until I replaced the d.a. who was returning to the world. The Sgt. of the door gunners came in who had lost a filling, all I could do was put in a tempory filling, he was hard charger turned down the trip to Saigon. I asked him about being a strap hanger, he said he could use me. I was a pfc then, got to fly many missions, most were milk runs but did get in on 3 CA. I hated being a d.a. Gunning was some exitement for me, the pilots were logging my time, found out I had been awarded an Air Medal long after I got out of the army. I remember the door gunners had a monkey that was friendly to everyone except for the Sgt. It bit him one time too many and got sent up by a weather balloon, provided by the 2 man air force weather station. When HQ in Saigon found out what I was up to, sad to say I was ordered to stop gunning. I re-enlisted for an Airborne/Special Forces option in March of 1967. After completing my training I was a weapons specialist with the 3rd SFG at Fort Bragg, NC. I returned to Vietnam on 21 September 1968 and was assigned to Det. B-52 Project Delta in the recon section, 5th SFG. In April 1969 we were doing the recon work for the 101st Airborne Division in the A Shau valley, on 16 April 1969 my team located a large NVA base camp. I lost half my team during the intense firefight that ensued, 2 out of 3 survivors suffered multiple GSW's including me.The battle of Hamburger Hill was fought in May of 1969. Spent over 11 months in hospital and was medically retired on 7 April 1970.I will always remember my time I spent at Soc Trang and the couragist acts I witnessed while there. SSG Terry L Bryan(ret.)
5/15/2010Kurt Welser CWO 121st AHC Soc Trang 1970
I flew slicks mainly, call sign Tiger 13 (assistant opns officer) unofficial call sign "Froggie" Occasionally flew Light Ship "Tiger Surprise". Got my "cherrie" busted flying it with WO Bill Scusa AC,who was later wounded in the carsh that killed Sgt Vaspori and others. I roomed with WO Steve Callarik, and flew with WO George Weiler (Chicago)Viking Guns pilot & we got shot down covering our first insertion.(old memories)Glad to see this site and organization. I've ben out of touch, living in Alaska now for 34 years, working as a Physician Assistant. God Bless email: kurtwelser@yahoo.com
5/8/2010Ed York
ATTENTION! A brand new website has been launched for veterans and active duty service members to locate each other. The Armed Forces Locator website is a FREE service for veterans and active duty service members who have a desire to find old buddies. It is the first directory-based website on the Internet. When members from your old unit register you are automatically informed. It is a great service. Try it out today!
5/7/2010Bill Caudill
The Ronald K. Wood listed as a door gunner 65-66. Were you in the 25th Inf. Div. fighting on the ground in 66?
4/29/2010Tom Materene
To John Crockett Jr. Here are a few links that you can browse maybe this will shake your memory. Welcome home brother, I was a former member of charlie 1st 506th 101st, before I got lucky and spent my time in RVN in two of the finest aviation units in our Army.
4/26/2010Rance Jurevwicz, Capt., USA, Ret
Websites like this is a great service to veterans. Please continue with your outstanding work. We have added a link to your site on our monthly newsletter. Also, veterans who need information on the latest compensation news, compensation announcements, and compensation developments, please visit our website today. Also, have you ever had hard time of trying to reach your VA primary care physician? Sick of voice mails? Tired of getting the run-around when you call the VA? The new VA Locator service at U.S. Veteran Compensation programs will save you time, money and aggravation. Try it today!
4/26/2010John Crockett Jr
Can someone help me find a assn. to become a member of? Was with 101stAHC 101st ABN Div 69-71 Im lost and truley need help. Thanx, and WELCOME to ALL
4/16/2010Dave Cunningham
Welcome home gents. Hope you will consider attending the reunion in May(info elsewhere on this site) and joining the Association.
4/16/2010Mike Brewer
121st Vikings 1967-1968 wounded in Tet 68 helping specials forces by seven mountains can't remember names of the other crew members any help
4/16/2010Burl McDonald
93rd TC Co (Light Helicopter) from 1962 to 1963, missed the boat in Dec and had to wait 4 months to join, was told the unit would be back in Devens in 6 months, so much for our TDY trip
4/12/2010Phil Hoza
336th Warrior and T-Bird, Soc Trang 67-68. Will be at the reunion with Wife and T-Bird Chief, Bob Knight and wife. Staying at the Dothan Marriott Courtyard and look forward to seeing all of the 336th and 121 Soc Trang Veterans. See you there... philhoza@aol.com
4/12/2010Dave Cunningham
Hi Bob, Glad you stopped by the site. Hope you will make the reunion. If you need info on how and where to sign up for the reunion and the hotel please contact me at: Tigerlead67@aol.com and I'll provide whatever info you require. I'm sure our historian, Bob Greene, would love to talk to you. His contact info is listed elsewhere on this web site.
4/12/2010Robert (Bob) Wiese
John Kennedy told me about the site so thought I'd page through. I am a former commander of the Soc Trang Tigers at Ft. Benning, 1980 timeframe. By then the Hueys were older than the warrants flying them. Were supposed to get Blackhawks but that got delayed a year. The 121st was one hell of a unit! I am proud to have been a small part of the organization. Will look at trying to make the reunion.
Gallery contains over 300 new photos contributed by George Muccianti.
3/31/2010Bruce A. Terry
Dustoff 83, 1968
3/30/2010Dave Cunningham
Yesterday, 29 March 2010, the US Senate unanimously passed a resolution declaring 30 March 2010 Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day. On 30 March 1973 all US forces were withdrawn from Vietnam. A long time in between but still appreciated. Enjoy your day gentlemen and remember those who did not live to see this day.
3/16/2010Ryan Miller, SFC, Ret. (ryan.k.miller@us.army.mil)
Gentlemen, I spent 20 years in the army and retired in 2006. I was a crew chief on Hueys an Blackhawks during those years. After a little research and some help from Mr. Roush, with VHPA, I use to crew a Huey that was assigned to your unit. The tail number was 66-01165. I spent 2 great years on 165 and miss it dearly. I was stationed at Ft. Polk from 87-93. 165 came to us in 1988 from CCAD after overhaul. Our unit eventually got Blackhawks and 165 went to Arkansas where is served as a Medevac aircraft until it retirement. It was then sent to Davis Mothin AFB. I really with I could find out if it is still there. I would love to see it again, just to relive my memories. I hope this entry finds someone who remembers 165 from its time in Soc Trang.
3/16/2010John Evener @yahoo.com
I was the crew chief on the new tiger surprise right after Vaspori was killed in the crash of the old one.The nose art on the new one was totally different then some of the pictures ive seen.Anybody remember me , look me up i was there in 1970, at soctrang 121st.
3/5/2010Dave Cunnningham
Hi Kenneth. To register for the reunion please go to: www.shieldofthemekong.com. Hope to see you there.
3/5/2010Kenneth W. Brast
Need to add my name the May reunion. Comanchero 3 1969
2/22/2010Bill Ballou
Hi, JUst a short note of thanks. I was an advisor with Team 51 in Bac Lieu from Dec67 to Dec 68. Was inserted and more importantly extracted many times by your unit, especially during the 68 TET offensive. THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!
2/20/2010Tom Materene
Hey Dave, I was looking at the KIA page and noticed that the first entry for David Anderson has a typo, his name is David not Davis. He was killed in a convoy ambush while returning from Can Tho. There were several others wounded but returned to duty.
I remember a story that was from Sister Mary Martin of the Soc Trang Catholic church, she stated that there was an incident she was driving to Can Tho and came upon some engineers doing road work, they were laying off to the side of the road taking a nap, so she stopped and woke them up and told them how dangerous this road was!
If I remember there was always an armed escort from the Vikings or T-Birds at least going one direction. For those that never traveled this road I can tell you from experience it was a rough rough rough drive, and by the time you get to Can Tho or back to Soc Trang that helmet has just pounded your helmet until you can't take anymore and finally take it off, this was exactly what killed poor David, the helmet had he had it on would probably had saved his life.
2/9/2010Robert H. Geddings MSG USARET
MACV TM#73 Kien Thien District 1970-71. Thanks for all the great support from admin flights and especially for the fantastic Dust Off crews. We had some wild rides.
2/6/2010Rob Elliott
Served with the Blue Tigers from Jan-Sep '70, when the unit was deactivated and airfield turned over to VNAF, then went to the 175th Outlaws in Vinh Long. Recognize and think well of several names I see on the roster, but still am curious about a few others I don't see. Henry T. Brown? Very best to everyone. rrohell788@hotmail.com
2/6/2010Haven Talich
Served With Edward G. Porterfield, How great to find this website Hello Sir!
1/29/2010Rick Weimar { SP5 }
Served in Soc Trang from 12/68 to 12/69 with the 121st Aviation CO. flight operations. Looking for anyone I served with. Please feel free to email me: weimarrw@yahoo.com
1/19/2010Joyce (Modzelewski) LaFiura
Hi! I just found this website and was amazed with all the history! I totally enjoyed the pictures of Tuffy - as my brother CHARLES MODZELEWSKI, also cared for the tiger while he was in Vietnam 1963-1964. He served in the Army 93rd Trans. Co. & 121st Aviation Co. & I'd love to hear from anyone who knew him during his Vietnam days. Please feel free to email me: jlafiura@yahoo.com Thank-You & God Bless all of you for all of your dedication from your Vietnam days & beyond...... Joyce
1/10/2010Gene Veloni
A big hello to all of you guys . Just stopped in to check out this nicely done web site. I have recently retired and can actually say I do have some free time now.Of course as I am sure you know getting caught up around the house is a priority. My health is very good and the family is great. Hey take care of yourselves and enjoy the new year. Gene
1/1/2010Rance Jurevwicz
w w w . v e t e r a n p r o g r a m s . c o m
Happy New Year! We love this website. It has been very helpful for our members. Also, our members tell us that our website is the best place for veterans to find information about compensation, pension and benefits for veterans. We have been told that VSOs now recommend that veterans visit our website first before filing a claim. Veterans learn about the process, who to see, where to go, and how to maximize their disability claims. Visit today!
w w w . v e t e r a n p r o g r a m s . c o m
12/12/2009Charvis Morse
121st Mar69-Mar70. CC on WF Wrecker, White Tigers, and Vikings. Glad to find this site again. Lots of positive changes. Application and funds on the way.
12/6/2009Rance Jurevwicz
Many veterans encountered problems when trying to prove that their difficult-to-diagnose or undiagnosed illnesses were connected to military service. This affected these veterans’ access to disability compensation.
In response, VA asked Congress for the authority to provide compensation benefits to veterans who are chronically disabled by undiagnosed illnesses.
Click on hyperlinks to read more about these new Compensation Programs.
11/26/2009Tracy Cunningham
Hi Guys !! Just wanted to wish you a safe and Happy Thanksgivingg...try and enjoy it to the fullest!
11/26/2009Tom Materene
There was one Thanksgiving Day I remember in the 336th, came in after operations hoping to get a good meal, instead there was c cans on hot water, the details escape me but no turkey that day. I think the rations were delayed, like my memory now.
Have a great day with your families and many more. Tonight it drops to the low 30's here in Louisiana, my two dogs do a good job keeping my feet warm! I make them earn their keep. lol
11/23/2009Chuck Waldrop
Welcome home, my fellow comrades.Arrived in country in November 1964. Assigned to 80th Trans Det. Patched a few bullet holes in UH-1D's of the 121st. Anybody have knowledge or whereabouts of Sp5 William Terry? One of my hooch mates in 64-65.
11/15/2009Bill Caudill kimbro9er@embarqmail.com
Door gunner with the 121 VIKINGS armed huey-helicopters at Soc-trang. Feb-May 1965. Looking for my crew chief during this time. I was tdy from the 25th.
11/11/2009Kelly & Dave Misselhorn
Good Day Everyone! Happy Veterans Day! God Bless You and your families on the sacrifices that have been made to protect our country.
11/11/2009Dante Edwards
I worked as an Air Traffic Controller at Soc Trang from Jan 69-Jan 70. In that time worked closely with the Tigers and the Vikings. Courageous and top notch aviation company. Thank you all for your service. Enjoyed working with you.
11/11/2009Tom Materene
A big Salute to all of you gents, kinda sad to see so many gone now. I never realized so many had already passed until I read that we the living are now in the 1/3 left column. When I hit 100 or Jane is dead I won't mind leaving so much.
Tom Materene
11/10/2009Blanchard L. Curry
I was in the 121st Dec. 1965 - Dec. 1966. Was a Aircraft Maint. Supervisor. See a few names on the membership rooster that I remenber or have served with. I will be sending my membership application in soon.
11/6/2009Eugene Taylor
I was in the 121st in 68/69 was in communications
11/4/2009Don Smith
First time to visit your site. I was with the 221st Shotguns in '65-'66 at Soc Trang. Heard rumors of something called a "Banana Tree Party". Does anyone have any recollection of that? Tried to locate Foster Fort from those days and I see from the Memorial on your site that he has passed away, sorry I missed him. Perhaps I will see some of you at Rucker in May. Try me at Shotgun-8A@hotmail.com
10/3/2009Bruce Griffith
I was a crew chief for the 221st Avn Co during 1965 and 1966. Great to see the website. Now in Florida. Email: griffi20@bigplanet.com
10/1/2009Dave Cunningham
Well done, Marvin, and Welcome Home. I hope you will forward your contact information to me so that you will receive commos from the Association regarding reunions and other events. The applies to all you folks out there that we have no current contact info on. You can send it to my email address, located elsewhere on this web site. I can also provide my snail mail address and home phone number if you are more comfortable with that mode. Please know that your contact information is closely guarded and will never be relayed to anyone without your permission.
Best regards.
9/30/2009Marvin Searfoss
I was a mechanic in the Viking Platoon 1966-1967. Here is a poem I wrote about the war. Vietnam
The only ones that don't have memories gave their lives. Sometimes I think the dead have been spared. Other times I cry for those that have no memories. Some day I may leave my memories of long ago but for now I must remember so they never be forgotten.
9/15/2009Bill Wilson
For Tom Goetter from your 6/9/09 question. I flew with the 182nd Avn Co. We were in an old WWII bldg just east of the tower at Martin AAF. We were transistioning rotorwing pilots into the Huey, their next stop RVN. There was a 181st Avn Co there at Benning at that time also. We were in 10th Avn Group.
9/11/2009Dave Cunningham
Welcome Home Gents, Glad you found us. I sincerely hope you will consider joining the Association(membership application is on the web site) and support the efforts of the organization and reconnection and reunion, information, scholarship among others.
9/9/2009john hall
i was ncoic,4 the mess hall&truck driver,n 1968 - 1969 n soctrange.glad 2 fine this site thanks.
9/7/2009Jim Foreman
I flew with the Vikings in 1970. I am looking for Mike Cusick who was my mentor when I got in country. Please email any info on Mike to Foreman5150@yahoo.com
9/3/2009William G McQuade
Flew with the 121st late 67 to early 68. Wanted gunship platoon so did in country swap when 101st Air Cav came to VN. Left nice comfortable hooch, officer club, and large,but slightly damp,flat, emergency landing area to leading a forward liason party to a graveyard just south of the DMZ . After digging a bunch of holes in the ground (very non pilot like) we named it Camp Eagle. Soc Trang was "paradise lost". Have lots of photos. Will send soon.
8/30/2009James L. Coghill
Served with the 80th Trans. in 65 and 66
8/13/2009tom Goetter
when will shirts be available?
8/10/2009Dave Cunningham
Jon, Jerry has your contact info and will contact you. Good luck.
8/10/2009Karen Miller (Rick Bente)
I forgot to mention that Rick passed away in June 2001 from a heart attack....he was 55 yrs. old..he had flown for an off-shore company, Air Logistics for about 19 yrs.... Karen Miller
8/10/2009Karen Miller (Rick Bente)
Rick Bente, CW2 served Viking, Soc Trang, 7/68-4/69 (end of April) wounded sent home.... George Quakenbush has a phot of a pilot standing next to a UH-1...looks just like Rick.. we divorced in 1974. saw him last in 1989..he lived in Houston..I in Austin, Texas..he had remarried/divorced and had a daughter... Would George Quankenbush contact me via email and let me know if he remembers...well, I would recognize Rick anywhere.... kehm@yahoo.com Thank you and thank all of you for your service and courage... Karen Miller
8/9/2009Jon L. Spears
I served with the 121st from Apr. 63 to Apr. 64. I was a crew chief on CH-21. I started out in the 80th and with the help of Capt. Sullivan I was transferred. I would like to get in touch with Capt. Jerome (Jerry) Sullivan if possible. I have several pictures of him and I changing the aft transmission of a CH-21 in the field. We used another CH-21 to sling load it into position. It was quite a touchy situation. Thanks and good luck to all of you from the 121st and attached units. jspears@gvtc.com
8/9/2009tony thornton
I was with 121st mar.1969 to mar. 1970 I was door gunner with tigers and then with the vikings I was shot while covering the slicks on agent orange mission
8/8/2009David Cook
I served with the 221st Avn. Co at Soc Trang in November 1965 when I was hit and had to be Med Evacuated out. I am doing well and am a member of the 121st Avn. Co. I worked for the Dept. of the Navy at PSNS for 27 years when I took an early out. I retired as a foreman. I now am enjoying my retirement. I thank the 121st for med Evacuating me out which also aided in saving my life. I truly believe this. Welcome Home. God Bless all. Dave
6/19/2009Lee Huber
For Phil Olson:Tom Grier and Bob Stewart have agreed to help you with a reunion in Colorado Springs.Bob lives in Woodland Park and Tom in Littleton.My email is:lhuber1@sc.rr.com Send me a message and I'll give you some details. Lee Huber
6/19/2009Jim Lohman
Made it back from Cape May on Wednesday afternoon. Really enjoyed it, sorry I missed the museum, but Lois' ankle took precedence. I'm hoping to see some pictures on the website eventually. Hope to see you all at Rucker next year.
6/18/2009Barry White
Many Thanks to Tom Collins for a great reunion. So many memories standing next to the B-model with the Charlie Viking on the nose. I think my mother got a little better understanding of what we did in Viet Nam. It was really great getting together and talking about "old" times, yesterday for some of us. Funny, talking about flying back from Ca Mau, reminded Bob Greene about a bombing there while flying in the Blue Tigers. Bob has been trying for years to find someone else that was there. It was a good day for us, because Charlie put the bombs in the wrong place. It was a bad day for the villagers that got a wake up call from the T-Birds. Everyone thought we were receiving fire from the village. We weren't, as we found out later. Once again, thaks to sveryone for a great time at Cape May.
6/9/2009tom goetter
FOR Bill Wilson What unit did you fly with at Benning? I was with the 128th av co located across from jump school. We flew mainly transitioning to the "D" model, supported infantry school.
6/6/2009(Spec 4) Pat Dwyer, 257th Avionics Detachment
Dave: Thank you for the patches, they got here chop-chop and A-OK thanks to the padded envelope. And I was more than happy to send the 150 "p" for the Lifetime Membership. I noticed that Tim McCullough (he was from Kansas City) is on your list: he was with me in the 257th; he was airlifted to Japan due to possible hepatitis, as I recall; and all of us in his hootch had to get Gamma Globulin shots because of our proximity to him... I seem to recall a few instances of him displaying definitive exhibitions of "projectile vomiting." He was really sick. I will definitely try to get to a 2010 reunion...being retired has 'some' advantages. And yes, Memorial Day and the 65th anniversary of D-Day are 2 days that should make us remember to be grateful, but also to be proud of our part in continuing the tradition of those who put their lives on the line and who shut up and do what they're told. Me, I fought for all of you guys, and our families, NOT for Johnson or Nixon. And I was proud to have done so. Enjoy yourselves, and I'll see you next year, Lord willing.
6/1/2009Bill Wilson
For Jim Bell from 8/3/08 Sorry for the delay in answering. The reason for the "in vain" was we were talking about folks who were across the pond early and your name came up and I mentioned we had flown together for a while at Benning, '66-'67. Frank Bell was also there among others. As for who I am, I was transferred from Martin Army Hospital to the UH1 Transition Traning Committee in Jan, '66. I flew as an IP for 10-11 months until the CO stuck me in supply as the supply officer until I left active duty in Apr, '67. While with the UH1 TTC/181st, I also flew the mission when the F-5, out of Moody AFB down in Moultrie,GA, went in short of the runway over in Macon at Robins AFB. My co-pilot was a CWO who worked in operations but was not on flight status at the time, I don't remember his name. Anyway, if you happen to be in Cape May later this month I will make myself known to you and you can take my name in vain while we share a drink.
5/16/2009Pat Dwyer
re: my 5/15/09 post: Stupid me (old age? Nah...) I forgot to put dates in there: I was sent to SocTrang from Ft. Gordon on TDY during Tet'68... nice warm welcome! I extended for a full tour, rather than go back to Augusta and maybe be on riot duty in Atlanta or some such bullcrap. I was the Avionics Tech for the 'bat planes' that were under tarps in the 121 Hangar during the day. When they went Stateside in late May '68 I went to working nights doing comm equip repair on all of the aircraft at Soc Trang. It was my honor and high privilege to do 'whatever it took' to keep you guys flying safely. I appreciate what we all did there more and more every day. Welcome home, Brothers.
5/15/2009Dave Cunningham
Hey there. I was with the 257th Sig Det (Avionics) from Feb 18th 1968 and assigned to the 121 until around September when I was transferred to the 336th. Anyway, if there's a way to get 3 of the 121 patches, I would "ruv yu rong time, G.I." I found a 336th patch on eBAY, but 'nada' for the 121; glad that I thought of Googling "121st AHC." (Don't you wish that we had comps and e-mail back in the day?).--Pat Dwyer (by the way: very nice website here. And I will try to make the June reunion, but it's kinda slim-to-none, due to such short notice --my fault for that.)I will also apply for membership most ricky-tick.
4/17/2009Dave Cunningham
Tom, I have some Tiger patches here. They were made here in the USA but are decent quality. They were copied from an original patch I brought back. The price is $6.00, including S/H. I mail them in a padded envelope so they don't get chewed up by USPS. They will also be available at the reunion, along with the TIGER polo shirts, stickers, and a new association polo shirt that will ready in time for the reunion. I believe people will like them as they will display the association logo you see on the home page of this web site.
4/17/2009Dave Cunningham
Tom, I'll relay your message to the webmaster. Thanks for the reminder. Am still awaiting your contact info so you can receive commo from the association regarding reunions and other events.
4/16/2009Dave Cunningham
Welcome Home Sherman, Paul, and David. Thanks for visiting the web site. We hope you continue to do so as the site is proactive and new items being added all the time. Please note the upcoming reunion at Cape May in June 12-14. It will be a very special time for the Tigers and Vikings. Please also consider becoming a member of the association. Information on that and a down loadable application are available elsewhere on the site. Please also forward your contact information(mailing address, phone number, and email address) to me at: Tigerlead67@aol.com or the association secretary at jds50@aol.com. That will get you on the mailing list for association events. Again, welcome home.
4/13/2009David L Brown
I was a member of the 121st from late 1969 until the unit was disbanded. Now living in Deland Florida.
4/13/2009Paul Refsell
Vikings '67-'68
4/4/2009sherman e. watts
I was in 121st from jan 70 until union was disbanded and I was sent to the 162nd avn co. my e-mail is wattsse56@verizon.net
4/3/2009Paul E. Bartlett
I am a life member of the 71st AHC Association. Served with the 71st in Bien Hoa and Chu Lai 67-68. I will be a vendor at your reunion at Cape May, NJ. I make Huey Rotor Blade Plaques with inlayed cross sections of Huey Rotor Blades www.heliplaque.com I have your unit patches and Hueys I laser on the plaques as will as challenge coins and wings. An information plate is inlayed and laser engraved with your information. I live in Western MA and want to ask if any Tiger may be interested sharing a room with a Rattler(71st AHC I don't bite) during the reunion. This would make the stay at half price saving $157.00? Contact me at Paul@heliplaque.com if you want save a few bucks. Welcome Home Tiger's!!
3/14/2009Dave Cunningham
Good Evening Tom, Welcome home and welcome aboard. I would be pleased to add to you to the list. Would also appreciate your contact data so unit commo can be relayed to you as it is available. You can forward that to me at: Tigerlead67@aol.com or any other board member. Their email addresses are available elsewhere on this web site. Please note the information regarding the upcoming reunion at Cape May, NJ on 12-14 June 2009. This is a special event and well worth attending. Hope to see you there.
3/14/2009SP/5 tom howes
would like to be put on the tiger list
3/13/2009SP/5 Tom Howes
Was with the 121st 64/65 flew door gunner on huey slicks and worked in admin. Found the site and was glad to see a lot of fellow tigers are still around have a good one! will check in again.
3/11/2009Rick Thomas
Hello Dan Swecker. Heard you were still around Olympia, WA. I've retired from Hoquiam PD and living in Central Park now working part time. Drop me a line sometime at randsthomas@comcast.net. Take care Rick
3/8/2009Dan Swecker
Served with the 121st AHC from Feb 68 to Sept 69. My first 4 months was as a Tiger and the rest as a Viking.
3/7/2009Dave Cunningham
Steve, Welcome aboard and welcome home. I sincerely hope you will consider joining the association and attending the upcoming reunion. Information about both is available on this website.
3/5/2009Steve Stross
80th trans. det. Soc trang 65-66
2/23/2009Brian Hjort
I am looking for help to locate an former advisor for 121th AVA. He served in Soc Trang from 1968-70. Hes name is Tom/Terry Durgan (Soundlike)he was an african american, born: 1947,and might had come from Chicago,Il. He had an amerasian daugther lives in USA. any help please email: brihj@hotmail.com
2/18/2009John Schmied
Sonia, If you will send me your e-mail address, I have some pictures of your grandfather and Ray Nutter together at a reunion a few years ago. I would be happy to share them with you. Please contact me at jds50@aol.com. My deepest sympathy to you and your family. I have to ditto what John Kennedy said, Roger was just a good guy and a good friend.
2/17/2009John Kennedy
I am saddened by this news. He was a good man, a good soldier and a general all around nice guy. Rest in Peace, Roger
2/15/2009Sonia Glasgow
i was just wondering if by chance any of you guys had any pictures of my grandpa...Roger Swindler and also of Ray Nutter... we will be having the funeral toward the end of may at fort snelling in Minneapolis, MN for both of them if any one would like to attend... i will keep you updated... my address is GlassHallPhotography@hotmail.com if you would like to send me some pictures if anyone has any... or contact me and i will give you my address if you dont have any on your computer... thanx much
Roger swindler recently died on 11/15/08
The web site has been updated with membership information. DAT and KIA lists have been updated. Details of the Cape May 2009 reunion have been placed on the web site. Hope everyone's having a great year :)
2/2/2009Russ Sumpter
Would love to come to the reunion but my health just won't allow it. All you guys that do make it,hope some of you remember me. Good luck to all you. Setting here looking at some pictures I have of tuffy. Happy New Year
1/11/2009John E Dodge
I served in the 18th AOD at Soc Trang from Jun 63 until March 64 and the I served at the Delta Avn Bn in Can Tho from March 64 until Dec 64. I worked in the 121st Avn (93d Trans) orderly room for SSG Joseph R Coella. My CO was CPT David Harpman. I am trying to locate other members. jdodge11@comcast.net
1/10/2009Don Klotz
This is for George Galante. Did yuo have a black hand painted on the back of your helmet? I was there the same time frame and the name jared my memory. I was crew chief on chopper. Crewed for the CO before I left. dandjklotz@verizon.net
1/3/2009John C. Buquoi
I was Spec. 5 John C.Buquoi in the 121st Avation Company in January 1969-1970. I was looking for fellow service men at the same time I was there. Also looking for our fighting tiger patch than I can purchase.
12/12/2008Gary West
I was Sgt. E5 West attached to headquarters platoon of the 121st ACH from 12/67-12/68. I was trying to locate Sgt Felschow. He kept the record of the attacks on the airfield and it seemed to be 273 by late 1968 if I recall. Hppy holidays guys !
11/24/2008don gary
thank you webmaster,,its good to be back with friends of so long ago-WELCOME HOME TO ALL..my e-mail address is rvcampers@sw.rr.com-
11/18/2008Dave Cunningham
George, Welcome home and welcome aboard. I can be reached at: Tigerlead67@aol.com. I am the membership chairman for the association and can provide whatever info you require. The upcoming reunion will be one of the best and well worth attending. Information on the reunion will be posted on the website and sent by snailmail as well. Please forward your contact information to me so I can get you on the mailing list.
11/18/2008George Muccianti
Gentlement, I stumbled upon your website by chance while playing with Google Earth. I was a spec 4 assigned to an 80TH Trans CH21 maintance crew in late 1963 and later took over the flight controls shop in one of those trailers next to the hanger. The Hueys came later in 64. Perhaps, I may be able to attend your reunion in June. Over the years I have lost tract of the friends I made in the army and this may be a way to rekindle those frirndships.
11/11/2008Dave Cunningham
Thank you for your service, Tigers and Vikings, and a special thank you to those families and friends who supported us during and after our time at Soc Trang.
10/30/2008John Kennedy
Hello Don Gary, I'm glad you found us, welcome in. I sent your info to the Association secretary and he will add you to the big master roster. Sorry about the delay getting you listed on the web site. Our web master is a full time professional type and he works for us on a volunteer basis when his work schedule permits.
10/29/2008don gary
still don,t see my name on the tiger list--i was sp6 tech inspector sept 67-till sept 68--carol mc,nair was the c-o and maj,,miller was wrecker 6
10/5/2008TOM COLLINS
Welcome home to all the new members. I have been tied up with our museum in Cape May,New Jersey. I hope to see all of you at the reunion this year and if you guys have anything you brought back with you,please bring it with you and it will join the 121st exhibit that is here.Thanks and see you then.
10/5/2008don gary
i was the chief spc.6 tech inspector at soc. trang 1967--68--80th trans with maj. gary miller and lowe enix..great bunch of people-i would like to hear from the people there at that time--e mail@ rvcampers@sw.rr.com
9/7/2008Dave Cunningham
Hi Tarry and Tony, Welcome aboard and welcome home. I hope you both will consider joining the association and getting to the reunions(next one is planned for 12-14 June 2009.) The application can be downloaded from this web site by going to the "ASSOCIATION" section of the menu to the left and then to "MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION". The directions for filling out and mailing are on the form. My contact info is listed under the "CONTACT" section.
9/6/2008tony thornton
I was with the 121st tigers 1969 and also the vikings I was shot on a mission covering slicks spraying agent orange I can remember Joe Woods from macon ga. I would love to here from some of the guys that was in soc trang 1969 and 1970
8/18/2008David Cook 221st Recon. Shotgun49a
I greatly appreciate the invitation to join your organization. I sent my aplication with due in.
I was wounded at Soc Trang in Nov. 65. I see that your Organizationm was established on my birthday of 06.
I enjoyed viewing your site and photo's.
Thanks again, Dave
8/15/2008Dave Cunningham
Gents, One of our members is looking for pictures of Cobras with the 121st. If you have any please let me know and I'll let the dude know. Thanks!
8/11/2008tom goetter
Looking great. Thanks for all your work on this site. Viking 565.
8/3/2008Jim Bell
Yes, Bill Wilson it's the same guy. The 181st used to be the UH1 Transition Training Committee. Sorry, I don't rem-ember you. Why did you take my name in vain? I retired in Feb 1983.
8/2/2008Jerry Sullivan
Regret having missed the recent reunion but was on vacation in Hawaii. Glad to see you mention Doc Hall's book as I was Det Comdr of the 80th during his tenure at Soc Trang. I also got to see most of the CWO's who flew with the 93rd at Fort Devens where I also was the 80th CHFM C.O. in 1997/98. I am proud to have flown/serviced with he best pilots in the world.
7/8/2008Doug Wilson
Gents, there is also another good book "Soc Trang by Carl E. Bartecchi another flight surgeon 66-67. Doug W. Mavericks/Cobras
7/8/2008Dave Cunningham
Gents, Be advised a book titled "Through the Eyes of a Tiger" had been written by Jim Hall, Flight Surgeon at Soc Trang in 62/63. Jim is a Life member of the Association. I will keep you posted as to when the book is published as I'm sure all will want a copy.
7/4/2008Tracy Cunningham
Happy Independence Day for all those who have fought, lived, died and continue to fight for our country today. Thank you dad and all of those who have made freedom possible. Thank you dad for giving me the oppurtunity to meet and get to know those who have served and played a very important role in your life and somewhat in mine. May all those who fight today rest peacefully tonight and those who are no longer with us remain a constant memory to how lucky we all are. May the flag contiue to fly freely and the eagle continue to soar.. Goodnight gentlemen!!! Take care, Tracy Cunningham
6/18/2008Jim Lohman
Ditto Dave's comments on the reunion. Lois and I had a great time, and look forwaed to doing it again.
6/11/2008Dave Cunningham
The Ft Rucker reunion of the past weekend was well attended and enjoyed by all who came. Always great to catch up with old friends and make new ones. Hope everyone made it home OK and plans are underway for reunion 2009. Stay tuned.
6/9/2008Bill Wilson
4/5/2008Jim Bell
Was with the 93rd Trans. first; then, it became the 121st. Shortly after that I left for the 57th Med Det in Saigon.
Is this the same Jim Bell who flew in the 181st Avn Co at Ft Benning in 1966-67? We were transistioning rotor wing pilots to the Huey and sending them to assignments in Vietnam.
If so, I took your name in vain this past weekend at the reunion.
Bill Wilson, billwilson1@bellsouth.net
6/2/2008sp/4 sherman e. wattas
I serve in 121 avn from January 1970 to about June 1970. Unit was did banded and I was sent to the 162 AVN co. Can Tho, Viet Nam
6/1/2008Richard (Rick) Sprowl
I'm glad to see the 121st continue on into the future. 67N2VP, I figured gunning was more fun than getting stuck in the 80th Trans hanger. Viking gunner. I stayed in, became a C/E with C Trp, 1/17 Air Cav, 82nd Abn and later Production control NCO, BN Maint NCO 2nd AVN, 2nd INF in Korea. I just found this link from the old site and I will be following events. Hi to all that I remember, Mr. Cunningham etc, greetings to all the 121 folks. Sorry I won't be able to make the reunion, trans problems. Enjoy all
5/29/2008george galante
65 -66 door gunner (shotgun 11)
5/26/2008Jim Lohman
Will be at the reunion in June, arriving o/a noon on the 5th. Have already registered, so I hope there's no screw ups. Hope to see you all there.
5/26/2008Mike Fjermestad 1963 - 1964
I hope that all have a good reunion at Ft Rucker in June .. I am sorry that I will not be able to attend ... thank you for the invite ... it has brought lots of fond memories back .again lots of luck to all that served ...
Mike Fjermestad
5/26/2008Tom Burroughs, Warrior 4, Soc Trang - 1970
Glad I found your website. I'll check in frequently. Check out www.336ahc.com. Wish I could make it to the reunion at Fort Rucker. Have a good one.
5/15/2008brian king Viking 21
Great new web site. Sorry to hear about Bob being sick. If I can help let me know.
5/12/2008Tracy Cunningham
Happy belated Mother's Day to all those wives and moms who are special in their own right...It takes a very special person to take care and support a military man...Still loving the website...keep up the good work... With all my respect and admiration to all those who have served, Tracy Catherine Cunningham
4/20/2008Tracy Cunningham
This website ROCKS!!!! All those that have been involved over the years have done a great job in getting this organization off the ground. It has become a very special time for our family to be given the chance for my sister(Kelly) and me(Tracy) the oppurtunity to meet some one of the people that my dad talks so fondly of...It has changed our lives and opened our eyes up to what is important in life and to cherish the ones you love. I am not going to be able to attend this year due to working obligations but do enjoy yourselves and each others company....Cheers to the 121 AVN Association!!!!! With all my respect and admiration to all those who have served, Tracy Catherine Cunningham
4/16/2008Kelly Cunningham
Hello! I could not resist writing a quick note. Kudos to the webmaster (I am a little biased in that area :) and too all of you who have worked super hard on making this organization more than a thought :) I can't wait for the reunion- it has become more than a meaningful experience for me.
4/6/2008John R BOFFETTI
I was in the 121st 64-65 any brothers remember then.Glad to see new advancement.
4/5/2008Jim Bell
Was with the 93rd Trans. first; then, it became the 121st. Shortly after that I left for the 57th Med Det in Saigon.
Hello to all the TIGERS.
4/2/2008Steve Roberts
I just found this site and will send in for membership. I was part of the 121st AHC. Crew Chief on Tiger 14, and later Tiger Surprise, 1969-1970.
3/4/2008Don Mobley
PO box 951 willow alaska 99688, wildernessdon@yahoo.com
3/4/2008Don Mobley
If you know me from SocTrang in 1968 please contact me. I was on guard duty at the bunker behind the communications building, the one next to the one with the giant metal disc, and I was there when the guys got wounded behind the bunker in our sandbag enclosure. I was also gest friend to IKe who killed himself in his bunk. If you know me or these incidents please get ahold of me, Don Mobley
2/19/2008Bob Greene
The website is really coming together. I'm currently working on the unit history and will have it ready soon.
2/16/2008John Kennedy
Remember the 13th(Delta) Avn Bn (and all other aviation units from the Mekong Delta) reunion at Fort Rucker, 6-8 June 2008. Contanct Stan Gause, sgause101@bellsouth.net or 561-852-1675 for more details.
2/9/2008Lee Huber
This looks like a very functional website.
2/5/2008Dave Cunningham
Wonderful site! Congrats to the webmaster on his persistence in putting this together.
2/5/2008John Schmied
Dave, Good job! It looks like it is all starting to come together.
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Feel Free to add any story or experience to the guestbook.
